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ARTICLE IV. Legislative Department.

1. Power vested in Senate and Assembly.

2. The sessions of the Legislature shall be biennial.

8. Members of the Assembly shall be chosen biennially.

4. Senators shall be chosen at the same time and place as members of the Assembly.

5. Senators and members of the Assembly shall be duly qualified electors.

6. Right to judge qualifications. 7. Either house may punish for contempt.

8. No senator or member of Assembly shall hold any civil office of profit during his term. 9. No person holding any lucrative office under the government shall be eligible to any civil office of profit.

10. Any person who shall be conIvicted of the embezzlement of the public funds of the State shall be disqualified from holding office

11. Members of the Legislature shall be exempt from arrest. 12. The Governor has power to fill vacancies in either house.

13. A majority of the members of either house constitutes a quorum.

14. Each house shall keep a journal. 15. The doors of each house shall be open during its session. 16. Bills may originate in either house.

17. Each law shall embrace but one subject.

18. Every bill shall be read by sections on three several days in each house.

19. No money shall be drawn from the treasury except by appropriation.

20. The Legislature shall not pass local or special laws in any of

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7. He shall see that the laws are faithfully executed.

8. The Governor shall have the power to fill vacancies.

9. The Governor may on extraordinary occasions convene the Legislature.

10. He shall communicate his message to the Legislature at every regular session.

11. The Governor shall have the power to adjourn the Legislature in case of a disagreement. 12. No person is eligible for Governor who holds any other office under the government. 13. Powers as to fines, forfeitures and reprieves.

14. He may remit fines and grant pardons.

15. There shall be a State seal. 16. Grants and commissions to be in the name of the State.

17. A Lieutenant-Governor shall be elected in the same manner as the Governor.

18. Acting Governor, when. 19. A Secretary of State, Treasurer, Comptroller, Surveyor-General and an Attorney-General

shall be elected in the same manner as the Governor.

20. Duties of the Secretary of State. 21. The Governor, Secretary of

State and Attorney-General shall constitute a board of prison commissioners, also board of examiners.

22. The Secretary of State, State Treasurer, etc.-Their duties.


Judicial Department.

1. The judicial power of this State shall be vested in a Supreme Court, District Courts and in Justices of the Peace.

2. The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and two associate judges.

3. The justices of the Supreme Court shall be elected by qualfled voters.

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6. Bank notes prohibited.

7. No right of way shall be appropriated to the use of any corporation without compensation. 8. Organization of cities and towns. 9. State not to donate or loan its credit or money.

10. No county, city or town to become a stockholder.


Finance and State Debt.

1. The fiscal year shall commence on the first day of January in each year.

2. Legislature to provide for levying an annual tax.

3. State may contract debts, etc. 4. State not to assume indebted




1. Taxation to be equal.



1. The Legislature shall encourage by all suitable means the promotion of intellectual, literary and scientific pursuits.

2. School system to be uniform. 3. Revenues pledged to educational purposes.

4. The Legislature shall provide for the establishment of a State university.

5. The Legislature shall have power to establish normal schools.

6. The Legislature shall provide a special tax.

7. The Governor, Secretary of State and Superintendent of Public Instruction shall constitute a board of regents.

8. Duties of the board of regents. 9. No sectarian instruction shall be imparted or tolerated.

10. No funds for sectarian purposes. ARTICLE XII. Militia.

1. Organization of a militia.


2. The Governor shall have the power to call out the militia.


Public Institutions.

1. Institutions for the benefit of the insane, blind, etc., shall be sup

ported by the State.

2. A State prison shall be established and maintained.

3. Aged and infirm.



1. Boundary of the State.

ARTICLE XV. Miscellaneous.

1. The seat of the government shall be at Carson City.

2. Members of the Legislature, etc., to take the oath of office.

3. No person shall be eligible to office who is not a qualified elector.

4. No perpetuities shall be allowed except for eleemosynary purposes.

5. General election.

6. All county officers shall hold their office at the county seat. 8. Publication of laws, etc. 9. Salaries increased or diminished. 10. Officers, how chosen. 11. The tenure of any office not herein provided for shall be declared by law.

12. The State officers shall keep their respective offices at the seat of government.

13. Enumeration of inhabitants.
14. Votes to constitute choice.


1. Any amendment or amendments to this Constitution may be proposed in the Senate or Assembly.

2. Revision of the Constitution.

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1. Rights, etc., to continue.

2. All laws to remain in force until they expire by limitation.

3. Fines, etc., to enure to State. 4. Recognizances to remain valid. 5. Salaries of officers.

6. Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen.

7. Territorial



8. Term of State officers.

9. Term of Senators.

10. Term of Senators fixed.

11. Term of Assemblymen.

12. Sessions of the Legislature.



16. Salaries of district judges.
17. Salaries may be changed.
18. State officers to qualify.

19. The judges of the Supreme and District Courts shall qualify.

20. All officers of State and District Courts shall be commissioned by the Governor.

21. County, town and village officers.

22. Vacancies may be filled by the Governor.

23. Cases transferred.

24. For the first three years after the adoption of this Constitution the Legislature shall not levy a tax for State purposes. 25. Counties consolidated.

13. County officers continued in of- 26. Publication of debates, etc.


14. Territorial officers continued in

office until time of qualifica

tion of State officers.

15. Terms of court determined.


Right of Suffrage.

1. The right of suffrage.


1. Whereas, The act of Congress, approved March twentyfirst, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, "To enable the people of the territory of Nevada to form a Constitution and State government, and for the admission of such State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States," requires that the members of the Convention for framing such Constitution shall, after organization, on behalf of the people of said territory, adopt the Constitution of the United States; therefore, be it

2. Resolved, That the members of this Convention, elected by the authority of the aforesaid enabling act of Congress, assembled in Carson City, the capital of said territory of Nevada, and immediately subsequent to its organization, do adopt, on behalf of the people of said territory, the Constitution of the United States.


3. In obedience to the requirements of an Act of the Congress of the United States, approved March twenty-first, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to enable the people of Nevada to form a Constitution and State government, this convention, elected and convened in obedience to said enabling act, do

ordain as follows-and this ordinance shall be irrevocable, without the consent of the United States and the people of the State of Nevada:

First. There shall be in this State neither slavery nor invol untary servitude, otherwise than in the punishment for crimes, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.

Second. That perfect toleration of religious sentiment shall be secured, and no inhabitant of said State shall ever be molested, in person or property, on account of his or her mode of religious worship.

Third. That the people inhabiting said territory do agree, and declare, that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States; and that lands belonging to citizens of the United States, residing without the said State, shall never be taxed higher than the land belonging to residents thereof; and that no taxes shall be imposed by said State on lands or property therein belonging to, or which may hereafter be pur chased by the United States.


4. We, the people of the State of Nevada, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure its blessings, insure domestic tranquility, and form a more perfect government, do establish this


Declaration of Rights.

Section 1. All men are, by nature, free and equal, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty; acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness.

Sec. 2. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people; and they have the right to alter or reform the same whenever the public good may require it. But the paramount allegiance of every citizen is due to the Federal Government, in the exercise of all its constitutional powers, as the same have been, or may be, defined by the Supreme Court of the United States, and no power exists in the people of this or any other State of the Federal Union to dissolve their connection

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