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an unpleasant taste to milk. Hence its association, in practice, with various other lactic acid-forming bacilli, which have the property of restraining this fat-modifying action.

When absorbed with milk, or in the shape of a pure culture, this "bacillus of Massol" passes through the whole alimentary tract, and is found strong and active in the excreta. The lactic acid bacilli of Western countries are less resisting, and are no longer found in the same conditions; they are destroyed in the intestine.

We may here remark that the ptomains and other poisons referred to previously as being the primary cause of premature and morbid senility are all produced by the bacteria of putrid fermentation which swarm in the alkaline intestinal contents, and act there on the nitrogenous elements of food.

It is easy to understand, therefore, that the introduction of an acid in the intestines will tend to restrain this putrefactive action.

The lactic acid bacilli, when carried into the intestines along with our food, continue to decompose sugary and starchy food stuffs into lactic and succinic acids, which, in their nascent state, are endowed with additional activity againt the bacteria of putrefaction.

Le Sage and Hayen long ago showed the useful action of lactic acid in cases of infantile diarrhoea, enteritis, and even in cholera.

Experience has shown these lactic acid bacilli to exert (a) a local action on intestinal lesions (tuberculosis, etc.); (b) an antiseptic action on all putrefactive processes; (c) a reflex action on the liver and pancreas, the normal secretions of which are increased; (d) a general tonic action on the whole organism due to the lactic acid acting as such after resorption into the blood.

Remarkable success has been obtained in the treatment of the following cases:

(1) Diseases of the digestive tract, such as gastro-enteritis, the green summer diarrhoea of infants, enterocolitis, diarrhoea of

hot countries, dysentery, intestinal tuberculosis, enteric fever.

(2) Whenever it becomes necessary to restrain to a minimum all causes of toxic action, e.g., in cirrhosis of the liver, in all forms of chronic nephritis, Bright's disease, etc.; in heart diseases, arteriosclerosis.

(3) In many forms of skin diseases more or less directly dependent on the condition of the digestive system, eczema, urticaria or nettle rash, furuncles, etc.

(4) In various states due to mechanical disturbance, hernia, intestinal ptosis, etc,

(5) In various diseases due to a morbid modification of the hepatic or pancreatic secretions, e.g., stone and gravel, pancreatic diabetes.

(6) In certain general diatheses, gout, rheumatism, arthritic diabetes.

(7) Whenever the patient, for some reason or other, is submitted to a diet capable. of promoting intestinal fermentation, e.g., the nitrogenous over-feeding of tubercular patients; in infants fed on cow's milk, whether sterilized or not.

One of the best forms of presentation of the associated lactic acid bacilli, both as regards activity and good preservation, is the "Fermenlactyl" (tablet form).

Fermenlactyl, the Bulgarian lactic ferments from carefully prepared cultures derived from selected semences of the Pasteur Institute (Paris), are reliable and a most convenient form for internal administration or for preparing special Bulgarian milk diet.


Frank writes on arhovin from his polyclinic in Berlin (Therapeutic Gaeztte, March 15, 1907). He had Heilman make bacteriological tests of arhovin, these showing that it renders the urine inimical to strepto-, staphylo-, and, especially, gonococcal growth. He concludes: "Arhovin is much more valuable than the balsams by its sedative and anæsthetizing influence on the inflamed urinary mucosa. The


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Attending Surgeon to the American Oncologic Hospital, Philadelphia: Fellow and ex-President of the
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The present edition contains notable changes in the portions of the work relating to the cataphorio treatment of cancer-the author's method of destructive sterilization by chemical currents—bringing the technical descriptions of the operation into harmony with his latest experience.

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Every doctor owes it to his women patients to save them from possible needless surgical mutilation, and in a large number of cases this book provides satisfactory and up-to-date technique. He also owes it to his cancer patients to test the method devised by the author of this work and ably presented to the medical profession in its pages.

F. A. DAVIS COMPANY, Medical Publishers

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irritation incidental to gonorrhoeal and other bacterial invasions of the urinary passages was considerably allayed or entirely suppressed, especially in inflammatory processes of the posterior urethra and the vesical neck. All the balsams, and even the East Indian sandal oil, are irritant to the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. On the other hand, I have given arhovin for long periods in a considerable number of cases and never noted the least symptom of irritancy. The patients themselves remarked that while they always had digestive disturbances from the balsams, arhovin never caused any trouble."


Some of the indications for sanmetto are: Vesical irritation and atony; enuresis due to atony; incontinence of urine in children, due to weak bladder; dribbling of the urine in the aged, not due to paralysis or growths; urine expelled upon exertion, as coughing; cystitis; catarrhal discharges from bladder or genitalia of male or female; seminal emissions; prostatitis, enlarged prostate and presenility.


J. Yingling, M.D., Baltimore, June 18, 1907: My wife has suffered intensely with hepatic (gallstone) trouble for the last five years, and everything that could be thought of has been used in her case. In December, 1906, she was to be operated, but her condition did not permit it. In sheer desperation I resorted to the probilin pills, and she has been improving ever since. She has been able in the last six months to do without morphine, which previously had to be given hypodermically twice or thrice a day. She is now able to go out and resumed some of her household duties. I am also prescribing the pills successfully in my general practice. My wife's case is, however, the worst that ever came under my observation, and so the efficacy of probilin was extremely gratifying.

Sole Agents for Great Britain: THOS. CHRISTY & Co., 4, 10 & 12 Old Swan Lane, London, E. C., England.

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