PERSONS represented. a A Lord. W. W. Baptista, a rich gentleman of Padua. Perfons in the Lucentio, fon to Vincentio, in love with Bianca. SH Petruchio, a gentleman of Verona, a fuitor to Katha Gremio, rina. Hortenfio, Suitors to Bianca. Tranio, Servants to } Lucentio. Biondello, Grumio, Servants to } Petruchio. Curtis, Pedant, an old fellow set up to perfonate Vincentio, 11. Katharina, the Shrew; Daughters Bianca, ber sister, Widow. } Daughters to Baptista. Tailor, Haberdasher, and Servants attending on Bарtista and Petruchio. SCENE, fometimes in Padua; and fometimes in Petruchio's House in the Country. Characters in the Induction to the Original Play of The Taming of a Shrew, entered on the Stationers' books in 1594, and printed in quarto in 1607. A Lord, &c. Sly. A Tapster. Page, Players, Huntsmen, &c. PERSONS reprefented. Alphonfus, a merchant of Athens. Jerobel, Duke of Cestus. Aurelius, his fon, Suitors to the daughters of Al Ferando, Polidor, } phonfus. Valeria, fervant to Aurelius. Sander, fervant to Ferando. Phylotus, a merchant who perfonates the Duke. Kate, Emelia, Daughters to Alphonfus. Phylema, Tailor, Haberdasher, and Servants to Ferando and Alphonfus. SCENE, Athens; and fometimes Ferando's Country House. |