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.Iuspector of Schools:

a duly licensed teacher of Class. .do hereby certify that the candidates, whose names are given below from No. 1 to No. inclusive, will, to the best of my knowledge, have comp'eted, before the date of next examination, the full imperative Course of Study up to and inclnding the Grade for which they hereby respectively apply; and that they are good* readers and writers. I also forward herewith on behalf of these candidates... .....dollars, being the amount of fees required under sub-section (b) of Regulation 85, "Provincial Examination of High School Students" as specified in the list below. Candidates intending to take the M. P. Q. Examination (fee $2.00, payable to the Deputy Examiner at Examination) are indicated by the letters M. P. Q. in the column headed "remarks below; or the "supplementary" (fee $1.00), by the syllable "supp," etc.


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..May, 190.....

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*If a candidate has a physical defect preventing good reading or writing, application may be made if qualified by and accompanied with a particular and authentic description of
the case for the consideration of the Education Department.
+Titles of Supplementary papers to be written by candidates should be indicated here.

The Class of License the candidate intends applying for at Examination should be indicated here by the letters D. C. B. or A.




(Passed 4th day of April, 1901)

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows:

1. The City of Halifax shall be one school section, and there shall be twelve Commissioners of Schools for such City appointed, six by the Governor-in-Council, and six by the City Council as in this Act provided; and the twelve Commissioners thus appointed shall constitute a Board of School Commissioners for the City of Halifax, and such Board shall be a body corporate under the name of the Board of School Commissioners for the City of Halifax, and subject to the provisions of this Act shall have all the powers and perform all the duties conferred and imposed upon Trustees and Commissioners of Schools by the Education Act, Chapter 52, the Revised Statutes, 1900.

2. The six Commissioners appointed by the Governorin-Council shall hold office during the period of three years, the two senior Commissioners retiring on the first day of November of each and every year; and the Governor-in-Council shall appoint two persons to fill the places of the two retiring Commissioners, who shall hold office for three years.

3. The Commissioners appointed by the City Council shall likewise hold office during the period of three years, the two senior Commissioners retiring on the first day of November in each and every year; and the City Council on the first day of November of each year, or as soon thereafter as conveniently may be, shall appoint two persons to hold office for three years, to fill the places of the two retiring Commissioners.

4. Any such Commissioner, whether appointed by the Governor-in-Council or the City Council shall be eligible for re-appointment to the Board for a second term of three years, but not for a third term until the expiration of twelve months from the time of his going out of office.

5. Any extraordinary vacancy in the Board caused by death, resignation, removal from the city, refusal or inability to act, or other causes, shall be filled by a person appointed by the body or authority who shall have appointed the person causing the vacancy to hold office for the unexpired term of the person so causing such vacancy. 6. If from any cause all or any of the persons to be

appointed, either by the Governor-in-Council or by the City Council under the provisions of this Chapter shall not have been appointed at the time fixed for such appointment, or having been appointed shall not act, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners who may have been appointed and consented to act, to act until the vacancies so existing shall be filled up.

7. At the first meeting of the Board in November in each year they shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman, who shall, if they continue to be members of such Board, remain in office until their successors are appointed.

8. Notice of the first appointment of the Commissioners and of all subsequent appointments shall be published in the Royal Gazette as soon as conveniently may be after such appointments.

9. The Board of Commissioners shall have power, by resolution or otherwise, to apportion to each and every school or department, an area from which the pupils residing within such area may attend such school or department; and such Board shall take all the necessary steps to provide sufficient school accommodation, and shall furnish annually to the Superintendent of Education a report of their proceedings under this Act; also returns of all schools subject to their control, and a statement of the appropriation of all moneys received and expended by them. under the provisions of this Act and the Education Act.

10. The Board of Commissioners are authorized to cooperate with the governing body of any city school on such terms as to the Board shall seem right and proper, so that the benefits of such school may be as general as circumstances will permit; and the Board may make such allowance to any such school out of the funds under their control as shall be deemed just and equitable; but no public funds shall be granted by them in support of any school unless the same be a free school under the provisions of the Education Act.

11.-(1) On request of the Board of Commissioners specifying the amount required in addition to the sums provided from the provincial treasury for the yearly support and maintenance of the schools under their charge, the City Council shall be authorized, and are hereby required to add a sum sufficient, after deducting costs of collection and probable loss, to yield the amount so specified by the Board, to the amount to be rated upon the city to be levied and collected from the ratepayers thereof.

(2) The amount so specified by the Commissioners shall not exceed 90,000 dollars in any one year, unless a detailed and itemized estimate showing the amount so specified and

required for the various services has been first submitted to and approved by the Governor-in-Council. The Governor-in-Council before approving said estimate shall notify the Mayor of the time and place they will consider said estimate and the City Council may appear before them and oppose said estimate or any item thereof, and after said estimate has been approved by the Governor-in-Council a certificate of such approval shall be forwarded to the Mayor, and the amount so approved shall be rated upon the property of the ratepayers as provided in this section. (3) The city treasurer shall on the first day of each month pay to the Board of Commissioners an instalment of one-tenth of the amount so specified as required for school purposes, and in case a sufficient sum is not collected from the school rates to pay such instalment, the mayor shall borrow the difference from any bank, and the amount so borrowed shall be paid by the city treasurer from the uncollected taxes, and the interest paid, if any, on said loan shall be rated each year upon the property of the ratepayers and collected in the same manner and with the same rights, remedies and liens as the ordinary rates and taxes of the city of Halifax.

12. The objects to be provided for by the Board of Commissioners out of the sum so assessed shall be the salaries of teachers and assistants, and of the secretary of the Board, the leasing of lands and buildings for school purposes, the repairing and improving of grounds and buildings, the cleaning, fuel and insurance of school houses, the purchase of prescribed school books and of library books, the interest payable on debentures issued by the Board, the cost of supervision of schools, of enforcing the City Compulsory School Act, special instruction to teachers, school apparatus and stationery, and all other expenses required in the due execution of the different powers, duties and trusts vested in the Board.

13. The Board of Commissioners shall have power to select and purchase sites for school buildings, and shall have power to borrow money for the purchase of the same; as also for the purchase or erection of school buildings, the improvement of school grounds, and the purchase of suitable furniture and apparatus for the schools under their control, and for the redemption from time to time of the debentures in the next section mentioned, as they mature; but the Commissioners shall not enter into any contract for the purchase of any land nor for the erection of any school building until such contract has been submitted to and obtained the approval of the Governor-inCouncil. The Board shall also have power to renew existing leases.

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