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Public Act.

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that this Act shall be taken and deemed to be a public Act, and as such shall be judicially taken notice of by all Judges, Justices of the Peace and others, withont being specially pleaded.



An Act to afford relief to a certain Religious Congregation at Montreal, denominated Baptists.


[3d April, 1833.]

HEREAS certain individuals at Montreal being the Minister, Trustees and Members of the Congregation of the Baptist Church of that City, have by their Petition to the Legislature, prayed that the Reverend John Gilmore, the present Minister of the Congregation, and the person who shall be appointed to succeed him in the pastoral office, may be authorised by Legislative enactment, to record Births, celebrate Marriages and solemnize Funeral Rites, and to make Registers authenticated in due form of Law, for those purposes; and whereas it is equitable that these privileges should be extended to the said Minister, Trustees and Members of the said Congregation. Be it therefore enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province of Lower Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of Great Britain, intituled, " An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act passed "in the fourteenth year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, "An Act for making more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec in North "America," and to make further provision for the Government of the said Pro"vince." And it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall be lawful for the said John Gilmore or any Minister for the time being, of the said Congregation, chosen and elected according to the rules and regulations of the said Congregation to obtain, have and keep (subject always to the penalties by Law in this behalf provided) registers duly authenticated according to Law, of all such Marriages, Births and Burials as may be performed or take place under the ministry of such Minister which registers the necessary legal formalities as by Law already ters of Bap- provided in relation to Registers of the like nature being observed, shall to all intents and purposes have the same effect at Law as if the same had been kept by any Minister in this Province of the Church of England or Scotland, any Law to contrary notwithstanding.

Ministers of

a certain congregation, denominated Baptists, at Montreal, enabled to keep Regis.

tisms, &c.

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II. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, que cet Acte sera considéré Acte public. et regardé comme étant Acte public, et comme tel qu'il en sera pris connaissance judiciairement par tous les Juges, Juges de Paix, et autres, sans qu'il soit spécialement allégué.


Acte en faveur d'une certaine Congrégation à Montréal sous la dénomination de Baptistes.

[3e. Avril, 1833.]

VU que certaines personnes à Montréal étant le Ministre, les Syndics et les mem- Préambule. bres de la congrégation de l'Eglise des Baptistes de cette Cité, ont demandé par pétition à la Législature, que le Révérend John Gilmore, le Ministre actuel de la Congrégation, et la personne qui sera nommée pour lui succéder dans la charge pastorale, soit autorisée par des dispositions Législatives à enrégistrer les naissances, à solemniser le mariage et à célèbrer les rites funéraires et à tenir des Régistres authentiqués en conformité à la loi pour ces fins, et vû qu'il est équitable que ces pri vilèges soient étendus aux dits Ministre, Syndics et Membres de la dite Congrégation:-Qu'il soit donc statué par la Très Excellente Majesté du Roi, par et de l'avis et consentement du Conseil Législatif et de l'Assemblée de la Province du Bas.. Canada, constitués et assemblés en vertu et sous l'autorité d'un Acte passé dans le Parlement de la Grande Bretagne, intitulé," Acte qui rappelle certaines parties "d'un Acte passé dans la quatorzième année du Règne de Sa Majesté, intitulé, "Acte qui pourvoit plus efficacement pour le Gouvernement de la Province de "Québec, dans l'Amérique Septentrionale;" et qui pourvoit plus amplement pour le "Gouvernement de la dite Province :"-Et il est par le présent statué par la dite autorité, qu'il sera loisible au dit John Gilmore ou à tout Ministre pour le tems d'alors de la dite congrégation, choisi et élu suivant les règles et réglemens de la dite Congrégation, d'obtenir, avoir et tenir (sujet toujours aux pénalités pourvues par la Loi à ce sujet) des régistres dûment authentiqués suivant la Loi, de tous tels mariages, naissances, et sépultures qui pourront être faits ou avoir lieu sous le ministère de tel Ministre. Lesquels régistres (les formalités nécessaires et légales déjà pourvues par la loi pour les régistres de même nature ayant été observées) auront à toutes fins et intentions les mêmes effets en loi que s'ils eussent été tenus par aucun Ministre de l'Eglise d'Angleterre ou d'Ecosse en cette Province, nonobstant toute loi à ce contraire.

Les Ministres de la Congrémée Baptistes autorisés de ter des Ré authentiques

gation dénom.

à Montréal

gistres dument des Baptêmes


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a subject of

oath of alle. giance.

Minister to be II. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the His Majesty, Minister of the said Congregation shall not be entitled in any respect to the benefit and take the of this Act unless he shall be a Subject of His Majesty, and shall have taken the oath of Allegiance before a Judge of the Court of King's Bench of the said district of Montreal, (which oath such Judge is hereby authorised to administer) and a certificate of the taking of such oath shall be made by the Prothonotary of the said Court in duplicate, and signed by the said Judge, whereof one copy shall be filed of record in the office of the said Prothonotary, and the other shall be delivered to the person taking such oath, and the said Prothonotary shall be authorised to receive for such certificate and the duplicate thereof, and for fyling the same, two shillings and six pence currency, in the whole and no more.

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III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that nothing herein contained shall affect or be construed to affect in any manner or way whatsoever, the rights of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, or of any body Politic or Cor. porate, or of any person or persons, such only as are herein mentioned.

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that this Act shall be a Public Act, and as such shall be judicially taken notice of by, all Judges, Justices of the Peace, and all others whom it shall concern, without being specially pleaded.



An Act to authorise the Commissioners of the Chambly Canal, to enlarge the dimensions of the Locks of the said Canal.



[3d April, 1833.]

THEREAS the Commissioners appointed to carry into effect the Act of the third year of the Reign of King George the Fourth, chapter forty-one, concerning the Chambly Canal, have represented that it would be useful and advantageous for the public to fix the dimensions of the Locks of the said Chambly Canal, in a different manner from that in which they are fixed by the said Act, and whereas it is expedient to make the alteration demanded and to provide for the increase of expense which will be thereby occasioned: May it therefore please your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of the Province of Lower-Canada, constituted and assembled by virtue of,


II. Pourvû toujours, et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, que le Ministre de la dite Congrégation n'aura droit en aucune manière au bénéfice de cet Acte à moins qu'il ne soit Sujet de Sa Majesté, et qu'ils n'ait pris le serment d'allégéance devant un Juge de la Cour du Banc du Roi pour le District de Montreal (lequel serment tel Juge est par le présent autorisé d'administrer) et un certificat de la prestation de tel serment sera fait par le Protonotaire de la dite Cour, en duplicata, et signé par le dit Juge, dont une copie sera filée de record dans le Bureau du dit Protonotaire, et l'autre sera remise à la personne qui prêtera tel serment. Et le dit Protonotaire aura droit de recevoir pour tel certificat et le double d'icelui et pour filer icelui la somme de deux chelins et six deniers courant, en tout et pas d'avantage.

ls seront sujesté et auront d'allégeance.

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III. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, que rien de contenu dans cet Acte n'affectera ou ne sera entendu affecter en aucune manière quelconque les droits de la droits de Sa Majesté, Ses Héritiers et Successeurs, ou d'aucun corps politique ou incorporé ou d'aucune autre personne ou personnes, excepté seulement ceux qui sont mentionnés dans cet Acte.

Acte pub

IV. Et qu'il soit de plus statué par l'autorité susdite, que cet Acte sera censé un
Acte public, et comme tel il en sera judiciairement pris connaissance par tous Juges, blic.
Juges de Paix et tous autres intéressés, sans qu'il soit spécialement plaidé.


Acte pour autoriser les Commissaires du Canal de Chambly à augmenter les dimensions des Ecluses du dit Canal.

[ 3e. Avril, 1833.]



que les Commissionaires nommés pour mettre à exécution l'Acte de la troisi. Préambule. ème année du Règne du Roi George Quatre, chapître quarante-et-un, concernant le Canal de Chambly, ont représenté qu'ils serait utile et avantageux au public de fixer les dimensions des écluses du dit Canal de Chambly d'une manière diffé rente de celles fixées par le dit Acte, et vû qu'il est expédient de faire les changements demandés et de pourvoir au surcroit de dépense qu'ils occasionneront :Qu'il plaise donc à votre Majesté qu'il puisse être statué, et qu'il soit statué par la Très Excellente Majesté du Roi, par et de l'avis et consentement du Conseil Légis

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and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of Great-Britain, intituled, "An Act to repeal certain parts of an Act passed in the fourteenth year of His Majesty's Reign, intituled, "An Act for making more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec in North-America," and Dimensions of "to make more effectual provision for the Government of the Province," And it is tablished. hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that the Locks of the said Chambly Canal, may be constructed of the following dimensions, that is to say: Of one hundred and twenty feet in length, and of twenty-four feet wide. Provided the said Locks can be so enlarged for a sum not exceeding in the whole, the sum hereby appropriated.

the Locks es



ers to require

to furnish su. reties.

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that the Commissioners of contractors appointed to carry into effect the said Act of the third year of the Reign of George the Fourth, chapter forty-one, in agreeing with the Contractors to carry this Act into effect, shall require such Contractors to furnish two or more good and sufficient sureties (who shall justify their sufficiency on oath) and to bind themselves to complete the additional work required by this Act, according to the contract which shall be passed to that effect between the said Commissioners on the one part and the said Contractors and their sureties on the other part, on the condition and for the sum mentioned in the contract.

When con.

proved Gov

vance £3600

III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, and it shall be lawful tract is ap- for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or person administering the Government ernor may ad. of this Province, at any time after a copy of the contract shall have been trans.. for that pur- mitted to him, and after such contract shall have been by him approved, to issue his warrant or warrants in favour of the said Commissioners for a sum not exceeding in the whole three thousand six hundred pounds currency, out of any unappropriated monies which shall then be in the hands of the Receiver General of the Province.


Every person to whom the


the same.

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that every person to expenditure of whom shall be entrusted the expenditure of any portion of the mouies hereby appublic money propriated, shall make up detailed acceunts of such expenditure, shewing the sum for advanced to the accountant, the sum actually expended, the balance (if any) remaining in his hands, and the account of the monies hereby appropriated to the purpose for which such advance shall have been made, remaining unexpended in the hands of the Receiver General; and that every such account shall be supported by Vouchers therein distinctly referred to by numbers corresponding to the numbering of the items in such account; and shall be made up to, and closed on the tenth day of April, and tenth day of October in each year, during which such expenditure shall be made, and shall be attested before a Justice of the Court of

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