THE BRITISH NEPOS: CONSISTING OF THE LIVES OF ILLUSTRIOUS BRITONS, WHO HAVE DISTINGUISHED THEMSELVES BY THEIR VIRTUES, WITH INCIDENTAL PRACTICAL REFLECTIONS. BY WILLIAM MAVOR, LL.D. AND ASSISTANTS. TWELFTH EDITION. WITH TWENTY-FOUR PORTRAITS. Hic manus, ob patriam pugnando vulnera passi : Quique sui memores alios fecere merendo...... VIRGIL. London: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND (Price Five Shillings Bound.) 1816. ΤΟ THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE EARL OF MOIRA, BARON RAWDON, &c. &c. &c. IN MY LORD, N presenting to the public a new edition of a work which has gained the most flattering approbation, I am happy to embrace the opportunity afforded me, of evincing a small share of respect where I feel respect to be so justly due. The good and the great have ever been the models your Lordship has kept in view; and among the illustrious dead whom it has been my task to hold up as mirrors to the rising generation, few, very few, in the estimation of the living, rank higher, for every quality that adorns the man and the hero, than the Earl of MOIRA. It is the peculiar felicity of those who have the honour to be in any way connected with your Lordship, never to have occasion to justify your conduct, or to vindicate your fame; and seldom is it the lot of public men, however able or upright, to command this enviable distinction. That it may be late, however, before the future biographer can do full justice to your various |