Thence I behold the miserie of men, 531 Of ghostly darknes, and of gastlie dreed: With that shee wept and waild so pityouslie, 535 540 POLYHYΜΝΙΑ. A DOLEFULL case desires a dolefull song, 545 For the sweet numbers and melodious measures, With which I wont the winged words to tie, Now being let to runne at libertie 550 By those which have no skill to rule them right, Have now quite lost their naturall delight. Heapes of huge words uphoorded hideously, They thinke to be chiefe praise of Poëtry; 555 Whilom1 in ages past none might professe 560 The sacred lawes therein they wont expresse, Then was shee held in soveraigne dignitie, And made the noursling of Nobilitie. But now nor Prince nor Priest doth her maintayne, But suffer her prophaned for to bee 566 Of the base vulgar, that with hands uncleane Dares to pollute her hidden mysterie; And treadeth under foote hir holie things, Which was the care of Kesars and of Kings. 570 One onelie lives, her ages ornament, And myrrour of her Makers maiestie, Supports the praise of noble Poësie; But is her selfe a peereles Poëtesse. Most peereles Prince, most peereles Poëtesse, The true Pandora of all heavenly graces, Live she for ever, and her royall p'laces 1 Whilom, formerly. 575 580 Be fild with praises of divinest wits, Some few beside this sacred skill esteme, 585 But all the rest, as borne of salvage brood, 590 595 Eftsoones 1 such store of teares shee forth did powre, Eftsoones, immediately. 600 • Stowre, affliction. VIRGILS GNAT. LONG SINCE DEDICATED TO THE MOST NOBLE AND EXCELLENT LORD, THE EARLE OF LEICESTER, LATE DECEASED. 1591. LONG SINCE DEDICATED TO THE MOST NOBLE AND EXCELLENT LORD, THE EARLE OF LEICESTER, LATE DECEASED. WRONG'D,* yet not daring to expresse my paine, To you (great lord) the causer of my care, Unto your selfe, that onely privie are. But if that any Edipus unware Shall chaunce, through power of some divining spright, And know the purporte of my evill plight; * Nothing is known with certainty respecting the wrong of which Spenser here complains. Some biographers have one conjecture, and some another, upon the subject. |