This Sacred Earth: Religion, Nature, EnvironmentRoger S. Gottlieb This is the first comprehensive survey of the critical connections between religion, nature and the environment. It includes writings from sacred texts and a broad spectrum of new eco-theological selections. Historical and contemporary selections from key authors and a multicultural range of sources make This Sacred Earth an invaluable teaching resource and a unique introduction to the theory and practice of religious environmentalism. |
PART I | 15 |
Imagination and Desire | 21 |
John Muir | 27 |
Stephanie Kaza | 41 |
Fanetorens Ray Fadden | 50 |
Christianity as Ecologically Harmful | 104 |
J Donald Hughes from American Indian Ecology | 131 |
Chatsumarn Kabilisingh Early Buddhist Views on Nature | 147 |
Ecotheology in an Age of Environmental Crisis | 403 |
Thomas Berry Into the Future | 410 |
Brian Walsh Marianne B Karsh Trees Forestry and the Responsiveness | 423 |
Warwick Fox Transpersonal Ecology and the Varieties | 436 |
Religious Practice for a Sacred Earth | 445 |
Ellen Bernstein and Dan Fink Blessings and Praise | 451 |
The Sun Dance | 470 |
The Earth is the Lords | 480 |
John S Mbiti African Views of the Universe | 174 |
Ecotheology in an Age of Environmental Crisis | 181 |
Roderick Nash The Greening of Religion | 194 |
American Baptist Churches USA Creation and the Covenant of Caring | 238 |
Liberating Life A Report to the World Council of Churches | 251 |
John F Haught Christianity and Ecology | 270 |
The Cosmic Christ | 286 |
Arthur Waskow What is EcoKosher? | 297 |
Ken Jones Getting Out of Our Own Light | 303 |
Theodore Walker Jr AfricanAmerican Resources | 309 |
Ecotheology in an Age of Environmental Crisis | 317 |
Anne Primavesi Ecofeminism and Canon | 334 |
The Politics | 346 |
Vandana Shiva from Staying Alive | 382 |
Terry Tempest Williams The Clan of OneBreasted Women | 390 |
Carol Adams Destabilizing Patriarchal Consumption | 397 |
John Seed Invocation | 499 |
Marina Lachecki The Blessing of the Water | 507 |
Charlene Spretnak Beyond Humanism Modernity and Patriarchy | 532 |
Max Oelschlaeger from Caring for Creation | 537 |
Sharma On Sustainability | 558 |
Catherine Ingram Interview with Cesar Chavez | 586 |
Citizenship in Earth | 604 |
David Spangler Imagination Gaia | 611 |
Dieter T Hessel Now that Animals | 620 |
The First National | 634 |
Joint Appeal by Religion | 640 |
655 | |
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Common terms and phrases
African Afrocentric agriculture Agroecology Aldo Leopold American animals anthropocentric beauty become believe Bible biblical Black blessing body brachot Buddhist called Catal Huyuk Christ Christian church cosmic cosmos created creation creatures culture deep ecology destruction divine domination Earth First!ers eco-social Ecofeminism ecological crisis economic ecosystems ecotheology environment environmental crisis environmental ethics environmental theology example exploitation faith forest forms Gaia Gary Snyder God's Goddess heaven holy human Ibid Indian Jewish Joanna Macy John Seed justice land liberation living LORD Lynn White male modern moral mother movement Native American natural world Neolithic nonhuman nature organizations ourselves perspective plants political Press relation relationship religion religious responsibility ritual sacramental sacred salvation Santmire sense social society species spiritual stewardship sustainable symbol theology things tion tradition trees universe Vrindavana Western White women York