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Illinois Juvenile Court Law

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MAY 6 1908


We Advocate the Establishment of a JUVENILE COURT in every State in the Union.

¶ AGENTS are NOT Authorized to represent Local Juvenile Courts or to accept Donations for any purpose.

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"Entered as Second-Class Matter Aug. 28th 1903 at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3rd 1879."

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The object of The Juvenile Court Record is to disseminate the principles of the Juvenile Court throughout the United States, and, in fact, the entire world.

When the Juvenile Court was first established the sociologists of the entire country stood by watching anxiously the outcome of this new departure in childsaving methods. It was realized that a medium was needed whereby the results accomplished by the Juvenile Court might be set forth in an intelligent manner. The Juvenile Court Record stepped into the breach and has devoted its pages exclusively to news of the various juvenile courts. As a result of the publicity thus given to the foundation principle and routine work of the Cook County Juvenile Court other States have passed juvenile court laws, and bills are being prepared in nearly every State in the Union to be presented at the next sessions of the Legislatures of the various States providing for similar legislation.

PLEASE NOTE! ALL agents for the Juvenile Court Record carry credentials.

The agent presenting this paper to you is authorized to sell single copies at 10c, and to take annual subscriptions at $1.00 per year.

This paper is published only as an exponent of Juvenile Courts.

New York Office, 53 W. 24th St. 79 Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.

Boston Office, 71 Kilby St

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All committees were appointed, meetings called and general information distributed from the office. Communication was maintained with all the police courts, and the Juvenile Court, and children and cases of destitution taken in charge and given immediate assistance. During the business hours of the day two police officers, assigned from the police department, assist in the work of the society. They render valuable service to the society.

Our request for hospital accommodations, transportation rates and general assistance are responded to by all persons and institutions to whom we apply.

T. D. HURLEY, Chairman.


The Child-Labor Bureau has been in active operation during the past eight months. Some two thousand eight hundred certificates were issued during the period. The Clerk of the Department issues all certificates for the parochial schools of the Archdiocese.

The office is associated and connected with the public school department. Many difficulties arose during the period in reference to birth certificates and other questions but all were adjusted.

The expense of the Department is seventy dollars a month.


The Society has been in daily communication with the Juvenile Court and has at all times been a prominent factor in the work of the Court. As a rule, a majority of the dependent cases are under supervision of the Society's officers.

We were called on during the period to adjust most of the special cases requiring extraordinary care and discretion. St. Mary's Training School, St. Vincent's Infant Asylum and the House of the Good Shepherd were afforded office facility by the Society.

Daily conferences are held in the office of the Society by the various repesentatives of these institutions.

Two officers are assigned to the Society and perform the general work throughout the city such as obtaining relief, assistance, medical aid, transportation, and generally interesting themselves in dependent families.

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is a splendid norm, not anything abnormal. So we feed it from the soil, and it feeds from the air, and thus we make it a powerful aid to man. It is dependent upon good food. Upon good food for the child, well-balanced food, depends good digestion; upon good digestion, with pure air to keep the blood pure, depends the nervous system. If you have the first ten years of a boy's or a girl's life in which to make them strong and sturdy, with normal nerves, splendid digestion and unimpaired lungs, you have a healthy animal, ready for the heavier burdens of study. Preserve beyond all else as the priceless portion of a child the integrity of the nervous system. Upon this depends their success in life. With the nervous system shattered, what is life worth? Suppose you begin the education, so-called, of your child at, say, 3 or 4, if he be unusually bright in the kindergarten. Keep adding slowly and systematically, with what I think the devil must enjoy as a refined means of torment, to the burden day by day. Keep on "educating" him until he enters the primary school at 5, and push him to the uttermost until he is 10. You have now laid broad and deep the foundations; outraged nature may be left to take care of the rest.

The integrity of your child's nervous system, no matter what any so-called educators may say, is thus impaired; he can never again be what he would have been had you taken him as the plant cultivator takes a plant, and for these first ten precious years of his life had fitted him for the future. Nothing else is doing so much, to break down the nervous system of Americans, not even the insane rushing of mature years, as this overcrowding and cramming of child life before the age of 10. And the mad haste of maturer years is the legitimate result of the earlier strain.


Luther Burbank; the "Plant Wizard," Writes about the Child.

To develop indoors, under glass, a race of men and women of the type that I believe is coming out of all this marvelous mingling of races in the United States is immeasurably absurd, says Mr. Burbank in the Century. There must be sunlight, but even more is needed fresh, pure air. The injury wrought to-day to the race by keeping too young children indoors at school is beyond the power of anyone to estimate. The air they breath even under the best sanitary regulations is far too impure for their lungs. Often it is positively poisonous-a slow poison which never makes itself fully manifest until the child is a wreck. Keep the child outdoors and away from books and study. Much you can teach him, much he will teach himself, all gently, without knowing it, of nature and nature's God, just as the child is taught to walk or run or play; but education in the academic sense shun as you would the plague. And the atmosphere must be pure around it in the other sense. It must be free from every kind of indelicacy or coarseness. The most dangerous man in the community is the one who would pollute the stream of a childs life. Whoever was responsible for the saying that "boys will be boys" and a young man "must sow his wild oats" was perhaps guilty of a crime,

It is impossible to apply successfully the principles of cultivation and selection of plants to human life if the human life does not, like the plant life, have proper nourishment. First of all, the child's digestion must be made sound by sufficient simple, well-balanced food. But, you say, anyone should know this. True, and most people do realize that upon the food the child is fed in these first ten years largely depends its moral future?

What we want in developing a new plant, making it better in all ways than any of its kind that have preceded it,


David Pulson, M. D.

Through the efforts of the Chicago Medical Society there has been perfected an organization known as the Chicago Society of Social Hygiene, of which Prof. C. R. Henderson of the Chicago University is president, and many of the leading people of Chicago are members. Its object is to disseminate information regarding the appalling spread of venereal disease and the disastrous effects of the same and also to supply to parents and teachers the information that will be necessary for them to properly instruct the young who come under their charge, concerning the vital truths of personal hygiene.

In a recent meeting of this society the secretary, Dr. Bellefield, told of his meeting a heart-broken father, who had just made the discovery that his boy had been made fully conversant regarding sexual topics from vile sources.

He advised the father to take half a day off each week and get acquainted with his boy: take him out to the woods and study in the flowers and plants the broad subject of reproduction in nature, and endeavor in this way to become the confidential advisor of his own boy. A few years have rolled by and this boy is now a wholesome young man. The other day the father stepped into the doctor's office and told him how his advice had helped him to save his boy. "Blessed is the boy, who can walk and talk with his father."

Since there are so few parents who are competent to convey such knowledge in an accurate and proper way, there is a necessity for the organization of societies to impart such knowledge.

While mistakes may be made, the greatest of all possible mistakes will be to do nothing. Miss Blunt, a high school teacher, read a very practical paper in which she showed how she wove into her teaching of physiology, zoology,

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