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Ford, Charles M., declares that inspection of drug stores at the present time is practically a farce and might better never be attempted. Condition of premises and merchandise, equipment, and methods of dispensing and compounding are all factors for determining whether or not adulteration and misbranding are present.Drug. Circ. 1911, v. 55, p. 626.


Martindale, W. Harrison, presents a table showing the atomic weights current in various pharmacopoeias, compared with the international atomic weights, 1911, and expresses the opinion that we do not require atomic weights to second or third place of decimals, and that for all practical purposes a "rounded off" revision would be desirable. Pharm. J. 1911, v. 86, pp. 178-179.

Atomic weights current in various pharmacopoeias compared with international

[blocks in formation]

Adams, Elliot Quincy, presents a modification of the periodic table, and points out that the elements can be arranged in six periods, each including some power of two elements or groups of elements.-J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1911, v. 33, pp. 684-688.

Hansen, C. J. T., presents a brief note on the reform of chemical and physical calculations, and F. W. Clarke's eighteenth annual report of the committee on atomic weights.-Chem. News, 1911, v. 104, p. 232.

Clarke, F. W., presents the eighteenth annual report of the committee on atomic weights, and reviews the determinations published in 1910.-J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1911, v. 33, pp. 261-270. See also Ber. deutsch. chem. Gesellsch. 1911, v. 44, pp. 1-5; Ztschr. physik, Chem. 1911, v. 75, pp. 378-382, and other journals.

Woodhead, John E., contributes a paper on atomic weights, together with a table showing the international weights, 1911, “rounded off" weights, and percentage of error.-Pharm. J. 1911, v. 86, p. 365. Beringer, George M., points out that in the Ph. Germ. V. the international list of atomic weights for 1910 is adopted as the basis for the chemical formulas, molecular weights, and the analytical calculations. This is the first revision of the German Pharmacopoeia in which chemical formulas are given.-Am. J. Pharm. 1911, v. 83, p. 328.

An editorial note (Pharm. J. 1911, v. 87, p. 703) calls attention to the new atomic weights for 1912, and states that in but two cases are the changes large. Mercury and tantalum are now given as 200.6 and 181.5, respectively.

The annual report of the international committee on atomic weights with the international atomic weight table for 1912 is reprinted.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1911, v. 33, pp. 1639-1642. See also J. Chem. Soc. Lond. 1911, v. 99, pp. 1867-1870; Chem. Ztg. 1911, v. 35, pp. 1237–1238; Drug. Circ. 1911, v. 55, p. 689; Ztschr. physik. Chem. 1911-1912, v. 78, pp. 500–503; Apoth.-Ztg. 1911, v. 26, p. 940, and other journals.

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Düsterbehn, F., notes that the Ph. Germ. V now presents a chemical formula, also the atomic and molecular weight for the several chemical products that are described.-Apoth.-Ztg. 1911, v. 26, p. 106. See also Pharm. J. 1911, v. 86, p. 496.

Beringer, George M., asserts that the Ph. Germ. V is the first of the German pharmacopoeias in which chemical formulas are given. Empirical formulas are tabooed, and throughout structural formulas are used. Am. J. Pharm. 1911, v. 83, p. 328. Also Proc. New Jersey Pharm. Assoc. 1911, p. 76.



Whitworth, F. C., in discussing the scope of the U. S. P. and of the National Formulary, expresses the belief that the latter book has admirably performed the function of standardizing nonofficial preparations and, in recent years, has been brought closer to the medical and pharmaceutical professions than ever before.-Rocky Mountain Druggist, 1911, v. 25, Jan., p. 26.

Diekman, George C., reports that the N. F. IV will appear in two parts: Part one will consist of formulas inclusive of those in the appendix to N. F. III, with the exception of such of the latter as may be deleted; part two will consist of standards and descriptions of drugs and simples, used in the preparations of the N. F., and for which the Pharmacopoeia gives no standards. Many of the present formulas will be thoroughly revised, particularly those of the organic iron preparations.-Proc. New York Pharm. Assoc. 1911, p. 91.

Wilbert, M. I., states that the Committee of Revision of the National Formulary has worked hard and conscientiously and, if the final result is not satisfactory to the users of the book, it will be entirely the fault of the users, since they have been given every opportunity possible to criticize the work before its issuance.-Bull. Am. Pharm. Assoc. 1911, v. 6, p. 613.

Dunning, H. A. B., states that, while the National Formulary will likely contain some formulas deleted from the U. S. P., it should be borne in mind that the N. F. was intended to serve a purpose entirely different from that of the U. S. P.-Ibid. p. 613.

Eberle, Eugene G., states that the present revision of the National Formulary will evidence the elimination of many shortcomings. He believes that the Formulary should always remain the property of the American Pharmaceutical Association.-Ibid. p. 396.

The A. Ph. A. Committee on Drug Market reiterates the advisability of eliminating the National Formulary as a legal standard under the food and drugs act as, in its present condition, it is unsuited to such an important place as has been given to it.--Drug Topics, 1911, v. 26, p. 276.

Bradt, Warren L., reports that the New York State Board of Pharmacy adopted a rule that every pharmacy and drug store shall own and have on file at all times the eighth decennial revision of the Pharmacopoeia and the latest edition of the National Formulary, and no registration certificate shall be issued a pharmacy or drug store till it complies with this rule.-Proc. New York Pharm. Assoc. 1911, p. 32. Whitney, Mrs. D. V., presents the report of the committee on National Formulary and makes a number of suggestions for changes in formulas.-Proc. Missouri Pharm. Assoc. 1911, pp. 98-102.

In a report of the City of Washington Branch meeting for February, a number of modified formulas for N. F. preparations are reprinted.Drug. Circ. 1911, v. 55, pp. 188-189.

Thum, John K., comments on several N. F. formulas.-Am. Druggist, 1911, v. 58, pp. 241-242.

Diehl, C. Lewis, presents a report of the Committee on National Formulary, including a list of the articles now in the book that have not been admitted to the new edition.-Bull. Am. Pharm. Assoc. 1911, v. 6, pp. 485-490. See also Am. Druggist, 1911, v. 59, p. 110; N. A. R. D. Notes, 1911, v. 12, p. 1472; Drug. Circ. 1911, v. 55, pp. 502-503; Meyer Bros. Drug. 1911, v. 32, p. 336, and other drug journals.

List of articles to be dropped from the National Formulary.

Acidum hyophosphorosum.
Balsamum traumaticum.

Bismuthi oxidum hydratum.


Ceratum camphoræ compositum.

Decoctum aloes compositum.

Elixir acidi salicylici.

Elixir ammonnii valerianatis et quininæ.
Elixir apii graveolentis compositum.
Elixir caffeinæ.

Elixir chloroformi compositum.

Elixir cinchonæ, pepsini et strychninæ.

Elixir cocæ et guaranæ.
Elixir eucalypti.

Elixir euonymi.

Elixir frangulæ.

Elixir glycyrrhiza.

Elixir grindeliæ.

Elixir malti et ferri.

Elixir paraldehydi.

Elixir picis compositum.

Elixir pilocarpi.

Fluidextractum menyanthis.

Fluidextractum rhamni purshianæ alkalinum.

Fluidextractum urticæ.

Lac humanisatum.

Linimentum iodi.

Liquor ammonii acetatis concentratus.
Liquor electropœicus.

Liquor extracti glycyrrhiza.

Liquor iodi causticus.

Liquor magnesii bromidi.
Liquor morphinæ citratis.
Liquor morphinæ hypodermicus.
Liquor seriparus.

Liquor sodii carbolatis.
Liquor sodii oleatis.

Lotio adstringens.

Mistura acacia.

Mistura splenetica.
Mucilago dextrini.

Mucilago salep.

Oleatum zinci.

Elixir quininæ et phosphatum composi- Pasta ichthoyli, Unna.


Elixir rhei.

Elixir rhei et magnesii acetatis.
Elixir stillingiæ compositum.

Emplastrum picis liquidæ compositum.
Irish moss emulsion of cod-liver oil.
Dextrin emulsion of cod-liver oil.
Emulsions of volatile oils.
Emulsum olei terebinthinæ fortior.
Extractum glycyrrhizæ depuratum.
Ferri hypophosphis.

Fluidextractum camelliæ.
Fluidextractum coffeæ viridis.
Fluidextractum cornus circinata.
Fluidextractum malti.

Pepsinum aromaticum.
Pulvis acacia compositus.
Pulvis amygdalæ compositus.
Pulvis anticatarrhalis.
Pulvis iodoformi compositus.
Pulvis pro lacte humanisato.
Spiritus aromaticus.
Spiritus curassao.

Spiritus ophthalmicus.

Spiritus saponatus.

Spongia compressa.
Spongia decolorata.
Syrupus ferri arsenatis.

Syrupus morphinæ compositus.
Syrupus morphinæ sulphatis.

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