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the general meaning of the whole extract. By doing this, and by remembering that a dictionary can never give the accidental significations which a word may acquire under different circumstances, he will succeed in making as good a translation from one language into another as it is possible to give.

§ 2. The student should also take care not to adopt too hastily the first word that he remembers, for often one and the same word has different acceptations. A few examples are given here of words having several meanings, as :

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§ 3. It often happens that an English word is nearly the same as a French word in spelling and pronunciation without having the same meaning. The pupil should take great care not to be deceived by such a resemblance. We give below a list of the chief words almost externally

identical in both languages, and yet having a different

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30. This orator delivered his speech

Cet orateur prononça sa ha


31. These wits always deride us Ces beaux-esprits se moquent toujours de nous

32. They are quite destitute Ils sont sans argent et sans amis

33. I shall come directly

Je viendrai tout de suite

34. What a disgrace for the family

Quelle honte pour la famille 35. He diverted my attention Il a détourné mon attention

36. Formerly many people were

put into a dungeon Autrefois beaucoup de gens furent mis au cachot

37. This is the editor of the newspaper

Voici le rédacteur du journal

38. He speaks in a very emphatic way

Il parle d'une manière trèsénergique

39. With years we gain experience

Avec les années nous gagnons de l'expérience

Les esclaves sont délivrés The slaves are set at liberty

Ce qu'il vient de me dire me déride

What he has just told me unbends my brow

Ces employés ont été destitués These functionaries have been dismissed

Il est arrivé directement sans s'arrêter nulle part

He arrived straight and without stopping anywhere

Ce favori est tombé en disgrâce This favourite has fallen into disfavour

Un prestidigitateur nous divertit toujours

A conjuror amuses us always

Le donjon est la plus forte tour du château

The keep is the strongest tower of the castle

Voilà l'éditeur de mon livre There is the publisher of my book

Cet acteur est très-emphatique
This actor is very bombastic

L'expérience n'a pas réussi

The trial has not succeeded

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