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Noe. Wife, tent the stere-tre

and I shalle asay

The depnes of the see that we bere, if I may.

435 Vxor. That shalle I do fulle wysely, now go thi way,

For apon this flood have we

With pyne.

flett many day,

Noe. Now the water wille I sownd,

A! it is far to the grownd; 440 This travelle I expownd Had I to tyne.

[blocks in formation]

445 This fourty dayes has rayn beyn, it wille therfor abate

[blocks in formation]

Vxor. Thise ar of mercy

tokyns fulle right.

what fowlle best myght,

Noe. Dame, thou counselle me,

And cowth,

With flight of wyng

475 Bryng, without taryyng,

Of mercy som tokynyng

Ayther bi north or southe?

For this is the fyrst day of the tent moyne. Vxor. The ravyn, durst I lay, wille com agane sone, 480 As fast as thou may cast hym furth, haue done,

He may happyn to day
With grath.

Noe. I wille cast out also
Dowfys oone or two.

485 Go youre way, go,

com agane or none

[blocks in formation]

472 Dame, thou M] Dame thi hs., L. — 503 be fon M] befon hs.,


[blocks in formation]


Secundus filius. Ther is left right none, and that be 525 Tercius filius. As stille as a stone oure ship is stold. that we were, fayn I wold;

Noe. Apon land here anone

My childer dere;

[blocks in formation]


Vxor. Thise floodis not afright

alle this warld so wide

Has mevid with myght on se and bi side.

Noe. To dede ar thai dyght prowdist of pryde,
Ever-ich a wyght that euer was spyde,

With syn,

Alle ar thai slayn,

And put vnto payn.

Vxor. From thens agayn

May thai neuer wyn?

536 now] noy hs. L, M vermutet noyed.


[blocks in formation]

Hs. Ee. I 12 der universitätsbibliothek zu Cambridge. vgl. bericht über die sitzung der Berliner gesellschaft für das studium der neueren sprachen vom 29. jan. 1889 (Herrigs Archiv).

[blocks in formation]

Ioseph fledde thoo, Mary also

in Egiptum cum puero; where they abode, till king Herode 40 migrauit ex hoc seculo.

hym worship we now born so fre ex illibata virgine.

That heuenly king to blis vs bringe, quem genuit puerpera,

that was and is and shall not mys 45 per infinita secula.

hym worship we nowe borne so fre ex illibata virgine.


AUS THE KINGIS QUAIR VON KING JAMES I. Ausg. von Rev. Walter W. Skeat, M. A. Edinburgh 1884, Scottish Text Society, vol. I, 39. betreffs früherer ausgaben vgl. dessen Introduction § 26; ferner Untersuchungen über das Kingis Quair Jakobs I. von Schottland, Berliner dissertation von W. Wischmann, Wismar 1887. dieser passus findet sich auch in Skeat's Specimens of English Literature, Oxford, 1871, s. 43. ms. in der Bodleiana zu Oxford, Arch. Selden B. 24.

159 And at the last, behalding thus asyde,

A round place (y)wallit haue I found,
In myddis quhare eftsone I haue (a)spide
Fortune, the goddesse, hufing on the ground,
And ryght before hir fete, of compas round,
A quhele, on quhich cleuering I sye

A multitude of folk before myn eye.

160 And ane surcote sche werit long that tyde,
That semyt to me of diuerse hewis;
Quhilum thus, quhen sche walde turne asyde,
Stude this goddesse of fortune & (of glewis).
A chapellet, with mony fresche anewis,
Sche had vpon hir hed; and with this hong
A mantill on hir schuldris, large and long,

161 That furrit was with ermyn full quhite,
Degoutit with the self in spottis blake;
And quhilum in hir chiere thus a lyte

Louring sche was; and thus sone it wolde slake,
And sodeynly a maner smylyng make,

159, 2 das hier und an anderen stellen eingeklammerte fehlt im ms.; von Skeat ergänzt; A (full) round H(olt)h(ausen Anglia, Beibl. VII 100, Anm.).— 159, (than) clevering Sk(eat). — 160, 2 (vn)to Sk. 2


160, 3 wald

[hir] Sk.-161, 1That (wel i-)furrit with ermyn quhite Hh; doch änderungen unnötig; ermyn mit zerdehnung z. 1.: er(e)myne. 161, 3 alyte ms. z.l.:

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