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5 with offte kyssyng of feithfull kyndenesse,
with grete proffres on the tother syde



of gold, of tresour and of gret rychesse, withinne his paleys yif he wolde abyde.


Alle thes profres meekly he forsook,
and to the kynges royall mageste
hym recomaundyng anoon his weie he took.
at his departyng this avouh maad he
with pitous wepyng knelyng on his kne
vn to the kyng in full humble entent:
'duryng my lyf, it may noon other bee,
schall i neuer doon of this garnement.'


At ther departyng was but smal langage:
sweem of ther speche made interupcyoun.
the kyng goth hom, Guy took his vyage
toward Warwyk, his castell and his toun,
no man of hym hauyng suspecyoun,
where day be day Felyce, his trewe wyf,
fedde poore folk of greet devocyoun
to praie for hir and for hir lordys lyf.


Thrittene in noumbre, myn auctour writeth so.

Guy at his comyng forgrowe in his vysage,

thre daies space he was oon of tho,

that took almesse, with humble and louh corage:

60, 5 w. o. k.] with honde in honde H || of] and L. 6 wi hf. H þat othir H, the other T.

f. T miche H.


clene forsoke H.

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8 yf þat H.

2 vnto H.

7 zweites of] and of H, and T || drittes of

61, 1 But al poo profferys Guy pere 3 hym] with H || recommaundyd T.

4 hinter 5 H || his] þat H. 5 with] and H. 6-8 Duryng Guyes lyf it wil noon oper be (bis hierher rot durchstrichen) He should neuer were oper garnamente Til crist ihesu (so!) of mercye and pytee Here in this eorpe have for his soule sent (die beiden letzten wörter zweite hd. auf rasur) H. 6 in] with L. - 8 garlement L. 62, 1 but] ful L. 2 sw. of th. s.] þeire hevinesse H || swem am rande von ds. hand (im text s und dahinter eine lücke) T|| pinterrupcioune H. 3 went T took] to H. 5 man] weyght Hhauyng vor of T. 8 lyffe zweite hd. auf rasur H. · 63, 1 my Otellepe H. 2 erstes his f. H. - 3 by

[ocr errors]

three H.



thankyng the contesse in haste took his viage.
nat fer fro Warwyk, the cronycle doth expresse,
of aventure kam to an hermytage,
where he fond on dwellyng in wyldirnesse.


To hym he drouh besechyng hym of grace
for a tyme to holde there soiour.
the same hermyte withinne a lytel space
by deth is passed the fyn of his labour;
affter whos day Guy was his seccessour
space of too yeer by grace of Cryst Iesu
dauntyng his flessh by penaunce and rigour,
ay more and more encresyng in vertu.


AUS HENRY THE MINSTREL'S 'WM. WALLACE', BUCH I. The actis and dedis of etc. Schir William Wallace etc. by Henry the Minstrel, ed. by James Moir, Edinburgh 1889, s. 13-16. betreffs früherer ausgaben vergl. dessen einleitung, s. XIV ff. dieser abschnitt auch in Skeat's Specimens of English Literature a. D. 1394 - a. D. 1579, Oxford 1871, s. 64—66. ms. in der Advocates' Library, Edinburgh.

So on a tym he desyrit to play.

In Aperill the thre and twenty day,

Till Erewyn wattir fysche to tak he went:

370 Sic fantasye fell in his entent.

To leide his net, a child furth with him 3eid;
But he, or nowne, was in a fellowne dreid.
His suerd he left, so did he neuir agayne;
It dide him gud, suppos he sufferyt payne.
375 Off that labour as than he was nocht sle:
Happy he was, tuk fysche haboundanle.
Or of the day ten houris our couth pass,
Ridand thar come, ner by quhar Wallace wass,
The lorde Persye, was captane than off Ayr;

380 Fra thine he turnde and couth to Glaskow fair.

63, 5 in h. t.] made þane H. 6 from L, frome H || W.] thens H. 64, 1 hym] whome H. - 2 as for H || there] with him H. 3 same f. H

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Part of the court had Wallace labour seyne,
Till him raid fyve, cled in-to ganand greyne,

Ane said sone: 'Scot, Martyns fysche we wald hawe.'
Wallace meklye agayne ansuer him gawe:

385 'It war resone, me think, 3he suld haif part:
Waith suld be delt, in all place, with fre hart.'
He bad his child, 'Gyff thaim of our waithyng.'
The sothroun said: 'As now of thi delyng
We will nocht tak, thow wald giff ws our-small.'
390 He lychtyt doun, and fra the child tuk all.
Wallas said than: 'Gentill men gif 3e be,

Leiff ws sum part, we pray for cheryte.

Ane agyt knycht serwis our lady to-day;

Gud frend, leiff part and tak nocht all away.' 395 "Thow sall haiff leiff to fysche, and tak the ma; All this forsuth sall in our flyttyng ga.

We serff a lord; thir fysche sall till him gang.'
Wallace ansuerd, said: "Thow art in the wrang.'


'Quham dowis thow, Scot? in faith thow serwis a blaw.' 400 Till him he ran, and out a suerd can draw.

Willzham was wa he had na wappynis thar,
Bot the poutstaff, the quhilk in hand he bar.
Wallas with it fast on the cheik him tuk

Wyth so gud will, quhill of his feit he schuk. 405 The suerd flaw fra him a furbreid on the land.

Wallas was glaid, and hynt it sone in hand;
And with the swerd awkwart he him gawe
Wndyr the hat, his crage in sondre drawe.
Be that the layff lychtyt about Wallas;
410 He had no helpe, only bot Goddis grace.
On athir side full fast on him thai dange;
Gret perell was giff thai had lestyt lang.
Apone the hede in gret ire he strak ane;
The scherand suerd glaid to the colar-bane.
415 Ane othir on the arme he hitt so hardely,

Quhill hand and suerd bathe on the feld can ly.
The tothir twa fled to thar hors agayne;
He stekit him was last apon the playne.
Thre slew he thar, twa fled with all thair mycht
420 Eftir thar lord; bot he was out off sicht,

Takand the mure, or he and thai couth twyne.
Till him thai raid onon, or thai wald blyne,
And cryit: 'Lord, abide; 3our men ar martyrit doun
Rycht cruelly, her in this fals regioun.

423 Hh streicht And.

425 Fyve of our court her at the wattir baid,
Fysche for to bryng, thocht it na profyt maid.
We ar chapyt, bot in feyld slayne ar thre.'
The lord speryt: 'How mony mycht thai be?'
'We saw bot ane that has discumfyst ws all.'
430 Than lewch he lowde, and said: Foule mot 30w fall,
Sen ane 30w all has putt to confusioun.

Quha menys it maist, the dewyll of hell him droun;
This day for me, in faith, he beis nocht socht.'

Quhen Wallas thus this worthi werk had wrocht,
435 Thar hors he tuk, and ger that lewyt was thar;
Gaif our that crafft, he 3eid to fysche no mar;
Went till his eyme, and tauld him of this dede.
And he for wo weyle ner worthit to weide;
And said: 'Sone, thir tythingis syttis me sor;
440 And be it knawin, thow may tak scaith tharfor.'
'Wncle,' he said, 'I will no langar bide;
Thir Southland hors latt se gif I can ride.'
Than bot a child, him seruice for to mak,
Hys emys sonnys he wald nocht with him tak.
445 This gud knycht said: 'Deyr cusyng, pray I the,
Quhen thow wanttis gud, cum fech ynewch fra me.'
Syluir and gold he gert on-to him geyff.
Wallace inclynys, and gudely tuk his leyff.



Towneley Mysteries, herausgeg. von der Surtees Society, London 1836; dies stück auch von Mätzner, Altengl. sprachpr. I, 359. The Towneley Plays, reed. etc. by George England, with Side-Notes and Introduction by Alfred W. Pollard, M. A., London 1897 (EETS, Extra-Series 71), wonach unser text. hs. früher zu Towneley Hall in Lancashire, jetzt im besitz der buchhandlung Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London. unwichtige abweichungen von der hs., die nicht immer grosse buchstaben zu beginn der verse und gelegentlich solche zu beginn der halbverse und im inneren derselben hat, sind nicht angemerkt worden. Processus Noe cum Filiis. Wakefeld.

Noe. Myghtfulle God veray,

Thre persons withoutten nay,

maker of all that is,

oone God in endless blis,

Thou maide both nyght and day, beest, fowle, and fysh,

Alle creatures that lif may

wroght thou at thi wish,

[blocks in formation]

The son, the moyne, verament,
Thou maide; the firmament,
The sternes also fulle feruent,

To shyne thou maide ful bright.

10 Angels thou maide ful euen, To haue the blis in heuen; Fulle mervelus to neuen;

alle orders that is,

this did thou more and les, yit was ther unkyndnes,

More bi foldis seuen then I can welle expres.

For whi?

[blocks in formation]

Zupitza-Schipper, Alt- und mittelengl. übungsb. 6. aufl.


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