Thea Stilton and the Mountain of Fire

Front Cover
Scholastic Paperbacks, 2009 - Juvenile Fiction - 159 pages
Thea's friends the Thea Sisters take off for Australia to solve a mystery. A flock of sheep at Nicky's family's ranch is losing all its wool, and the ranch depends on the wool to stay afloat! Maybe the sheep's cure lies in an Aboriginal medicine containing a strange root. The five mouselings set off on a tour of the whole country to find out. It's a truly memorable outback adventure!

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About the author (2009)

Geronimo Stilton was born in New Mouse City, Mouse Island. He is Rattus Emeritus of Mousomorphic Literature and Neo-Ratonic Comparative Philosophy. In his spare time, Mr. Stilton collects antique cheese rinds and plays golf. But what he most enjoys is telling stories to his nephew Benjamin.