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Amount of



ed 10 reim

been advanced

noon, at which Meeting the senior Justice of the Peace, or if there be none present, the officer of militia highest in grade then present, shall preside) to the relief and support of the destitute poor, in such parishes, by purchasing provisions and distributing them among such poor, at the discretion, and to the best of the ability of the said Rectors and Churchwardens, who shall keep a regular and detailed journal of their proceedings under the authority of this Act. Provided always, that out of the sum so advanced to the Rector of the parishes St. François and St. George, the sum of twenty pounds, currency, shall be in a like manner applied to the relief and support of the destitute poor in the Township of Tring, in the County of Megantic, and that the sum so advanced to the Rector of the Parish of Ste. Anne, shall be applied to the relief and support of the destitute poor in the Township of Ixworth, in the County of Kamouraska. And provided further, that no greater portion of the monies advanced under the authority af this Act, shall in any case be expended than is absolutely necessary for the support and relief of the destitute poor, and that the surplus, if any, shall be paid into the hands of the Receiver General, and remain therein at the disposal of the Provincial Legislature for the public uses of the Province.

III. And be further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that a sum not exceeding five hundred and ninety-one pounds eighteen shillings and six pence, currency, to burse the mo. be taken out of any unappropriated monies in the hands of the Receiver General, nies that have shall be and is hereby placed at the disposal of His Majesty, to reimburse a sum of one hundred pounds, advanced by His Excellency the Governor in Chief for the relief of the destitute poor in the Parish of Eboulemens, during the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, and a sum of four hundred and ninety-one Eboulements pounds eighteen shillings and six pence, advanced by His Excellency the Governor and in the Dis- in Chief for the relief of the destitute poor in the District of Gaspé, during the same

by the Gover for the relief

nor in Chief

of the destitute poor in the Parishes of

trict of Gaspé.

Persons en

the money 10

tailed accounts


IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that every person to frosted with whom shall be entrusted the expenditure of any portion of the monies hereby apmake up de- propriated, shall make up detailed accounts of such expenditure, showing the sum advanced to the accountant, the sum actually expended, the balance (if any) remaining in the hands, and the amount of the monies hereby appropriated to the purpose for which such advance shall have been made, remaining unexpended in the hands of the Receiver General; and that every such account shall be made up to, and closed on the tenth day of April and tenth day of October in each year, during which such expenditure shall be made, and shall be transmitted to the Officer whose duty it shall be to receive such account, within fifteen days next after the expiration of the said periods respectively.

aidés de l'avis

sonnes éloes

Milice le plus haut en grade alors présent, à la porte de l'Eglise ou du Presbytère, Marguilliers un Dimanche quelconque, immédiatement à l'issu de l'Office Divin du matin, à d'autres per. l'effet de soutenir et secourir les pauvres dépourvus de tous moyens qui se trouve dans chaque ront dans ces Paroisses, en achetant des provisions de bouche, et les distribuant paroisse, &c. parmi les pauvres susdits, et ce à la discrétion et au meilleur de la capacité des dits Curés et Marguilliers; lesquels tiendront un journal régulier et détaillé de leurs procé- Proviso. dés, sous l'autorité de cet Acte ; Pourvu toujours, qu'à même les sommes ainsi avancées au Curé des Paroisses de St. François et de St. George, la somme de vingt-cinq livres courant, sera de même employée pour secourir et soutenir les pauvres dépour vus de moyens, qui se trouvent dans le Township de Tring, dans le Comte de Mégantic ; et que la somme ainsi avancée au Curé de la Paroisse de Ste. Anne, sera employée pour secourir et soutenir les pauvres dépourvus de moyens, qui se trouvent dans le Township d'Ixworth, dans le Comté de Kamouraska; et pourvu, en outre qu'il ne sera dépensé, en aucun cas, une plus forte portion des deniers avancés sous l'autorité de cet Acte, qu'il ne sera trouvé absolument nécessaire pour soutenir et se courir les pauvres dépourvus de moyens, et que le surplus, si aucun il y a, sera versé entre les mains du Receveur Général, pour y demeurer, sujet à la disposition de la Législature Provinciale, pour les usages publics de la Province.


Montant de

gent appro

rembourser le

Chef des som

par lui

III. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, qu'une somme n'excédant pas cinq cent quatre-vingt-onze livres, dix-huit chelins et six deniers courant, à être la somme d'ar prise à même aucun des deniers non affectés, entre les mains du Receveur Général, priée pour sera, et elle est par le présent mise à la disposition de Sa Majesté, pour rembourser Gouverneur en Son Excellence le Gouverneur en Chef de la somme de cent livres avancée par Che Son Excellence, pour le secours des pauvres dépourvus de moyens dans les Pa- avancées pour roisses des Eboulemens, durant l'année Mil huit cent trente-trois; et une somme de Pauvres dans quatre cent quatre-vingt-onze livres dix-huit chelins et six deniers courant, avancée par Son Excellence le Gouverneur en Chef, pour le secours des pauvres dépourvus de moyens, dans le District de Gaspé, durant la même année.

le secours des

les Paroisses


mens et le dis

trict de Gaspé en 1833.

Les Person


argens affectés

en rendront un

1V. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, que chaque personne qui sera chargée de l'emploi de quelque partie des deniers affectés par le présent, fera nes un compte détaillé de tel emploi, faisant ressortir la somme avancée au comptable, de l'emploi des la somme alors dépensée, la balance, (si aucune y a,) restant entre ses mains, et le par cet Acte montant des deniers affectés par le présent, à la fin pour laquelle telle avance aura compte dé. été faite, restant non dépensé entre les mains du Receveur Général ; et que tout tel taille. compte sera clos le dixième jour d'Avril, et le dixième jour d'Octobre de chaque année pendant laquelle telle dépense sera ainsi faite ; et sera transmis à l'Officier à qui il appartiendra de recevoir tel compte, dans les quinze jours qui suivront l'expiration des dites périodes respectivement.

Application of the money

to be accoun Mand

ted for to His

Majesty a detailed account of the

monies to be

laid before the Legislature.

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the due application of the monies appropriated by this Act, shall be accounted for to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, through the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, for the time being, in such manner and form as His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors shall direct; and that a detailed account of the expenditure of all such monies, shall be laid before the several branches of the Provincial Legislature within the first fifteen days of the next Session thereof.

Prean ble.


AN Act further to provide for the summary trial of Small Causes in the
Country parts.


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[18th March, 1834.]

HEREAS an early and expeditious method for the recovery of small debts of the nature herein-after specified, within the Parishes, Seigniories and Townships of this Province, would be of great advantage to the inhabitants residing within the same, and whereas the divers Acts heretofore in force and making provision for the easy recovery of such debts as aforesaid have expired :-Be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and con sent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province of Lower Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of Great Britain, intituled, "An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act passed in the fourteenth year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, "An Act for "making more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec in "North America," and to make further provision for the Government of the said Province;" And it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that whenever a Petition shall have been presented to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or person administering the Government, signed by at least one hundred Proprietors babitants of of lands or tenements in any Parish, Seigniory or Township of this Province, and Parishes, Seig- praying for the establishment of a Commissioner's Court for the trial of Small are to proceed, Causes in such Parish, Seigniory or Township, (such Petition having at the ssioners can foot thereof a certificate signed by three of the principal Inhabitants of such be appointed Parish, Seigniory or Township, that the persons whose names are thereunto subscribed are really Inhabitants of the same, and also Proprietors of lands or tenements therein,) it shall be lawful for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or Person administering the Government, by any Commission or Commissions to be by him issued, to appoint such person or persons as to him shall seem fit, residing in such Parish,

Manner by

which the in

Diories, &c.

before Com

Governor to oppoint them.


Il sera rendu compte à sa Majesté de argens ainsi affecies et un

l'emploi des

V. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, qu'il sera rendu compte à Sa Majesté, ses Héritiers et Successeurs, par la voie des Lords Commissaires de la Trésorerie de Sa Majesté, pour le tems d'alors, de l'emploi légal des deniers affectés par le présent Acte, en telles manière et forme qu'il plaira à Sa Majesté, ses Héritiers et Successeurs l'ordonner; et qu'il sera mis un compte détaillé de l'emploi de tous tels lé de l'emploi deniers, devant les diverses Branches de la Législature Provinciale, dans les premis devant la miers quinze jours de la Session suivante d'icelle.

compte detail.

d'iceux sera



ACTE pour pourvoir ultérieurement à la Décision Sommaire des Petites
Causes dans les Campagnes.


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[18e. Mars, 1834. ]


U qu'un moyen facile et sommaire pour le recouvrement des petites dettes, de la nature ci-après spécifiée, dans les Paroisses, Seigneuries et Townships de cette Province, serait d'un grand avantage aux habitans qui y résident; et vu que divers Actes ci-devant en force, et qui pourvoient à faciliter le recouvrement de telles dettes, comme susdit, sont expirés : Qu'il soit donc statué par la Très Excellente Majesté du Roi, par et de l'avis et consentement du Conseil Législatif et de l'Assemblée de la Province du Bas Canada, constitués et assemblés er vertu et sous l'autorité d'un Acte passé dans le Parlement de la Grande-Bretagne, intitulé, “Acte qui rappelle certaines parties d'un Acte passé dans ia quatorzième année du Règne de Sa Majesté, intitulé, "Acte qui pourvoit plus efficacement pour le Gouvernement "de la Province de Québec, dans l'Amérique Septentrionale; et qui pourvoit plus amplement pour le Gouvernement de la dite Province;" Et il est par le présent statué par l'autorité susdite, que lorsqu'il aura été présenté une Pétition au Gouverneur, Lieutenant Gouverneur, ou à la Personne ayant l'Administration du Gouvernement, signée par au moins cent Propriétaires de terres et d'héritages, dans au- neur, &c. sicune Paroisse, Seigneurie ou Township de cette Province, et demandant l'éta- gnée par aublissement d'une Cour de Commissaire pour décider les Petites Causes dans telle Pa- Propriétaires roisse, Seigneurie, ou Township, (telle Pétition ayant au bas d'icelle un certificat rie, Paroisse revêtu de la signature de trois des principaux habitans de telle Paroisse, Seigneurie, et certifiée par ou Township, faisant foi que les personnes dont les noms y sont souscrits, sont trois princi réellement habitans et propriétaires de terres et d'héritages en iceux,) il sera loi- d'iceux, quant sible des Signataires

Sur Requête au Gouver

moins cent

d'une Seigneu

ou Township,

paux Habitans à la propriété

pointed in cer

taio places.


ers to try in a

summary manner, cases con

ceruing the re

None to be ap Seigniory or Township, to take cognizance of such causes and suits as are hereinafter specified, arising therein, (except such Parishes, Seigniories or Townships, as are within the County of Quebec, or the County of Montreal, and excepting also the Town and Parish of Three Rivers, the Parishes of Pointe-du-Lac, and Le Cap de la Magdeleine, and the Parishes, or Seigniories of Saint Grégoire, Nicolet, and La Baie du Febvre, and for none of which places any such Commissioner shall be appointed and havé jurisdiction,) and it shall and may be lawful to and for such Commissioners, upon request or application to them or any of them made, to grant and issue or cause to be granted or issued a Summons or Summonses, to one or more person or persons, as the case may require, which Summons shall be in the form hereinafter mentioned and described, and shall not be returnable in less than two intermediate days, in cases where the Defendant or Defendants shall reside within the distance of two leagues from the residence of the Commissioner or Commissioners, before whom he or they may be summoned, allowing one day more between the service and return of every such Summons for every five leagues distance over and above the said two leagues at which the Defendant or Defendants may reside from the place where such Commissioner or Commissioners may hold his or their Court, as hereinafter provided, and in a summary way to hear, try and determine the cases before them in fact and in Law, according to the evidence before them, to the best of their skill and understanding, and arising within the Parish, Seigniory or Township, for which such Commissioner or Commissioners may be appointed, concerning the revovery of debts, not exceeding in amount the sum of four pounds three shillings and £434 Cur. four pence, current money of this Province, of the following nature, that is to say :for Goods, Cattle or other moveables sold and delivered, for work and labour done, for goods lent or for pew rent, money lent and advanced, money paid, laid out or expended to or for the use of any person or persons, or for the rent stipulated and agreed upon, either for houses or other immoveable property, and for hire of horses, cattle or other immoveable effects, or on acknowledgements commonly called and known under the description of Bons, or on a Note or Notes of Hand in which the party or parties to whom only such Note or Notes are payable, shall sue the maker or makers thereof, but not in cases in which any party or parties suing shall claim as Indorsee or otherwise than as aforesaid: Provided always that in case there shall not be a Commissioner Commissioner appointed for the Parish, Seigniory or Township, in which the debtor &c. where the may reside or in case such Commissioner should be absent then, such debtor may Debtor resides be sued before the Commissioner who shall reside nearest to the Parish, Seigniory or sued before Township in the same County in which the Defendant or Defendants may reside, sioner of the such Commissioner having been appointed for some place within such County; but no Commissioner shall have jurisdiction out of the County in which he shall reside, and no Defendant shall be held to appear before any Commissioner out of the County in which such Defendant shall have his domicile: and in case that during any suit the Commissioner should be recused by either of the parties, such suit shall immeanother near. diately be transmitted to the Commissioner of the nearest Parish, Township or

covery of debts,

not exceeding


Nature of such debts, &c.

If there is no

in the Parish,

&c. he may be

the Commis.

nearest Parish

&c. If

Many Com

missioner be recused the suit to be

transmitted to

est, &c.


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