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Through without change twice daily via El Paso,
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The El Paso Short Line is the most southerly, the warmest and the lowest altitude route to the Coast. The Colorado Route is unrivalled in the world for the grandeur of its scenery.

Send for illustrated booklet telling about our trains via both the El Paso and Colorado routes to California, with folder giving schedules and description of our tourist service, together with full particulars as to rates.

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We Advocate the Establishment of a JUVENILE COURT in every State in the Union. ¶ AGENTS are NOT Authorized to represent Local Juvenile Courts or to accept Donations for any purpose.

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"Entered as Second-Class Matter Aug. 28th 1903 at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3rd 1879."

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The object of The Juvenile Court Record is to disseminate the principles of the Juvenile Court throughout the United States, and, in fact, the entire world.

When the Juvenile Court was first established the sociologists of the entire country stood by watching anxiously the outcome of this new departure in childsaving methods. It was realized that a medium was needed whereby the results accomplished by the Juvenile Court might be set forth in an intelligent manner. The Juvenile Court Record stepped into the breach and has devoted its pages exclusively to news of the various juvenile courts. As a result of the publicity thus given to the foundation principle and routine work of the Cook County Juvenile Court other States have passed juvenile court laws, and bills are being prepared in nearly every State in the Union to be presented at the next sessions of the Legislatures of the various States providing for similar legislation.

PLEASE NOTE! ALL agents for the Juvenile Court Record carry credentials.

The agent presenting this paper to you is authorized to sell single copies at 10c, and to take annual subscriptions at $1.00 per year.

This paper is published only as an exponent of Juvenile Courts.

New York Office, 53 W. 24th St. 79 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.

Boston Office, 71 Kilby St.

Vol. IX. Series


JUNE, 1908

No. 6

Hon. Richard S. Tuthill,

Pioneer Juvenile Court Judge of the United States.

The Judges of the Circuit Court of Cook County, (Chicago) Illinois, realized that the Juvenile Law, which became effective July 1, 1899, would become a dead letter unless an experienced and enthusiastic judge was selected who would at once inspire confidence and gather around him the various charity workers who were instrumental in having the law enacted. The unanimous choice of the Judges was Hon. Richard S. Tuthill, who had devoted years of time and attention to the Waifs' Mission and other kindred children's societies. His election was approved by all persons interested in the law.

The Juvenile Law simply gave the court power to treat children in a parental manner instead of treating them in the first instance as criminals. No provision was made to carry out the law. Judge Tuthill immediately gathered around him able lieutenants, who volunteered their services free of charge. Under his direction legal blanks were prepared, rules adopted, probation officers appointed, instructions to these officers drafted, districts laid out, and a general mode of procedure agreed upon. Through his efforts Judge Tuthill closed the cell-house of the John Worthy School, and realizing the deficiency of the school suceeded with a few others in arousing the people of Chicago to the necessity of establishing a school for the delinquent boys. Over a hundred thousand dollars was contributed by private persons and a thousand acres of land were purchased at St. Charles, Illinois, given to the State. The Legislature has appropriated over $500,000.00, which has been expended in magnificent buildings. This school is recognized as one of the foremost schools for delinquent boys in the world.

The Court attracted attention at its first session. Visitors from the neighboring states and from foreign countries were regular attendants at the court sessions. It was in Judge Tuthill's court room that Judge Lindsay, of Denver, Judge Stubbs of Indianapolis, Judge Heuisler of Baltimore, Judge Murphy of Buffalo, Judge Foster of St. Louis, Judge Neelen of Milwaukee, and Judge Callaghan, deceased, of Cleveland, and others received their first impressions of the Juvenile Court system. The ideas and suggestións received in the Chicago Juvenile Court were taken to their home cities and inaugurated by them in their courts.

Judge Tuthill has always worked in harmony and to the entire satisfaction of the various churches, institutions and societies associated and connected with the Juvenile Court. The parents and children love him as do his own children and grand-children. No person in the City of Chicago has ever given greater satisfaction in his work. Some two years ago when assigned by his brother judges to the Criminal Court, true soldier as he is, he immediately laid down his labor of love for the children and assumed the duties im


posed upon him by the law. Upon returning to the court one year ago, he was welcomed by all the great agencies of the Court. Every church, every children's institution, every children's society, and those having the best interests of the children at heart were pleased to see him return. No change, no new thoughts, no new ideas, no new plans had been added to the court during his absence therefrom. The only noticeable change was that of increased work and an increased pay-roll.

No person or institution can truthfully say that Judge Tuthill has ever at any time during his administration recognized any favorites. Each society, institution and church has been accorded its rights before him.

It is to be hoped that the Circuit Judges will comply with the wishes of the great societies, institutions and churches associated with the Court and reassign Judge Tuthill to the Juvenile Court.


The methods of the Chicago Juvenile court were recently questioned by both Catholic and Protestant institu tional interests.

Former Justice Timothy D. Hurley, president of the Visitation and Aid society, representing Archbischop Quigley's institutional interests at Feehanville, declared in the Juvenile court that the Manual Training School law took presidence over the Juvenile court law. He argued that judges of the Juvenile court exceeded their authority when

the undertook to restrain the managers of Institutions from releasing children.

He said the institutions were governed by a law seperate and apart from the Juvenile Court Law.

Attorney William O. La Monte representing the Protestant institutions, took exception to the manner in which the probation officers of the Juvenile court continue to visit families who do not need or desire their co-operation.

Court Seeks to Work in Harmony.

Judge Tuthill said it was the desire of every one connected with the Juvenile court to work in harmony with the authorities of the various institutions and declared that it was with that point in view that probation officers of the Juvenile court visited the families of children released from the institutions.

It was then declared that the form of commitment used by the Juvenile court in sending children to institutions organized under seperate laws was drafted from the Juvenile court law, and gave to any judge sitting in the Juvenile court absolute control over the children sent to Industrial and Manual Training institutions in regard to releasing or retaining them there.

"Do you wish to divest the officials of the Juvenile court of all their power and authority," Judge Tuthill asked.

Court Defied Repeatedly.

"No," replied Mr. Hurley, "but we deny that the Juvenile court has any power or authority to retain any dependant child placed by the court in any institution which exists under the Manual Training and Industrial school law and, acting on this principle, we have questioned the authority of the Juvenile court repeatedly during the last two and one-half years, by ordering the release of a child after he had been committed to us by the Juvenile court."

"You then draw a line between the authority of the court and the legal authority invested in your institutions?" Judge Tuthill said.

"We must," said Mr. Hurley. "Otherwise our institutions would be nothing more than public boarding schools, and the children in them subject to release at the whim of any probation officer who wished to exert her authority."

When it was pointed out that the form of commitment used gave precedence to the Juvenile court over institutional authority, but that the state Manual Training and Industrial law took precedence over the Juvenile court law, thereby showing that the form of commitment was illegal, Judge Tuthill declared he would have the form of commitment changed.

This decision was agreeable to both Mr. Hurley and Mr. Le Monte. In the new form the word "defendant" will be stricken out.

Father Dunne, Idol of Homeless Boys.


Jimmy Flemming, 10 years old, was the author of the' big voice that aroused the passengers on the 6 o'clock Suburban Jimmy's costume reflected a COScar every morning. mopolite taste, being made up of an aggregation of garments gathered from the four quarters and having been procured at various epochs in his career, whenever "a guy had opened up," also exhibited a variety as to size. His red sweater refused to associate with his baggy trousers that served as receptacles for an extremely slim pair of little calves. His healthy big toe scorned the rough turned-over shoes. His wiry independent locks had forced a "wentilation" hole in the top of his apology for a hat. This heterogeneous apparel, however, failed to detract attention from an habitual grin that fairly radiated good humor and satisfaction from the face and person of Jimmy.

Whenever he was stopped by a dainty attired lady, Jimmy's little knobby blue hands fumbled awkwardly with his pile of ragged-edged papers and pulled one out from underneath the soiled top. Whenever he was pushed unceremoniously by an annoyed conductor, Jimmy would let fly with those same little fists in that part of his opponent's anatomy which was most covenient-his abdomen-and drop gracefully from the car with his grin undisturbed.

But there was one person on that 6 o'clock car whom Jimmy stood in awe of. That was Father Dunne. Father Dunne went every morning to say mass at the Visitation Convent. Jimmy plied his trade. They rarely spoke. But they knew each other well. They understood by a subtle sympathy and Jimmy's loud voice softened respectfully as he approched the wonderfully kind eyes of the priest. The latter always touched gently the little outstretched hand as he took the proffered paper.

.. Too Dirty to Ride.

One morning Jimmy did not appear, nor the next, nor the next. Father Dunne's inquiry of his successor met with

the response: "He ain't got no bath, un' he's got so dirty the conductor won't let him git on."

The rather unfair predicament of his little friend shaped a plan that had long been forming in Father Dunne's mind, and proved the beginning of "Father Dunne's Newsboys' Home" that colony of street urchins, who "never git no chanc't," at Washington and Garrison avenues-that has made the name of Father Dunne a blessing throughout the country.

Father Dunne. He himself is the secret of the phenomenal success that has attended his every effort. There has been plans and enterprises launched along the same line. These had flashed brightly with enthusiasm for several weeks and then had flickered out and the idea discarded as impractical and unfeasible. And the failures of these enterprises were given in argument to the priest's every request for aid. But the argument did not stop there.

"Show us what you can do and we will help you. A home's all right, but where will you get the boys?" said one. "You'd have to put them behind iron bars to hold them overnight," said another.

But the priest shook his head sadly, unconvinced. "Was there nobody to believe in his little friends, no one willing to give them a "sqaure deal," His habitual, quiet optimism asserted itself and strangled discouragement. Of course there was. And he must find them.

"I had forgotten," said Father Dunne, "that I was dealing with Missourians and that they must be shown. So I went out through the alleys into the tenements, looked into the protected doorways and street corners, and found them, found them in herds. I did not have to attend a class in psychology, nor did I call a charity convention to tell me how I should deal with the lonely little chaps."

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