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Ordinary, his Fees.

For a marriage licence, bond and regis-

For a citation and recording,
For qualifying administrators, bond,
letters of administration, and warrant
of appraisement, recording letters
and oath,

For proving a will, probate, recording
and filing the will, and certified co-
py, where it does not exceed four co-
py sheets, 9s. 4d. and for every
other copy sheet,
For qualifying executors, letters testa-
mentary and recording,

For warrant of appraisement, oath and

And if renewed,

For filing renunciation of executors and recording,

For a dedimus to prove a will, and qualifying executors or administrators, and copy of oath,

For guardianship bond, letters and re-

For entering caveat, or withdrawing,
For a scarch,

For hearing a litigated cause,

Forswearing and examining each witness, For recording or copying any other writing, per copy sheet,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

4 8

For filing petition for sale of testators or intestates effects, examining into the propriety of the proposed sales, and endorsing order thereon, For examining the accounts of executors and administrators, vouchers and filing, for the first, year's accounts 14s. and for every other year 5s.

County Attorney.

For commencing and prosecuting an indictment or information, tried by petit jury or confessed,

For entering a noli prosequi by order of


For commencing and prosecuting a scire facias on forfeited recognizances,

County Court Clerk's Fees.

For the whole fee of a tavern licence, or permit to retail spirituous liquors, and bond, and furnishing rates,

For every search,

For reading any paper or record filed in


For every writ issued,

For an attachment granted by the justice of peace, returnable to the court, and putting the same upon the docket, For every summons for a witness or witnesses,

For entering every cause on the docket,
to be charged but once, (except peti-
tion and summons,)

For entering every special bail,
For entering security for costs for per-
sons out of the county,

For entering appearance of the defend-
ant or defendants, (except on sum-
mons and petition,)

For all subsequent proceedings after writ, to interlocutory judgment inclusive,

For all other proceedings to final judg

ment and verdict,

For all other proceedings, executions inclusive,

[blocks in formation]


For fling the papers of cach party in £. s. d. every cause, where there is a jury or case agreed and argued,

For all and every other thing done by'
the clerk during the trial of any issue,
For entering every judgment and copy

For every recognizance,
For entering an appeal and taking bond,
and for returning the same to the of
fice of the clerk of the superior court,
For copy of proceedings of the cause,
wherein the appeal is granted, for
every copy sheet,
For an attachment,

For issuing petition and summons, and
entering return thereof,

For entering decree and execution on

summary process, For recording every judgment or other writing, percopy sheet, or copy thereof, For entering every toll of estrays, and keeping the same affixed up at the courthouse, and all other incidental charges, His Fees on Letters of Administration, granted by the County-Courts.

For a citation,

For each adrainistration bond,

For letters of appraisement,

For a dedimus,






4 8







1 6





For granting letters testamentary, with the will annexed,


For probate of a will,

For recording any of the above instruments, and the appraisement, per copy sheet,


For examining the accounts of executors and administrators, vouchers, and for filing the same,

under the inspection of the county court, for the first year's account, 5s. and for every other year 2s. 6d.


fees than

they are


And be it further enacted by the authority eforesaid, Tint if any of the public officers of officers of All public this site, or other person or persons entitled to others, fees by this act, and in the foregoing lists parti- taking or culaviy mentioned, shall take or receive any fur- other or ther, other or greater fee or reward for any of the greater services in the sd foregoing lists respectively those to mentioned, or shall invent or contrive any other or which further fee or reward for any of the said services, entitled by then, and in every such case, the person or per- this act, lisons so offending, upon due proof and convic- able to be tion, shall forfeit for the first offence, four times cd, &c. the amount of the sum so taken, paid or reccivcd, to be recovered in any court or record in this state; one if to be paid to the person who shall suc for the suge, and the other moiety to be paid into the public treasury for the use of the state, except in such counties where county courts are established, in which cases the said last mcntioned mcicty shall be paid for the use of the county; and for the second offence, shall stand divested of his office, and be rendered incapable of re-appointment to the same; and on information from the court, under hand and seal, the governor shall fill up the vacancy, if the legislature should not be sitting; and if in the county courts, the vacancies shall be filled up by the justices of the said county.

And be it further enacted by the authority Public aforesaid, That the following officers, to wit, the officers to keep their secretary of state, register and commissioners in offices opequity, register of mesne conveyances, ordina- en, &c. ries and surveyor-general, shall, and they are hereby directed to keep their several offices open from nine o'clock in the morning until three

and clerks

of the

sheriffs, to

and receive their

o'clock in the afternoon, each and every day throughout the year, (Sundays, Christmas day, and the anniversary of the independence of America excepted;) and the sheriffs, and the clerks of all courts, are hereby obliged to give constant attendance at their offices, either by themselves or deputies, in their several and respective offices; which said offices shall be kept in the city, town or village, where the respective court-houses are established. And no person shall be compellable to pay any of the aforesaid fees, unless at the time of the demand, or before distress of goods is made, an account thereof shall be delivered, signed by the officer to whom the same is due, specifying distinctly every article in words at length, with the particular fe charg ed for it, and shall give a receipt for the same, if required.

And be it further enacted by the authority Registers aforesaid, That the several clerks and registers of the courts of justice, and sheriffs, throughout couts of the state, shall collect in and receive their own justice and fees from the different suitors or persons who are collect in liable to pay the same in the said courts of justice respectively; except where the plaintiffs or complainants in any suit shall reside in foreign countries, or without the limits of this state; in which case the agents or attornies of the said plaintiffs or complainants shall be answerable for the payment of said fees, except the clerks of county courts, whose fees shall be collected as heretofore.

own fees.

And be it further enacted by the authority All other aforesaid, That all former and other acts for reacts regu- gulating or establishing salaries and fees throughand sala- out this state, or in the districts or counties. thereof, and every of them, shall be, and the same are hereby repealed. And this act shall

ries, re


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