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[Published by Mathias in 1814 from a MS. in Gray's hand

writing, in the possession of Richard Stonehewer, and never since reprinted. The notes are by Gray.-ED.]





ALL which Socrates possessed was not worth three minæ, in which he reckons a house he had in the city.1 Critobulus often prevailed upon him to accompany him to the comedy.2 Xantippe, his wife, the most illtempered of women: he made use of her to exercise his philosophy. He amused himself by dancing when he was fifty years old: his face remarkably ugly, and resembling that of the Sileni or satyrs, with large prominent eyes, a short flat nose turned up, wide nostrils, great mouth, &c. nicknamed & Pроvтiтns. He rarely went out of the walls of Athens; 5 was never out of Attica, but when he served in time of war, and once to the Isthmian games.6 He was seventy years old, when he died. He left three sons, the eldest a youth, the two youngest children. His intrepid and cheerful behaviour at his trial and death. Compared to a torpedo."


1 Xenophon Economic.

3 Id. Sympos.

2 Id. Eod.

4 Eod.

5 Plato, Phædrus, p. 230.

6 Id. Crito.

7 Ibid.

8 Plato, Apolog. and Phædo; Xenophon, Memorabil.

9 Plato, Menon. p. 80.

Called Prodicus, the sophist, his master.1 Learns, at near fifty years of age, to play on the lyre of Connus, son of Metrobius.2 His mother, Phænarete, married Chæredemus, and had by him a son named Patrocles.3 Seldom used to bathe, and commonly went barefooted.* He could bear great quantities of wine without being overpowered by it, but did not choose to drink voluntarily.5

1 Plato, Menon. p. 96.
3 Id. Euthyd. p. 297.

2 Id. Euthydem. p. 272.
4 Plat. Sympos.

5 Ibid. p. 214, 220.



A man of fortune; his estate was worth above eight talents, which in Athens was very considerable. Had served the offices of gymnasiarch, choregus, &c. the most expensive of the city. Of an amorous disposition; negligent of œconomy; a lover of dramatick spectacles; he married a very young inexperienced woman, with whom he conversed very little : 1 he was present at the entertainment given by Callias to Autolycus, Socrates, and others, and at that time was newly married. 89. 4. He was remarkable for his beauty; his fine panegyrick on it: was passionately fond of Clinias. Crito, his father, introduced him to the acquaintance of Socrates, that he might cure him of this passion.2



He was called in Athens, by way of pre-eminence, ὁ καλος κ' αγαθος ; he married a young maid under ffteen years of age, whom he educated and instructed himself. His first serious conversation with her, related by him to Socrates, on the duties of a mistress of a family. The order and arrangement of his house de1 Xenophon, Economic. 2 Id. Sympos.

scribed his morning exercises, walk to his villa, and ride from thence. He was a remarkably good horseman, of a vigorous constitution, and lasting health; was one of the richest men in Athens. His instruction and treatment of his slaves; his knowledge in agriculture. His father before him was a great lover of that art. 1 He meddled not much in publick affairs: 2 was believed, while he lived, to be worth above seventy talents; but at his death he left not twenty, to be divided between his two sons.3

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3 Lysias, Orat. de bonis Aristophanis, p. 348.

4 Dictus ò AаккожλOUтOя.

Scol. in Demosthen. p. 393.

Herod. 5. Plutarch in Aristide.
Victor Celete Ol. 54.

5 Dictus Ammon. Athenæus, L. 12. Plutarch de Malign. Herodoti.

6 д AAKKOTTλOUTOs, uti et avus. Plut. in Aristide. Herodot. 7. Demosth. de Fals. Legat.

7 Qui ad Delium occubuit, Ol. 89. 1. Thucyd.—Plut. Alcib. Andocides in Alcibiadem.

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