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Continuance of this Act.


Jurisdiction within this Province, and to appoint from time to time the Judges and Officers thereof, as His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors may think proper or necessary for the circumstances of the Province, or to derogate from any other right or prerogative of the Crown whatsoever.

XIX And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that this act shall be and remain in force until the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six and no longer. Provided always, that if a certain Act passed by the Legislative Council and Assembly of this Province and reserved for the signification of His Majesty's pleasure on the third day of April, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, and intituled, "An Act further to provide for the Summary Trial of Small Causes," shall receive His Majesty's assent and become part of the Law of this Province, then this Act shall cease and be no longer in force from and after the day on which His Majesty's assent to the said Act shall be made known in this Province, in the manner provided by Law.



No. 1.


Parish, (Seigniory or Township) of

To all and every the Bailiffs, Constables and other Officers in the Parish, (Seigniory or Township) of


In His Majesty's name you are hereby commanded to summon A. B. of

if he may be found within the Parish, (Seigniory or Township,) of to be and appear before His Majesty's Commissioners for the summary trial of certain actions, residing in the said Parish, (Seigniory or Township,) at the dwelling house of

day of


[blocks in formation]

on the

o'clock in the

noon, who demands of the said and do you

on or before

the said day.

[blocks in formation]

day of

in the

year of His Majesty's reign and in the year of our

Lord one thousand eight hundred and

de nommer de tems à autre les Juges et Officiers d'icelles suivant que
Sa Majesté,
ses héritiers et successeurs le jugeront nécessaire ou convenable pour les circons..
tances de cette Province, ou déroger à aucun droit ou prérogative de la Couronne

XIX. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, que cet Acte sera et demeurera en force jusqu'au premier jour de Mai, mil-huit-cent trente-six et pas plus longtems. Pourvu toujours, que si un certain Acte passé par le Conseil Législatif et la Chambre d'Assemblée de cette Province, et réservé pour la signification du plaisir de Sa Majesté le troisième jour d'Avril de l'année mil-huit-cent trentetrois, intitulé, Acte qui pourvoit ultérieurement à la décision sommaire des petites "causes," reçoit l'assentiment de Sa Majesté, et devienne partie de la loi de cette Province, alors cet Acte cessera et ne sera plus en force, depuis et après le jour au.. quel l'assentiment de Sa Majesté au dit Acte aura été publié dans cette Province, en la manière prescrite par la loi.

Durée de cet



No. 1.


Paroisse, (ou Township ou Seigneurie.)

A tous et chaque Huissier, Connétable, et autres Officiers dans la Paroisse, (ou Township ou Seigneurie) de

Salut :

Au nom de Sa Majesté, vous êtes par le présent commandé d'assigner A. B. de

s'il se trouve dans la Paroisse, (ou Township ou Seigneurie,) de
pour comparaitre devant

Commissaire de Sa Majesté, pour entendre et juger sommairement certains procès,
résidant dans la dite Paroisse, (ou Township ou Seigneurie à la demeure de


jour de


vos procédés sur icelle à


jour de

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

et dans l'année de Notre Seigneur.

No. 2.


Parish, (Seigniory or Township,) of

To all and every the Bailiffs, Constables, and other Officers within the said Parish, (Seigniory or Township,) of

[blocks in formation]

the summary trial of certain Actions, residing at Judgment against C. D. of

for his debt and

of His Majesty's Commissioners for

day of

for the sum of


for his costs, of which execution remains to

be done. You are therefore hereby commanded, in His Majesty's name, to levy of the goods, chattels, and effects of the said C. D.(except his beasts of the plough, his implements of husbandry, the tools of his trade, and one bed and bedding, unless the other goods and chattels shall prove insufficient, but not in any case the bed and bedding,) nor such articles as are specially exempted by Law from seizure, the aforesaid sum and costs, together with execution, returring to the said C. D. the overplus, if any there be, after having for the expenses of this fully satisfied the aforesaid sum of


in the

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


I command you. that laying aside all and singular business and excuses, you each of you be and appear, in your proper person, the summary trial of certain Actions, at the niory or Township,) of



before me, a Commissioner, for in the Parish, (Seig

in the County of

day of



o'clock in the

No. 2.


'Paroisse, (ou Township ou Seigneurie,) de

A tous et chaque Huissiers, Connétables et autres Officiers dans la dite Paroisse, (ou Township ou Seigneurie,) de

Vû que A. B. de



jour de

des Commissaires de Sa Majesté, pour en

tendre et juger sommairement certains procès résidant à
a obtenu jugement contre C. D. de
pour la somme de

pour sa dette, et de

pour ses dépens, dont exécution reste à faire, vous êtes donc par le présent commandés, au nom de Sa Majesté, de prélever des biens, meubles et effets du dit C. D. (excepté les animaux de sa charue, ses instruments d'agriculture, ses outils de métier, et son lit et couverture, à moins que les autres biens, meubles et effets ne soient trouvés insuffisans, dans aucun des cas son lit et couvertures, ni tels articles qui sont spécialement exempts par la loi d'être saisis,) la somme susdite et dépens pour les frais de cette exécution, en remettant au dit


C. D. le surplus, s'il y en a, après avoir entièrement satisfait les sommes susdites. Témoin seing et sceau ce

dans la

Notre Seigneur.

jour de année du Règne de Sa Majesté, et dans l'année de

[blocks in formation]

Je vous commande que laissant de côté toutes affaires et excuses, vous et chacun de vous soyez et paraissiez en personne devant moi, Commissaire pour entendre et juger sommairement certains procès en la Paroisse, (ou Township ou Seigneurie,) dans le Comté de jour de



[ocr errors]


du dit jour pour là et alors rendre témoignage sur toutes et chacune des choses que


then and there to testify, all and singular, those things which you or any one of you know in a certain cause, between

Plaintiff, and

Defendant before me the undersigned Commissioner, and this you or any one of you shall by no means omit under the penalties of the Law.

Given under my hand and seal this

in the year

day of

No. 4.


Province of Lower Canada,

Parish, (Seigniory, township or extra parochial place.)

To A B. of the Parish, (Seigniory, Township or extra parochial place of

I command you, at the instance of C. D. of the Parish, (Seigniory, Township or extra parochial place) of

in the district of

keeping and payment of the sum of

in the

county of for the security, safe

due by E. F. of


under judgment to the said C. D. of brieffly the subject and the date of the judgment and by whom rendered) to seize and attach in the hands of G. H. of

all sums and things generally whatsoever, which he owes or shall owe on any account whatsoever to the said E. F., or which he has in his possession belonging to the said E. F., strictly prohibiting him from parting with the same, on pain of paying the same twice, and of being personally liable to the demand in the matter in which this Warrant is issued.

I further command you to summon the said E. F. and G. H. to appear before the Court of Commissioners in the Parish, (Seigniory, Township or extra parochial place) on

in the

day of

at the hour of noon, the said E. F., to show cause, (if any he had) why this attachment (saisie arret) should not be declared good and valid, and that the said G. H. may make his declaration under this Warrant and have you then and there this Warrant with your doings thereon. the

Given at

day of

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