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mangen, maungen v. afr. manger, mangier, pr. sp. pg. manjar, it. mangiare, lat. manducare, ein nur selten in Participialformen erscheinendes Zeitwort. essen.

Je haue manged ouere muche. P. PL. Text C. pass. IX. 272. Je han maunged ouer moche. B. pass. VI. 260.

manger etc. s. afr. mangeure, nfr. mangeoire, neue. manger. Krippe, Trog.

Every horse schalle so muche have At racke and manger. B. of Curtasye 609. Manger for a horse, mangoyre. PALSGR. Maniure [maniowre S. P.], mansorium, presepium, C. F. presepe. PR. P. p. 325. Mawngeur [mawnjowre A.] for horse, escarium, mansorium. CATH. ANGL. p.232.

Bordes broughte, cordes & cables, & made mangers [maniores v. 1.] to stande in stables. R. OF BRUNNE Story of Engl. 11181 Furnivall. Pen mighte men se pe ladies lede Many fair palfray & stede. . Sypen to wype, & to mangers teye, Hey & prouende byfor pem leye. 11183. mangerie, -i, maungerie, -i, mangere s. afr. mangerie, mlat. manducaria, comestio, pastus. Schmaus, Festmahl.


nello neben mangano, von gr. μáyyavov, mlat. manganum, mhd. mange. Wurfmaschine, Steinschleuder, ein Belagerungsgeschütz.

He wende that the sagles were mangonel. PoL. S. p. 69. Sette Mahon at pe mangonel, and mulle-stones proweb. P. PL. Text C. pass. XXI. 295. Withoute stroke it mote be take Of trepeget or mangonel. CH. R. of R. 6281. Whenne the castel was framyd wel, They sette therinne a mangenel. RICH. C. DE L. 2883. A mangenel he leet bende, To the prys-tour a ston gan sende. 4299. Pet is ase pet guode mortyer, huerof me makep pe guode walles sarzineys, þe me ne may nazt breke, ne mid pic, ne mid mongenel. AYENB. p. 116.

Up they sette heore mangonelis And alblastres with quarellis. ALIS. 1593. Our king Vterpendragon Him asailed. . Wip heweing & wip mineinge and wip mangunels casteinge. ARTH. A. MERL. 2427. To mangeneles [magnels v. 1.] he dide make stones. R. OF BRUNNE Story of Engl. 1033 Furnivall. Alisaundre heom asailed fast, And with mangnelis to hem cast. ALIS. 1207. Sunnes he hadde, on wondyr wyse, Mangneles off gret queintyse. RICH. C. DE L. 2635. Hyt poste.. Pat me ne myste not yse bote harewen & flon, And stones out of luperen & of magnales also. R. OF GL. p. 394.

manhad, monhad, manhod, manhed, monhed s. ags. manhád, virilitas [Bosw.], ahd. manaheit, maneheit, mhd. manheit, manneheit, sch. manhead, neue. manhood.

As Mapew melez. . of þat man ryche, pat made pe mukel mangerye to marie his here dere. ALLIT. P. 2, 51. Such a mangerie to make pe man watz auised. 2, 1365. Multi to a mangerie and to be mete were sompned. P. PL. Text C. pass. XIII. 46. Yee sai on mi parti, þat he yow wald len sum place To mak vr mangeri. CURS. MUNDI 15196 COTT. cf. GÖTT. Ffro the mangery by gane, Wyne in condyt rane Redy tyll ylke mane. 1. Menschheit, menschliche Natur: DEGREV. 1849. When the mangery was done, Dis is nu pe derfschipe of pi dusie onswere.. Grete lordes departed sone. EMARE 469. Web tu of p ping te mispunched, underfes p an schul have a mangery right on Sonday. GAMELYN 430. cf. 341. 460. Pis grete soper is the grete mangery pat seintis in hevene shall eten of Goddis bord. WYCL. SEL. W. I. 4. Thou makes suche a mangery & pi mache changes. WARS, OF ALEX. 831 Dubl. Than pay helde a mangery. DUKE ROWLANDE etc. 1585.

Multi to a maungerye and to be mete were sompned. P. PL. Text B. pass. XI. 107. How he men fested With two fisshes an fyve loues, fyue thousande peple; And bi þat maungerye men mişte wel se, pat Messye he semed. pass. XV. 580. The maungery last a faurtenyzte. AMADACE st. 55. cf. CURS. MUNDI 15196 TRIN.

They should come to Hungry, That worthy wedding for to se, And come unto that mangere. SQUYR OF LOWE DEGRE 1096. I fare fulle ylle At youre mangere. Town. M. p. 89.

manging s. Essen, Speisung.

We myster no sponys Here at oure mangyng. Town. M. p. 90.

mangle s. vgl. monglen v. miscere, mang s. commixtio. Gemenge, Handgemenge.

To don othir vilanye, Othir with stoke, othir with dunt, Therto is al heore entent. While they weore so in mangle, Theo Yndiens gan gangle. ALIS. 7409.

mangnet s. magnes s. magnete.

mangonel, mangunel, mangenel, mongenel, mangnel, magnel, magnal s. afr. mangonel, pr. manganel, mangonelh, it. manga

half & dustes adun p oder, be godcundnesse of Godd, for mannesse of manhad. LEG. OF ST. KATH. 978-86. [for mennesse of his monhad LIFE OF ST. KATH. ed. Einenkel]. And zett onont ti monhad born pu wes of Marie. OÈH. p. 237. Pe pridde article and pe vifte . . belongep to þe zone, ase to be manhode. AYENB. p. 12. Huanne godes zone nom and spousede oure soster and oure uless, oure manhode and oure kende. p. 118. He.. drowing dolede in ure manhede. BEST. 690. Onence pe mount of Olyvet, Whar he, in manhed stey up . . til þe fader in heven. HAMP. 5131. Wit our licnes bigiled he The fend that his manhed moht se. METR. HOMIL. p. 12. Goddis sun manhed hauis tan. p. 48. On this godspel scheues sain Bede Cristes godhed and his manhede. p. 109. Pan bus pis may be clene and bright.. Of quham þat king þat all gan make Semyd his manhede [monhede TRIN.] for to take. ČURS. MUNDI 10639-42 GÖTT. Sone schal pe puple se pi semli face In manhede [in Mannes Gestalt] & in minde. WILL. 1389 [zum Werwolf gesagt]. Pe lides of oure bileaue onont Godes monheade. ANCR. R. p. 262.

2. Menschlichkeit, Menschenfreundlichkeit: Nopeles it was itolde hym [sc. Darius]. Pat his wif was deed. . and pat Alisaundre hadde iburied here wip grete worschepe. Nopeles Alisaundre dede it nout for love, bot for manhede of hym self [more for cause of manhode then for cause of eny luffe

Harl. non amoris sed humanitatis causa fecerat Hygd.]. TREVISA III. 429.

3. Mannhaftigkeit: Ne mey me more joye aspye Thane wanne a man thor pur mestrye Keth hys manhod. SHOREH. p. 148. His manhod and his pyne Made love withinne hire herte for to myne. CH. Tr. a. Cr. 2, 676. Why nylt thy selven helpen don redresse, And with thi manhod letten al this grame? 4, 500. Alisaundre heom bymenith That they no hadde worldis manhede To heore othir godhede. ALIS. 7058. von einem Knaben: Lelly me pinkes bi his menskful maneres & his manhede, pat he is kome of god kin. WILL. 430, der vorher als bold barn 248 bezeichnet ist.

4. Manneswürde, Mannes ehre: Jef y telle pis folk byfore, How þat þow ware gete and bore, panne schal hit sprynge wide and brode, pen hastow lore by manhod (nämlich als erkanntes Hurenkind]. ARTH. A. MERL. j. T. L. 1169. Þan moche pe lasse ys þyn manhode. D. 1016.

5. Huldigung als Lehensmann: He is wel renay, bet pet land pet he halt of his lhorde dep into pe hond of his uyende, and dep him manhode. AYENB. p. 19. He dep manhode to be dyeule, and becomp his prel. ib.

mani adj. s. maniz.

manicle, manacle, manakelle s. afr. manicle, lat. manicula, Demin. v. manica, neue. manacle. Handfessel, Handeisen.

Manycle, manica, cathena. PR. P. p. 325. A manakelle. CATH. ANGL. p. 226.

After thee thei shul go, bounde in many cles thei shul wende. WYCL. Js. 45, 14 Oxf. Ffor to bynde thaire kyngis in fettirs, & the nobils of thaim in many kils of yryn in manicis ferreis Vulg.]. HAMP. Ps. 149, 8. To ben bounde the kinges of hem in fettris, and the noble men of hem in yrene manyclis [in yrun manaclis Purv.]. WYCL. Ps. 149, 8. Oxf.

Ein davon abgeleitetes Zeitwort manaclen, mit Handfesseln versehen, wird von Lexikographen angeführt: To manacle, manicare. CATH. ANGL. p. 227. I manakyll a suspecte person to make hym to confesse thynges. And he wyll nat confesse it, manakyll hym, for undoubted he is gylty. PALSGR.

manie s. afr. manie, pr. sp. pg. it. lat. neue. mania, gr. uavía. Wahnsinn, Tollheit.

He ferde Nought oonly lyke the lovers maladye Of Hereos, but rather lik manye. CH. C.

T. 1374.

manien, monien, monezen v. ags. manian, manigean, monian, alts. manón, ahd. manón, bisweilen manén, monén, mhd. manen, monen, afries. monia, niederl. manen, altn. schw. mana, dän. mane. mahnen, erinnern, in Erinnerung bringen.

Ur hlaford sanctes Paulus, pe is peoden lareaw, us maned and menezed of sume wepne to nemene. OEH. p. 241.

Swich mon mai after pe pi god welden, ofte binnen þine burie blipe wenden, þad he ne wele

[blocks in formation]


Þan is it manifest and open bat by be getyng of diuinite men ben makid blisful. CH. Boeth. p. 91.

mani, mani, meni, moni3, moni pron. indef. ags. manig, mänig, monig, alts. manag, maneg, ahd. manag, manac, maneg, manig, mhd. maneg, manech, mane, manch, manig, manich, menec, meng, mäng, afries. monich, monech, manich, manch, niederd. niederl. menig, goth. manags, altn. margr, mangr, altschw. manger, schw. mången, dän. mangen, neue. many. manch, viel.

1. adj. Maniz mann piss merrke shall Wippstanndenn. ORM 7645. Icc hafe sett.. maniz word pe rime swa to fillenn. ORM Ded. 41-4. He mot wel ekenn manis word Amang Goddspelless wordess. 57. He wollde fullhtnedd beon Forr maniz whatt to tacnenn. ORM 10609. Enngliss.. wipp pe biscopp spækenn O Godess hallfe of manis whatt. 1026. Itt wass forr maniz daz Er cwidded purrh prophetess. 3066. Amang patt folle patt cann innsihht Off many ping þurrh steorrness. 3434. He wat wel pat manize men bied in sa ful of zescung. OEH. p. 233. Al swa ure helende ham leorde, manize ping ehten pa folce to freme. p. 237. Adam and Eue wunen samen, And hadden childre manige. G. A. Ex. 412. After do [sc. childre] Bar Eue of Adam manige moo. 427. He made him manige fon. 437.

Mani man bihoteð wel þat hi forzieteð sone. OEH. II. 221. Mani mann Wass off hiss come blipe. ORM 795. Ydolatrie dus was boren, for quuam mani man is forloren. G. A. Ex. 695. Many man on stad and sey. CURS. MUNDI 204 COTT. Mani sori man was per. ST. VINCENT 74 Horstm. p. 187. Jacob [Acob Ms.] wente ut of lond Chanaan, And of his kinde manie a man. G. A. Ex. 2391. Or he cam dor was manie day. 1362. He doo.. mani oder sinful list. BEST. 543. Sa mani wyle and wrenk he can. METR. HOMIL. p. 2. Mani ioye ichabbe ihaued, ake pis is on be meste. ST. VINCENT 98 Horstm. p. 187. Worldes wandretht and pouerte Haldes meknes in many mans herte. METR. HOMIL. p. 73. Pis parlement last mani a day. ARTH. A. MERL. 2775. Þer is comyn with him.. Segis of many syde. WARS OF ALEX. 85. Po waren manie childre dede fulehtlese. OEH. II. 17. Weste is cleped pat londe.. pare manie rotes onne wacseð. II. 161. In de se senden selcuðes manie. BEST. 555. Fole ypocrites.. pet.. dep manie penonces. AYENB. p. 26. His time lyese and manye guodes pet he mişte do. p. 31. In my fadir house erre many sere dwellynges. HAMP. Tr. p. 44. He tald thaim mani takins sere. METR. HOMIL. p. XXI. Pider com wel gret rout Of

kinges, erls, baroun & knit, Princes, doukes mani. ARTH. A. MERL. 2765.

As meni man mai iseo. BEK. 654. Meni is pe faire miracle pat of seint Nicholas is. ST. NICHOLAS 431 Horstm. p. 252. A gyw was while in a tyme, pat ihurde meni o tale of pe miracles of seint Nicholas. 432. Justises he makede meni on, þat wende alonde wide Forto siche cristene men & quelle. ST. MARGAR. 27. Wip scurgen & wib kene precken hi makeden hire meni wonde. 118. — He byhihte Mercy for oure mysdedes, as meny tymes As we wilnede and wolde with mouth and herte asken. P. PL. Text C. pass. XIX. 259. Maugre hus meny tep he was mad pat tyme To iouste with Iesus, this blynde Iuwe Longeus. pass. XXI. 84. He [sc. a bergh] ys friped yn with floreynes and oper fees menye. pass. VIII. 228. Thow shalt be myrour to menye men to deceyue. pass. XIX. 175. My kynde, in my kene yre shal contrarie my wil. To beo merciable to menye of my halfbreperen. pass. XXI. 437.

Ealle pas þing and monize oore deð þe haliza gast. ÓEH. p. 97.

Moni mon drejet his fule sunne. OEH. p. 25. Is moni peof abuten ba bi dei ant bi niht. p. 247. Ofte moni wummon letes hire mensket purh pe luue of wepmon pat is of heh burde. p. 273. Whare thourh moni frenshe wyfwryngeth hire honde. PoL. S. p. 187. Crist us ef moni freo zeue. OEH. p. 19. Ich.. habbe ired ant araht moni mislich leaf. ST. MARHER. p. 1. Þu poledes for wone of mete moni hat hungre. OEH. p. 277. Purh pe sweote smel of pe chese he bicherred monie mus to be stoke. p. 53. Pilegrim eiled moni hwat. ANCR. R. p. 352. Ichabbe be losed mony a day, er ant late ybe thy foo. LYR. P. p. 99. Heo ledden in heore scipen.. moni enne deadne cniht. LA. I. 341. Heo [sc. ira] macao monslehtas and monies cunnes ufel. OEH. p. 103. We.. buggeþ❘ worldles froure wip moni sori teone. p. 185. Inwip beod his hinen in se moni mislich ponc to cwemen wel be husewif azein godes wille. p. 247. Þa weren monie childre dede fulhtles. ОЕН. p. 73. Stonden on an half þes meistres so monie. LEG. ST. KATH. 787. Weren monie martirs.. to deades misliche idon. ST. MARHER. p. 1. A goute me hath ygreythed so And other eveles monye mo. LYR. P. p. 48. Heo . . seh sihen after hire headene monie wepmen & wimmen. LEG. ST. KATH. 2353. Monie mo hweolpes pen ich habbe inempned haueð þe Liun of Prude ihweolped. ANCR. R. p. 200. He hem halzed for his & help at her nede In mukel meschefes mony. ALLIT. P. 2, 1163.

2. subst. besonders in der Mehrzahl: Pa wearð þa redlice micel mennisc jewexon, and were swide manege on yfele awende. OEH. p. 225.

Hy dop ham to polye grat ssarpnesse, þet hedden ine be wordle greate lostes, ase byepe manye pet byep ine religion. AYENB. p. 165. Louerd, pe ioye pat pere was, and þat manie mişten iseo! ST. CLEMENT 215 Horstm. p. 329.

Many ben clepid, bot few chosan. WYCL. MATTH. 20, 16 Öxf.

Moni for to muchel heard of wa þat he dreheð forzet ure lauerd. OEH. p. 255. Monie schulen turnen to treowe bileaue purh hare forbisne. LEG. ST. KATH 696. To habbe monie under hire & beon iclepet lafdi. 87. Mony ben called, pay fewe be mykez. ALLIT. P. 1, 571.

manizefold, manifald, manifeald, manifeld, manifold, monifald, monifold, moni vold adj. ags. manigfeald, mänigfeald, alts. managfald, ahd. managfalt, manacfult, manarfald, manigfalt, mhd. manecfalt, mangfalt, afries. manichfuld, gth. managfalps, altn. margfaldr, altschw. mangfalder, neue. manifold. mannigfalt, vielfältig.

Joseph [Osep Ms.] an hundred ger was hold, And his kin wexen manigefold. G. A. Ex. 2501. Si laze sone adiligde purh unwreaste leahtrum and manifald senne. OEH. p. 235. To pe maistres out of Amazoyne manyfald ioyes! WARS OF ALEX. 3763. It [sc. this tronchoun] dos yet, als find we tald, Ful fair mirakles manifald. METR. HOMIL. p. 162. Pat he us wissie to widtien of alle flesliche lustes pe derieð ure sowle, and don uppen us swilch manifeald pine. OEH. II. 79. Pe wundes pat hie on him makeden, ben þe manifeald synnes. II. 33. Togenes be harm pe pe deuel him dude, po pe he brohte pe manifeald unlimpes uppen him. II. 195. Gif he understant þat he habbe ofte agilt.. on unluued wise and mistliche poht ofte and a manifeld wise. II. 207. Twifold oder manifold is þe man þe nis stedefast ne on dade, ne on speche, ne on ponke. II. 187. Per me mihte isean many fold sorewe. LA3. III. 66 sq. j. T. Alle we ben on manifolde wowe on pis worelde. OEH. II. 263.

Alle we beod in monifold wawe ine pisse wreche liue. OEH. p. 145. Hit ne hearmed me nawt, ah . . makeð mine murhdes monifalde in heouene. ST. JULIANA p. 19-21. He.. greided pi mede monifald in heuene. HALI MEID. p. 29. Mar conforth [sc. fand he] by monyfalde Than Colgrevance had him talde. Yw. A. GAW. 607. Muchel is us penne neod. . swide adreden ure monifolde sunne. OEH. p. 11. Ic biwepe pas monifolde pine de ic her in helle iseo. p. 45. Mid ham is muruhde moniuold. p. 193. Per beo uttre & inre (sc. uondunges] & eider is moniuold. ANCR. R. p. 176.

Daran schliesst sich das Zeitwort manifalden, manifolden, monivolden, ags. ge-monigfealdian (cf. Ps. 3, 1. 11, 9. 15, § ge-manifaldian (Ps.3,1 Canterb.], ge-müniçfealdian [GREIN II. 426], ahd. manay-, manac-, manigfalton u. manacfaldan, mhd. manec-, manicvalten, altn. margfalda. mannigfalten, vervielfältigen, vermehren.

Lord, whartill ere thai manyfaldid tha angirs me, many rises agayns me. Ps. 3, 1 HAMP. Many faldid ere thaire seknesis 15, 3 HAMP. The tribulaciouns of my her ere manyfaldid. 24, 18 HAMP. Manifaldes

ere pai forpi Whilk hated me wickeli. EARLY E. Ps. 37, 20. Of fruite of whete, of his oli and wyne Ar þai manifolded ine. 4, 8.

He wule gistnen mid ou, and moniuolden in ou his deorewurde grace. ANCR. R. p. 402. manir, manire s. s. manere.

manjore, manjowre, manjure s. s. manger. manlich, monlich, manli adj. ahd. manich, mhd. manlich, menlich, vgl. altn. mannligr, schw. manlig, dän. mandlig.sch. manlyk, sch. manlyk, manly, neue. manlike u. manly.

1. menschlich, im Gegensatze zu göttlich: Nis hit monlich mot p ha mealed.. ah is an heuenlich gast in hire. LEG. ST. KATH.1324.

2. menschlich, menschenfreundlich, mildthätig: Artow manlyche amonge bi neizbores of þi mete and drynke? P. PL. Text B. pass. V. 260. Dahin gehört wohl auch: Manly, humanus, vnde humane vel humaniter. CATH. ANGL. p. 227.

3. mannhaft, männlich: Wummon is be reisun.. pet schulde beon monlich & stalewarde & kene in treowe bileaue. ANCR. R. p. 272. XXX busy burnes, barounes ful bolde, comen in manly message. WILL. 1423. Superlat. Pe stiward had a newe, but of ong age, on pe manlokest man þat men schold of heren. 3418.

manliche, manlike, monliche, manli adv. ags. manlice, mhd. manliche, manlichen, neue. manly.

1. menschlich, in menschenfreundlicher Weise: Whoso hath moche, spene manliche, so meneth Thobie [cf. Toв. 4, 9. habundanter tribue Vulg.]. P. PL. Text B. pass. X. 87.

2. männlich, auf mannhafte Weise: No say never men yet knyghtis two So manliche togedre go. ALIS. 7406. Many mizti man manliche medled pat time. WILL. 2325. As goode thought hem go, till they grounde sought To meete with hur fomen & manlich deie. 374. Manliche pai gun hem were. ARTH. A. MERL. 1000. Manliche þai grad „as armes!" 5620. Deden al forp manliche, For leuer hem were be ded, sikerliche, In manschippe. . þan euer nore liue in rewþe. 6825. Dos manlike [viriiter agite Vulg.]. Ps. 30, 25. He.. hæhte leom amorzen monliche arisen, bi[n]den Ronanisce men mid stronge raketehzen. Laz. III. 9. Kompar. 3e long berefter muwen ine Godes seruise pe monluker swinken. ANCR. R. .422.

Meyntenes zit zoure manchip manli a while, il god of his grete mişt god tyding vs sende. WILL. 2676. Pe messegeres manli in here weye vent, spacli to be king of Spayne pis speche pei olde. 2690. Zif ze manli wip hem mete, pe naistry worp oure. 3341. Wirkis manly [viriliter gite Vulg.]. Ps. 30, 31 HAMP. Manly ever with al his mayn, And graithly hit he tham gayn. Yw. A. ĠAW. 3207.

3. überhaupt in kräftiger Weise, einringlich: Alisaundrine anon after þat ilke,

bad Meliors manly, here merpe pan stinte. WILL. 1041. It mislikide me mochel (sagt Alexandrine) . . & manly in my maner missaide hire, as i dorst. 2039.

manliche s. ags. manlica, humana effigies, ahd. manlicho, gth. manleika, altn. mannlikan. Menschengestalt.

To hevene he stey in ure manliche. REL. ANT. I, 234.

manliched, manlihed s. mhd. menlicheit, nhd. männlichkeit.

1. menschlicher Zustand, Menschsein: Quhu Lucifer, dat deuel dwale, Brogt mankinde in sinne and bale, And held hem sperd in helles male, Til god srid him in manliched. G. A. Ex. 20.

2. Mannheit, Tapferkeit: How this geant bold Thens into a caue fled for fere and drede, Within the quike roche, for all hys manlyhed. ROM. OF PARTENAY 4350.

manlinesse s. von manlich adj., neue. manliness. Männlichkeit, Mannhaftig


Þe fend & his seyn þat it is manlynesse & ritwisnesse & almes to betyn gadlyngis & be vengid on hem þat don hem wrong. WYCL. W. hith. unpr. p. 214.

manna, manne, man s. ein semitisches Wort, hebr. män, arab. mann, manna, eig. Geschenk, Gabe, nämlich des Himmels, gr. uávva, lat. manna, aus der Bibel in die neueren Sprachen übergegangen, wie ags. ahd. mhd. gth. etc. manna, afr. manne, pr. manna, mana, sp. mana, it. manna, neue. ebenfalls manna. Manna, ein honigähnliches Harz, welches im Orient im Sommer vor Sonnenaufgang aus den Blättern mehrerer Bäume hervordringt.

Sunnedei god sende manna from houene. OEH. p. 141. Manna forsothe was as the seed coryaundre. WYCL. NUMB. 11, 7 Oxf. Þat is holi ping, and is icleoped manna in holi write.. Pis manna, þat holie greyn, uyt to pis day dez springue Op of þat put, þat manie men bringuez to botningue. ST. JOHN 487-91 Horstm. p. 417. There in was a vessel of gold, fulle of manna. MAUND. p. 85.

Pis is pe holi manne pe ure drihten sende alse snow sledrende. OEH. II. 99. Manne bitocned wat is tis? ib. [nach der EXOD. 2, 15. 31 angegebenen Etymologie].

The hows of Yrael clepide the name of it man, that was as the seed of coliaundre white. WYCL. EXOD. 16, 31 Oxf.

mannesse, monnesse, mennesse s. menschliche Natur.

Pis is nu pe derfschipe of pi dusie onswere.. ptu of p ping p te mispunched, underfes an half, & dustes adun p oder, pe godcundnesse of Godd, for mannesse of his manhad. LEG. ST. KATH. 978. Þah he were deadlich, þurh he mon was, onont his mannesse, & deide. . he ne losede na lif, onont he Godd was. 1116. Drihtin, dearede in ure monnesse. 1135. an allen entsprechenden Stellen hat LIFE OF KATH. 985. 1115. 1132 mennesse.

menschliches Wesen,

[mannisc], monnesc, mennesc, mennise adj. | manniscnissa. alts. mannisk, mennisk, ags. mennisc, afries. Menschen natur. mannisk, gth. mannisks, altn. mennskr. menschlich.

On Cristes akennednesse iwearð þe almihtiza godes sune to monnesce men ibroht. OEH. p. 97-9. God cwed purh pes witezan muð þet he walde his gast asendan ofer mennesc flesc. p. 91. He.. let te posstless sen himm wel Inn hiss mennisske kinde. ORM Ded. 218. Patt lihht.. þatt lihhtepp here onn erpe Ille an lifisshe man mennissh. ORM 18939. Alswa Moyses be hehte heom feste pes dazes uppon pe munte of Synai pet he nefre ne ete mennisses metes for drihtenes luue. OEH. p. 11.

[mannisc], mannish, mannische, mannisse, u. mennisc, mennish, mennishe, mennisse s. ags. mennisc [BLICKL. HOMIL. p. 175 = people].

1. Menschenart, Geschlecht, Volk: Generacio mala & adultera signum querit.. Iuel mennish and forhored mannish acsed after fortocne of heuene, and hie ne shulen hauen bute eoroliche. OEH. II. 81. Viri Niniuite surgent in iudicio cum generacione ista et condempnabunt eam.. On domes dai shal pat folc arisen on pe michele dome, and fordemen pis mannish. II. 83. Þis widerfulle mannisshe pe fondeo me hinderfulliche, and hereð mine wise word, and sed mine wunderliche deden, and naðemo me ne leued. ib. Dese fower mannisshe pe ich er inemd habbe beð þat erf þe po herdes ouer wuakeden. II. 39. Fuwer kinne mannisshe liuen on his woreld. II. 85. Manie mannisshe folgeden ure drihte to herende his wise word.. and for pi wilen [wile ic?] segen eow hwilc mannisshe he pus munegede. II. 187. Mildhertnesse he kidde mannisse po pe he sende his holi prophete to freurende po forsinezede. ib. Fuwer kinnes men ben, þat an . . þat is unwiti mennisse. Oder. . þat is þat orelese mennisse. De dridde.. pat mannisse is puertut forlore, soule and lichame. Pat feorde. . pat is pat gode menisshe. II. 123. Alse pe fugeles.. ne ben nafre stedefaste, swo dod pis mannisse, flieð fram iuele to werse. II. 165.

Pa wearð þa redliche micel mennisc zewexon. OEH. p. 225. Þah al mennisc were zegadered, ne michti hi alle hin acwelle, şef he sylf nold. p. 229. Iuel mennish and forhored mannish acsed after fortocne of heuene, and hie ne shulen hauen bute eoroliche. II. 81. Fuwer

kinnes men ben, þat an.. þat is unwiti mennisse. Oder.. þat is þat orelese mennisse. . De dridde .. pat mannisse is puertut forlore.. þat feorde

þat is pat gode menisshe. II. 123. Dis lond be ich nu of speke is þat mennisse þe nu liueð. II. 163.

2. Menschennatur: Fele hundred wintre er þe time pe ure drihten understod mannisshe and was boren. OEH. II. 109.

Þo be god fundede of heuene to eorde to fongen [fonden Ms.] mennisshe of pe holie meidenes innede ure lafdi Seinte Marie. II. 133.

[manniscnesse], monnisnesse, menniscnesse etc. s. ags. menniscnes, menniscnes, ahd.

He [sc. pe deofel] iseh pa monnisnesse on Criste, and nauht pa godcunnesse. OEH. p. 123. Crist underfenc meniscnesse on his tocume. p. 99. Þuruh Cristes menniscnesse men weren alesde from deofles deowdome. ib. Cristess mennissenesse Drannc dæþess drinnch o rodetre. ORM 1373. He iss ec to fulle sop Sop mann i mennisscnesse. 1358. Na worhte he pah nane wndre openlice er pan þe he was pritti wintre an para mennisnisse. OEH. p. 227-9.

manovren v. afr. manovrer, nfr. manœuvrer, it. manovrar, to steer a ship, sp. maniobrar, vgl. lat. manu operari, neue. manœuvre. lenken, regieren.

Sir, kyng Philip pe ferse my fader was haten, And all pe marche of Massydon he manours clene. WARS OF ALEX. 836* Dubl.

manræden, monradene, -redene, manradene, manrede etc. s. ags. manræden, foedus [Jos. 9, 11], sch. manredyn, manred, manrent etc.

1. Huldigung, Dienstbarkeit. Dienstpflicht: He dide pealle pa heafod mæn on Normandig dydon manræden and hold aðas his sunu. SAX. CHR. a. 1115. Eower monradene [manradenej. T.]ic wulle fon. LA3. I. 266. cf. II. 34. Gonwais.. sette Arðure an hond al Orcanies lond. . and his monradene [manradene j. T.] mid muchelere mensce. II. 523. cf. 586. He heora monredne mid monscipe onfeng. I. 15. Belin hauede . . his manraidene [manradene nam j. T. mid monschipe biwunnen [biwinen Ms.]. I. 204. Manrede [monrade L.] dide I him me do. HARR. OF HELL 90 Mall. To morwen shalt tu manrede take Of pe brune and of þe blake. HAVEL. 2180. Cometh alle hider swipe. Manrede youre louerd for to make. 2247. Man rede of alle hauede he nomen. 2265. Beden him sone manrede and oth. 2274. His manrede þu schalt fonge. FL. A. BL. 395.

2. kollektiv Gesammtheit der Vasal

len, Dienstpflichtigen: Pays he dude anon grede To al Daries manrede. ALIS. 4664.

3. Abhängigkeit, Gewalt, in der sich jemand befindet: Misdoo no messengere for menske of pi selvyne, Sen we are in thy manrede, and mercy pe besekes. MORTE ARTH. 126.

4. eigenthümlich von gewaltsamem sinnlichen Verkehr: Sone swa he [sc. pe eotend] hider com, swa he þat maide inom; he wolde monradene [manradene j. T.] habben wie þan maidene. Laż. III. 28.

scipe, monschipe etc. s. ags. manscipe (Bosw. manscipe, manshipe, manschipe, monComp. A. S. Dict. 1855], vgl. altn. mannskapr.

1. Ehre, Würde: Si ego pater ubi est honor meus.. þat is, gif ic fader ham, wer his mi manscipe? OEH. p. 235. Þurrh patt manness sawle iss lic Wipp Godd in onnlicnesse, Per þurrh maz itt ben nemmnedd mann, & wipt mannshipe wurrpedd. ORM 19011. We bep red in al þing, anon to go wip king Arthour, To his manschipe & his honour. ARTH. A. MERL. 3632 Leuer hem were be ded, sikerliche, In manschippe & in trewpe, þan euer more liue in

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