A Flower in the Snow

Front Cover
Egmont, 2012 - Juvenile Fiction - 32 pages
In an icy kingdom far away lived the very best of friends: Luna and Bear. When a flower pops up in the snow, Luna is delighted! But soon the flower fades, and with it, Luna's smile. Bear sets off on an adventure to find another sunshine flower - but will Bear ever find what he is looking for? And will Luna and Bear ever be reunited again?

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About the author (2012)

A primary school teacher by trade, Tracey was inspired to begin her writing career three years ago when she implemented literacy programmes for children returning to school following periods of long-term illness. She became passionate about writing for children, convinced that language, expressed through wonderful literature, is the key that stimulates learning and imagination. Tracey's children's books have been published all over the world and she recently won the Hillingdon Picture Book Award.

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