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Sociedad Jurídica Salvadoreña.

Address.-San Salvador.

History.-Founded and incorporated in 1895; permanently organized in 1897.

Object.-Promotion and development of the social and juridical sciences in San Salvador.

Meetings.-Monthly, 1st Sunday; annual meeting in May.

Membership.—11 active (entrance fees, 5 colones; annual dues, 12 pesos); 6 corresponding; 6 honorary.


EL FORO DEL PORVENIR. Organo de la Sociedad jurídica salvadoreña, año I-VI, 1899-1904. El Salvador, [1899-1904.] 8°. m.

Price: 3 pesos per annum.

Distribution.-Exchange. On sale by the society.


eso Científico Latino-Americano.

tory. Initiated by the Sociedad Científica Argentina; 1st meeting at uenos Aires, Apr. 10-20, 1898; 2d at Montevideo, Mar. 20-31, 1901; d at Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 6-16, 1905. The next congress will be PanAmerican and will assemble under the auspices of the government of Chile at Santiago during the ten days beginning Dec. 1, 1908.



1a-2 reunión . . . 1898-1901. Buenos Aires, 1898/99; Montevideo, 1901/02. 8°.

Each vol. issued in 4 pts.: 1. Organización y resultados generales.-2. Ciencias exactas é ingeniería.-3. Ciencias fisico-químicas y naturales.-4. Ciencias médicas.



Centro de Ingenieros y Arquitectos®.

Address.-Avenida de Mayo 733, Buenos Aires.

History.-Founded in 1895 (?) as Centro Nacional de Ingenieros; present name since 1906.


LA INGENIERÍA. Año I-X (i. e. núm. 1-207), agosto 1897-dic. 1906.
Buenos Aires, 1897-1906. fol.

Issued monthly to Mar. 1899, since then semi-monthly.

Price: 15 pesos a year.

Indice .. por materias desde su fundación hasta el 31 de diciembre de 1902.

Ferrocarril á Bolivia; estudios de sus diversos trazados. Conferencias dadas en el Centro nacional de ingenieros, por A. Castaño. Buenos Aires, 1898. 8°.

Centro Naval.

Address.-Calle Florida 659, Buenos Aires.

History. Founded in May 1882. Maintains a library and reading room. Object.-Technical, professional and social.

Membership. About 425 (monthly dues, 5 pesos).

•Sociedad de Ingenieros Civiles de la República Argentina, which published El ingeniero civil (año 1. Buenos Aires, 1888. fol.), is no longer in existence.

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Jump «-Exchange. On sale at the office of the society Deutsche Akademische Vereinigung zu Buenos Aires.

Actress-Calle Cayo 648, Buenos Aires.

A-Founded in 1807.

[rect—Cativabon of the German scientific spirit by means of scientific lect and pur arab, ES.

Viimng, munce or twice each month, May to Nov.

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-oc classed as active annual dues, $10), associate, corresponding d

Ver fentlichungen... bd. 1, heft 1-8. Buenos Aires, 1898-1903. 8. Issued at irregular intervals; 12 nos. to a vol


-Exchange. On sale by Friedländer & Sohn, Carlstrasse 11. Be

Institution of Engineers of the River Plate.

Address.—Esenos Aires. Reading rooms and library at Calle Bartolomé Mitre. 782.

Hurry-A society of English-speaking engineers founded in 1898. Shaut —To promote the general advancement of engineering science and its applia tin, and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas on these subjects. Meetings —As the Council may appoint.

3. emtoron p −82. Members (entrance fee. $25; annual dues, $25 for town members $:250 for camp members); 27 Associates (entrance fee, $10; annual dues, Șro for nown members, $5 for camp members); 6 Students (no entrance fee; annual dues, $:: 3 honorary members. Camp members are those who reside a distance of 50 miles from the City of Buenos Aires. After 2 years from the date of his election, a student is eligible for transfer to the class of Associates on payment of a fee of $5, provided he is 21 years of age; Associates transferred to the class of Members pay a fee of $:0.

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Journal... v. I. 1800 1900- Buenos Aires, 1899/1900

Published about 4 times a year.


Instituto Geográfico Argentino®.

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Address-Arenales 687, Buenos Aires.

History-Founded in 1870 by Dr. Estanislao S. Zeballos.

. 12°.

Re La obra del Instituto ... por C. C. Luna. (In Boletín . . . t. 17, 1806, p. 239-260.)

Sociedad Geográfica Argentina, organized in July 1881, appears to have been dissolved. Publ: Revista ... t. 1-7, Buenos Aires, 1881/82-1890. 8°.

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