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FORMACIONES Y MEMORIAS. Boletín de la Sociedad de ingenieros. ́. I-VIII, mayo 1899-dic. 1906. Lima, 1899/1900-1906. 8°. m. v. I has caption-title: Informaciones y memorias de la Sociedad de ingenieros del Perú.

v. 2 has cover-title: Sociedad de ingenieros del Perú. Informaciones y memorias.

In v. 5 each no. consists of sections separately paged: Ingeniería civil; Ingeniería de minas; Industrias, etc., the paging for each section being continuous throughout the volume.

Prices: 4 soles per annum or I sol quarterly.

MEMORIAS publicadas por la Sociedad de ingenieros del Perú. n. 1-6. Lima, 1900-03. 8°.

no. 1-3 issued with Informaciones . . . v. II, no. 18-20. Distribution.-Exchange with scientific publications. On sale in Lima.

iedad Geográfica de Lima.

1ddress.-Altos de la Biblioteca Nacional, Lima. (Apartado 889.) History. Founded Feb. 22, 1888, by decree of the Government of Peru and placed under the Ministry of Foreign Relations through which it addresses all the authorities of the Republic and receives the monthly subvention allotted to it by Congress in the general appropriations. The society has a scientific library of about 8,000 volumes, a cartography department containing over 1,800 maps, charts and sketches and a small museum of mineralogy, zoology, craniology and Peruvian antiquities. It is endeavoring to establish geographical organizations under its auspices in all the capitals of prefectures and has thus far founded: Centro Geográfico de Iquitos (1902), Centro Geográfico de Arequipa (1903) and Centro Geográfico de Ancash (1905).

Object. The pursuit of geographical studies in general, and in particular such as relate to the territory of the Republic of Peru; to furnish reports that may be useful to the public authorities and to private parties; and to extend the knowledge of the geography of Peru in other countries.

Meetings.-2 general meetings and 3 or 4 public lectures yearly in the rooms of the society at the above address. The Board of Directors meets twice a month. Additional meetings on call of the President.

Membership-136 active (entrance fee, 10 soles; monthly dues, I sol); 13 exofficio; 137 corresponding; 27 honorary; 8 honorary corresponding.


BOLETÍN... t. I-XIII, XV-XVIII, año I-XV, 1891-1905. Lima, 1892-1905. 8°.

t. 14 in press; t. 19, 21 in progress (Dec. 1907).

m., Apr. Dec. 1891; q. 1892 to date. "Memoria anual y anexos" forms an extra vol. in 1903-05.

Price: 4 soles per annum; single numbers, 1 sol.

Catalogo de la biblioteca... Lima, 1898. 4°.

Also reprints of important contributions published in the Boletín.

On the death of Antonio Raimondi in 1890, the preparation of the remainder of his unfinished work El Perú (t. I-III. Lima, 1874So. 4.) was placed in the care of a commission of the society by the government, and t. IV was published by the society in 1902. Durban-Exchange. On sale by Libreria de Colville, no. 36 Plateros de San Fedra, Lima

Prizes—A gold medal to be awarded biennially (from Feb. 1906) to the explorer who accomplishes most in the allotted period towards perfecting the geography of Peru, or to the author of the best work on the subject.

Sociedad Nacional de Industrias.

Address-Calle de Zárate 147. Lima. (Apartado 964.)
History-Created by decree of May 22, 1896; a constituent society of the
Instituto tecnico é industrial del Perú. It has charge of a perma-
nent exhibition of articles applicable to industry, inaugurated Apr. 1898.

Ref: Anales del Instituto técnico é industrial del Perú. núm. I. Sociedad
nacional de industrias Año 1899.

Cbject-Promotion and protection of all the industrial interests of the country. Meetings—General assemblies on the first Friday in Mar., July and Nov. Membership.—70 (monthly does, I sol).


LA INDUSTRIA. Órgano de los intereses de la industria fabril y manufacturera del Perú y de la Sociedad nacional de industrias. Año I-VII (i. e. núm. 1-43). Lima, 1897-1907. fol.

Distribution-Exchange, especially with publications of an industrial character.

Sociedad Nacional de Ingenieros.


History-Founded in 1899, in accordance with the requirements of the decree constituting the Instituto técnico é industrial.

Object-To serve the government as a consulting body and the public as a center of information in the branches of engineering and architecture.

Meetings.—Annual meeting in Dec.; other general assemblies as called. Monthly meetings of the Board of Directors.

Membership-About 48, including active, corresponding and honorary.

Reports published in Anales del Instituto técnico é industrial del Perú.

Sociedad Nacional de Minería.

Address.-Calle de la Caridad 606, Lima. (Apartado 325.)

History. Formed in 1896 by the division of the former Sociedad de Agricultura y Minería (founded 1888; "nacional" inserted in name, 1891) into two independent societies: Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura and Sociedad Nacional de Minería, constituents of the Instituto técnico é industrial del Perú.

Ref.: Anales del Instituto técnico é industrial del Perú. núm. 4. Sociedad nacional de minería. Año 1899. 1a entrega.

Object.-Development and prosperity of the national mining industry; protection of its interests, and its representation before the public authorities.

Meetings.-General assemblies in Jan. and July; meetings of the Board of Directors fortnightly.

Membership.—276 active (annual dues, 10 soles, payable in semi-annual instalments); 6 corresponding; 2 honorary.


BOLETÍN . . . año I-VIII (i. e. no. 1-96), 1898-1905. Lima, [1898]1905. 8°. m.

[v. I] called "serie 2a"; (the earlier society published La Revista de agricultura y minería).

año IX, no. 97-106, enero-oct. 1906.

Prices: 10 soles per annum; 5.50 soles per semester; I sol per number.

Memoria que el presidente de la Sociedad .

presenta á la . . . junta general dando cuenta de los trabajos de esta institución durante el año 1897-1900. Lima, 1898-1901. 8°.

Continued in Anales del Instituto técnico é industrial del Perú.

Manual del minero. Edición oficial. Lima, 1901. 8°.

Distribution.-Exchange. On sale at the seat of the society, at the Librería Colville y Cía, and at the press "La Industria," Lima.

Universidad Mayor de San Marcos.


History. Founded in 1553 in pursuance of royal decree of May 12, 1551, approved and confirmed by papal bull of July 25, 1571. At first established in the Convento del Santo Domingo, it was afterwards transferred to San Marcelo, later (in 1576) to the building now occupied by the Chamber of deputies, situated in Calle de la Universidad, and lastly to the Colegio de San Carlos, where all the faculties are now located except those of theology and medicine, which are provided with separate buildings. During the early years of the republic the functions of the university were limited to conferring degrees in the juridical sciences. It was re-installed in 1861 under new statutes, revised in 1876.

Ref.: Bosquejo histórico de la fundación de la insigne Universidad mayor de San Marcos de Lima... por José Dávila Condemarin. Lima, 1854 4-Anales. t. I. 1862-Historia de la fundación de Lima, por el P. Bernabé Cobo. Publicada. . . por M. González de la Rosa. Lima, 1882. p. 231-252.


ANALES . . . t. I-XXXII, 1861/62-1904. Lima, 1862-1906. 8°.

t. 1-24 have title Anales universitarios del Perú.

Atlas to t. 29 forms a separate vol. t. 30 in 2 pts. t. 1-10, 0. p.
Superseded by:

REVISTA UNIVERSITARIA. Órgano de la Universidad mayor de San
Marcos. t. I-II (i. e. no. 1-8) mayo-dic. 1906. Lima, 1906. 4°. m.

Prices: in Peru, S.3 per quarter, S.1 per number; abroad, S.12 per annum or S.7 per half-year.

Enumeración de los géneros y especies de plantas que deben ser cul-
tivadas ó conservadas en el Jardín botánico de la Facultad de medi-
cina de Lima. Con la indicación sumaria de su utilidad en la medi-
cina, la industria y la economía, por J. B. H. Martinet. Lima, 1873.8°.
Facultad de letras. Discurso de recepción del miembro honorario P.
Patrón. Origen del Kechua y del Aymará. Lima, 1900. 8°.
For various literary publications and addresses, 1689-1816, see Brit.
Mus. catalogue (Academies).

Distribution-Revista exchanged; apply to Dr. Alberto Salomón, Calle de
Ayacucho 72, Lima. On sale by Librería Gil, Librería de San Pedro de
Sanmarti and Libreria Rosay, Merced.


Centro Científico del Cuzco.

Address.—Calle de Procuradores núm. 50, Cuzco.

[blocks in formation]

The following journal is not given as an official publication of the university: Revista de ciencias; publicación periodica, redactada por profesores de la Facultad de ciencias y de la Escuela de ingenieros. t. I-IX, oct. 1897-dic. 1906. Lima, 18981006. 8°. m. Frice: in Lima, 6 soles per annum; abroad, 10 fr. Address: Apartado 927 & 937, Lima.



Instituto Solar Internacional.

Address.-Montevideo. Director: Carlos Honoré.

History.-Founded in 1899 by Carlos Honoré; incorporated Jan. 26 of that year. Affiliated with it is the Asociación de Fomento Científico y Artístico, organized on initiative of the Institute in 1900, as a successor to the Sociedad Ciencias y Artes."

Object.-To study the results of solar research; to disseminate information regarding the terrestrial effects of solar phenomena, particularly their influence on the weather; to establish a model observatory and to form a library. Meetings. Annual business meeting; special meetings of the Institute and of the Association as called.

Membership.-17 collaborating, 46 corresponding and 6 honorary associates of the Institute (subscriptions voluntary). The Association consists of 20 active associates (subscriptions voluntary) in addition to the membership of the Institute and of the former Sociedad Ciencias y Artes.


El sol interior. Montevideo, 1900. 4°.

Eclipses del sol interior. Montevideo, 1900. 4°.
Instituto solar internacional y Asociación de fomento científico y
artístico. Antecedentes y actuación 1876-1905. Montevideo, 1905. 4°.
Contents: A. Memoria presentada á la Biblioteca del Congreso de Estados
Unidos de Norte-América. B. Documentos anexos. (C. Documentos
adjuntos were bound with only a few copies, but can be obtained from
the Institute by those who wish to add them to the volume. They in-
clude the above publications and blue prints of the plans of the pro-
jected Observatorio astro-físico del Sud.)


Museo Nacional de Montevideo.

Address.-Montevideo. Director: J. Arechavaleta.

History.-Based upon the collections of the Uruguayan naturalist Larrañaga, to which were added in 1837 the geological, botanical and mineralogical collections of Villerdebó, the first director of the museum; reorganization and development begun by Dr. Carlos Berg in 1890, and continued by the present director. The museum comprises 2 sections: Natural history; Fine arts.

Ref.: Anales. . . t. I, fasc. I.

Founded in 1876; inactive from 1889 to its reorganization in 1897. Publ.: Boletín t. I-XI. Montevideo, 1877-88.

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