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No physician can afford to be indifferent regarding the accurate filling of his prescription.


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Assures Normal Opsonic Index, Full Elimi-
nation of Waste. Rich Red Blood. Cell
Stimulation and Complete Nutrition.

BOVININE. Internally it establishes a normal balance between elimi-
nation and nutrition, result being health.

BOVININE. Contains every element in a full and proper proportion
necessary to completely feed every tissue of the human body.
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foods feed only in part, hence their field of usefulness is limited and
nature must accomplish the rest, and this she can seldom do.
BOVININE. Is not antagonistic to any medication, but greatly aids
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BOVININE. Locally as a dressing in all forms of ulceration or any peripheral starvation is ideal.

BOVININE. Is ready for immediate assimilation, does not disturb, but gives the gastro-intestinal tract full and complete rest.

BOVININE. Is rich in assimilable organic iron and is sterile.


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The Most Practical Book on Psychiatry Ever Issued

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No physician can afford to be indifferent regarding the accurate filling of his prescription.

Sims, Vol. No. II, of Grailly Hewitt, on Diseases of Women.


Few drugs employed in the treatment of diseases of women have gained the commendation of so excellent an authority and like expressions, since the time of Sims, have been uttered by many of the best men in the medical profession.

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In menorrhagia, where the flow is excessive as a result of any one of the several causes, Hayden's Viburnum Compound affords relief by imparting tone to the uterus and stimulating its contraction. Clinical evidence has conclusively proven that it is as effective as ergot without possessing the narcotic and dangerous properties of this drug.

In obstetrical cases, Hayden's Viburnum Compound is of particular service. It modifies the pangs of childbirth by its soothing effect upon the nervous system and by its anti-spasmodic action upon the uterus, making it particularly serviceable in cases of rigid os. On account of the reputation of Hayden's Viburnum Compound, it is extensively imitated, however only when the original Hayden's Viburnum Compound is prescribed, can you be assured of definite therapeutic results.


If the door opens outward from the sickroom and there is no danger of draughts blowing sheet aside, a single sheet is sometimes sufficient. In such cases, or where it is preferable to remove the sheet to moisten it instead of sprinkling by means of a whisk broom, the single sheet method as described is advisable. Loops of tape


Copynght, 19.5. The C. N. Crittenton Co.

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No physician can afford to be indifferent regarding the accurate filling of his prescription.

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To be a good salesman is to be certain of reaping the material benefits that are due a good professional man.

No physician can afford to be indifferent regarding the accurate filling of his prescription.

are sewn along the top of the sheet and these are looped over small nails or hooks at the top of doorway. The sheet can thus be readily removed and moistened in a basin containing a mixture of one part Platt's Chlorides and ten parts water, kept conveniently for that purpose


Dr. Haynes, in one of the late numbers of that exceedingly interesting publication, Folia Therapeutica, discusses various cardiac tonics. First of all he refers to a fact which is now well established and one which numerous authors have emphasized at various times. He says that at present the physician has no assurance that the tinctures or other preparations of digitalis, strophanthus or squill, such as he may prescribe, will produce the desired effect on the heart. Digitalis leaves, for instance, may appear to be fine specimens, yet a tincture prepared from them may be of little value as a cardiac tonic. The trouble is that the active principle content is a variable quantity; the leaves may vary on account of being gathered at the wrong time, or because of soil peculiarity, incorrect methods of drying or some fault in their preservation.

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A simple and effective treatment for the various affections of the bronchi. Especially useful for very young children. Avoids internal medication or may be used with any other treatment.

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As a whole the contribution of Haynes of Left-Overs

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Migoul (Bull. gén. de thérapeutique, April 8, 1907) states that cotarnine hydrochloride (stypticin) being an opium derivative, has the advantage of being at once a




The original efferves-
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stimulates liver, tones intes-
tinal glands, purifies alimen-
tary tract, improves digestion,
assimilation and metabolism.
Especially valuable in rheu-
matism, gout, bilious attacks,
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and correcting vicious or
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No physician can afford to be indifferent regarding the accurate filling of his prescription.

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