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Charleston, and their successors in office for ever hereafter, shall be, and they are hereby declared to be incorporated as a body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, by the name of "The Protestant Episcopal Church of the parish of Saint Michael, in Charleston, in the state of South-Carolina."

to hold

and be su

And be it further enacted by the authority Respectaforesaid, That the said two churches, by their ively emrespective names before merdoned, shall seve- powered rally, from time to time, and at all times hereaf- property, ter, have perpetual succession, and a common and sue seal, and be capable in law to have, hold, take, an receive, possess and enjoy all the lands, tenements and hereditaments, and the rents and income thereof, which now are or hereafter shall be vested in them respectively, by gift, devise or purchase, to them and their respective successors in office for ever, not exceeding the annual income of one thousand pounds each; and that the said two churches, by their said respective names, shall and may severally sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in any court of judicature in this state, in all actions or suits of what nature or kind soever, which to them shall in any wise belong or appertain in or about the premises.

law or in

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said corporations, and each Power to of them, shall have full power and authority, by recover at their respective names above mentioned, either equity. at law or in equity, to sue for, recover and receive, all and every such sum and sums of money, goods, chattels, houses, lands, real estate, or other property, as now is or are, or hereafter may be due to, or kept and detained from them or either of them, by any one or more of their or either of their own body, sect, fraternity or

being exported or exposed to sale, may be brought for inspection, and after being passed, shall be deposited till called for (for exportation;) which warehouses shall be established at the following places, that is to say: one warehouse at the plantation of John Sharp, on the Savannah river, Abbeville county, opposite the place in Georgia called Petersburgh; one warehouse at Cambridge, in the district of Ninety-six; one warehouse at the town of Orangeburgh; one warehouse on Savannah river, at Drury Pace's ferry; one warehouse on the west bank of Broad river, at Hendersonburgh.

And be it further enacted by the authority Commis- aforesaid, That Joseph Colhoun, Esq. Flemsioners ap- ming Bates, Ebenezer Pettigrew, Higginson


Barksdale and Joseph Milligan, shall be commissioners for the warehouse at John Sharp's plantation; James Goudy, John Merriweather and William Huggins, shall be commissioners for the warehouse at Cambridge; and Jacob Weymer, John Chevellette and David Rumph, shall be commissioners for the warehouse at Orangeburgh; that Drury Pace, Robert Ware and Samuel Scott, shall be commissioners for the warehouse at Drury Pace's ferry, in Edgefield county; and William Farr, Nathan Glen and James Glen, shall be commissioners for the warehouse at Hendersonburgh. And the said commissioners shall be and are hereby vested with all ers and subject to powers, authorities, privileges and benefits, penalties. and shall be subject to all the duties and penalties to which commissioners of other inspections Owners of are entitled or made liable by any law of this property entitled to state. And the owners of the lands on which the warehouses may be built, and the officers and servants at each of the said warehouses, shall also be entitled to all the profits and emoluments,


with pow


ments and subject to duties.


subject to all the duties, and liable to all the pènaltics, given, created and imposed by any law of the said state.


ers to

And be it further enacted by the authority, aforesaid, That copies of this law, and also of all preceding laws respecting the inspection of transmit tobacco, now in force, be transmitted by the inspection commissioners of the treasury, to the board c comuniscommissioners of each respective inspection, sioners. throughout the state.

s to

settle with

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the commissioners for building Commiswarehouses and appointing inspectors of tobac- sioners to co, already appointed or hereafter to be appoint- the inspeced, shall have power to settle with and receive tors, and to compel from the inspectors at the respective warehouses, payment all surplus money that may be in their hands at of surplus. the expiration of every year; and on the inspec tors refusing or neglecting to pay the said ba!ance or surplus, the said commissioners shall have full power and authority to compel pay

ment of the same.

oners may

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the commissioners of the to- Certain bacco warehouses, known by the name of Ham- commissi mond's, Picken's and Campbell's warehouses, lower taxare respectively empowered to lower such of es. the taxes as have been laid by law for the purpose of defraying the expenses of inspection. In the Senate House, the twentieth day of December, in the year of our Lord one thou sand seven hundred and ninety-one, and in the sixteenth year of the Independence of the United States of America.


President of the Senate.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

An ACT to incorporate" the Grand Lodge and the several Lodges under the jurisdiction thereof, of South-Carolina, Ancient York Ma

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HEREAS Brigadier-general Mordecai Gist, Grand Master, and others the officers and members of cighteen lodges of Ancient York Masons, represented in Grand Lodge, in the city of Charleston, have petitioned the legislature,"to be incorporated a body politic, by the name and style of the Grand Lodge of the state of South-Carolina, Ancient York Masons, and its masonic jurisdiction." And whereas, it is expedient to grant the prayer of said petition: s

Be it therefore enacted by the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives, now met and sitting in general assembly, and by the auThe grand thority of the same, That the said society abovelodge and mentioned, and the subordinate lodges aforesaid ate lodges composing the same, and the several persons incorpora- who now are or shall hereafter be members reted.


May hold

real estate

to the value of 50001.

spectively, and their successors, members and officers thereof respectively, shall be and are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, in name and in deed, by the name and style of the "Grand Lodge of the state of South-Carolina, Ancient York Masons, and its masonic jurisdiction," and by the same name shall have perpetual succession of officers and members, and a common seal, with power to change, alter and make new the same, as often as the said corporation shall judge expedient.

Be it also enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said society, and the lodges constituting the same, shall be able and capable in law, to purchase, have, hold, receive, enjoy, possess

ed; and

and retain to itself or each or any of them in perpetuity or for any term of years, any lands, tenements or hereditaments, of what kind or nature soever, not exceeding the value of five thousand pounds, and to sell, alicn, exchange, or demise or lease the same or any part thereof, as the said corporation shall think proper, and by the same name to sue and be sued, implead and May sue be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in and be suany court of law or equity in this state; and to may consmake such rules, orders and bye-laws (not re- titute subpugnant to the laws of this state,) as may be ne- lodges. cessary for the order, rule, good government and management thereof; and it shall and may be lawful to and for the said society to constitute subordinate lodges, and to do all other things concerning the government, estate, monies and revenues of said Grand Lodge and subordinate lodges.


of 5001. per

And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the May hold said corporation to take and hold for ever any an income charitable donations or devises and bequests of annum. land, not exceeding the value of five hundred pounds sterling per annum, and to appropriate the same for the benefit of the said corporation in such manner as may be determined by the



And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said corporation shall be ca- Shall enpable in law to have, hold and receive, enjoy and joy their possess all such estates, real or personal, money, property. goods, chattels and effects, which they now possess or are entitled unto, or which have been already given, devised or bequeathed thereto, by whatever name such gift, devise or bequest may have been made, and to receive subscriptions and other contributions.

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