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cate, and fine conceited Grecians and Italians: (for the Romanes to speake of, are but verye ciphars in this kinde :) whose chiefest endevour, and drifte was, to have nothing vulgare, but in some respecte or other, and especially in lively hyperbolicall amplifications, rare, queint, and odde in every pointe, and as a man would saye, a degree or two at the leaste, above the reache, and compasse of a common schollers capacitie. In whiche respecte notwithstanding, as well for the singularitie of the manner, as the Divinitie of the matter, I hearde once a Divine, preferre Saint Johns Revelation before al the veriest Metaphysicall Visions, and jollyest conceited Dreames or Extasies, that ever were devised by one or other, howe admirable, or super excellent soever they seemed otherwise to the worlde. And truely I am so confirmed in this opinion, that when I bethinke me of the verie notablest, and moste wonderful Propheticall, or Poeticall Vision, that ever I read, or hearde, me seemeth the proportion is so junequall, that there hardly appeareth anye semblaunce of Comparison: no more in a maner (especially for Poets) then doth betweene the incomprehensible Wisdome of God, and the sensible Wit of man.

But what needeth this digression between you and me? I dare saye you wyll holde yourselfe reasonably wel satisfied, if youre Dreames be but as well esteemed of in Englande, as Petrarches Visions be in Italy: which I assure you, is the very worst I wish you. But, see, how I have the Arte Memorative at commaundement. In good faith I had once againe nigh forgotten your Faerie Queene: how beit by good channce, I have nowe sent hir home at the laste,

neither in better nor worse case, then I founde hir. And must you of necessitie have my judgement of hir indeede? To be plaine, I am voyde of al judgement, if your Nine Comedies, whereunto in imitation of Herodotus, you give the names of the Nine Muses (and in one mans fansie not unworthily) come not neerer Ariostoes Comedies, eyther for the finenesse of plausible Elocution, or the rarenesse of Poetical Invention, then that Elvish Queene doth to his Orlando Furioso, which notwithstanding, you wil needes seeme to emulate, and hope to overgo, as you flatly professed yourself in one of your last Letters.

Besides that you know, it hath bene the usual practise of the most exquisite and odde wittes in all nations, and specially in Italie, rather to shewe, and advaunce themselves that way, then any other : as namely, those three notorious dyscoursing heads, Bibiena, Machiavel, and Aretine did, (to let Bembo and Ariosto passe) with the great admiration, and wonderment of the whole country: being in deede reputed matchable in all points, both for conceyt of Witte and eloquent decyphering of matters, either with Aristophanes and Menander in Greek, or with Plautus and Terence in Latin, or with any other, in any other tong. But I wil not stand greatly with you in your owne matters. If so be the Faerye Queene be fairer in your eie than the Nine Muses, and Hobgoblin runne away with the Garland from Apollo: Marke what I saye, and yet I will not say that I thought, but there an End for this once, and fare you well, till God or some good Aungell putte you in a better minde.



4, in 'A Gods name,' 442, 474

The numbers refer to the pages.

Abace, abase, to lower, to hang down, 82, 257, 397

Aband, to abandon, 138

Abashment, fear, 202, 203

Abeare, to behave, conduct, 356, 406

Adore, to adorn, 290

Adorne, ornament, 226
Adowne, down, 49

Adrad, adred, adredde, afraid, terrified, 162, 244,
272, 507

Abet, abett, to aid, support, maintain, 364, 383; Adrad, to be frightened, 299
asserting falsely, 242

Abid, abode, remained, 178

Abie, aby, abye, to pay the penalty of, to atone for,
suffer for, 101, 122, 179, 212, 235, 258, 595; abide
by, 368

Abject, to throw or cast down, 219, 338

Abode, remained, 227; a delay, stay, 155, 202
Abolish, to wipe out, 101

Aboord, abord, from the bank, astray, at a loss,
515. Aborde, harbour, 418
Abouts, about, 58

Abrade, to rouse, wake up, 218

Abray (pret. abrayde), to start up suddenly, to
awake, 162, 257, 261; to quake with sudden fear,

Abusion, abuse, deceit, fraud, 141, 230, 359
Accloy, accloye, to clog up, choke, encumber, hinder,
113, 449, 568

Accoasting, skimming along near the ground, 369
Accompt, accoumpt, account, 444, 515
Accorage, to encourage, 90,,203

Accord, to grant, to agree, to reconcile, 255, 278,
448; an agreement, 99, 125

According, agreeably to, according to, 65, 75, 99,
141; accordingly, 139

Accoste, to go side by side, to adjoin, border, 352
Accourting, entertaining (courteously), 88

Accoustrement, garb, 519

Accoy, accoie, to subdue, daunt, tame, 448

Accoy, to coy, caress, 274

Accoyl, to assemble, gather together, 128

Accrew, to increase, 259, 317

Achates (Acates), purchased provisions, cates, 128
Acquight, acquit, acquite, to deliver, release, 49, 145;
acquitted, free, 314

Adamants, chrystals, 288

Advaunce, to extol, 34; impel, 81

Adventure, chance, 237; opportunity, 243; to at-
tempt, 314

Adview, to view, 308

Advize, advise, to consider, perceive, take thought
of, bethink, 79, 129, 294, 419
Advizement, consideration, 103, 126

Adward, an award, 280; to award, 294
Emuling, emulating, rivalling, 550 (æmuled, 550)
Afeard, afraid, 217, 235

Affear, to frighten, 93, 96

Affect, affection, 365; sorrow, 566; imitation, 594
Affection, passion, 100, 139, 168, 386

Affide, affyde, betrothed, 273, 306; intrusted, 322
Afflicted, low, humble, 11
Afford, to consent, 103

Affrap, to strike, to strike down, to encounter, to
assault, 82, 163

Affray, to terrify, fray, 184; terror, 340, 345
Affrende, to make friends, 246
Affret, encounter, 207, 242

Affront, to confront, encounter, oppose, 50, 176,


Affy, to betroth, espouse, 372, 376; entrust, 322
Affyaunce, betrothal, 99

Afore, in front, before, 97, 170

[ocr errors]

Aggrace, favour, kindness, goodwill, 125; to make
gracious, 151

Aggrate, to please, delight, charm, treat politely,
105, 128, 193, 204, 238, 349, 410
Aglet, point, tag, 94, 366

Agree, to settle, to cause to agree, 97
Agreeably, alike, in a manner to agree, 391

Agrise, agrize, agryse, agryze, to cause to shudder,
to terrify, to make disgusted, 111, 165, 346, 430
Agryz'd, having a terrible look, disfigured, 269

Adaw, to adaunt, tame, moderate, 195, 260, 341, Aguise, aguize, to deck, adorn, fashion, accoutre,


Adayes, daily, 452

Addeeme, to adjudge, 307

Addoom, to adjudge, 435

82, 83, 165, 306, 519; to disguise, 107
Alablaster, alabaster, 167

Albe, albee, although, 37, 455
Aleggeaunce, alleviation, 186

Address, to prepare, adjust, direct, clothe, arm, 176, Alew, howling, 323

192, 215. Addrest, ready, 243

Adjoyne, to approach, join, 198
Admiraunce, admiration, 347

Admire, to wonder at, 256, 266, 399

Algate, algates, altogether, wholly, by all means, in
all ways, at all events, 161, 201, 259, nevertheless,

| All, although, 155; 'all as' as if, 448

[blocks in formation]

Annoy, annoyance, grief, hurt, 40, 91, 129

[blocks in formation]

Antickes, antiques, ancient, or fantastic figures, 94, Avauntage, advantage, 103
112, 223

Apace, fast, copiously, 286

Appall, to falter, 260; to weaken, 160

Appay, apay (præt. and p. p. appay'd, appaid), to
please, satisfy, pay, 129, 148, 354, 470, 543
Appeach, to impeach, accuse, 123, 144, 320, 342
Appease, to cease from, 25

Appele, to accuse, 341; to offer, 168

Appellation, appeal, 427

Avaunting, advancing (boastfully), 92
Avenge, revenge, 258

Avengement, revenge, 30, 184

Aventred, thrust forward (at a venture), 158, 242
Aventring, pushing forward, 258

Avize, aryze, to perceive, consider, regard, view,
take note of, reflect, bethink, 37, 109, 157, 165,
169. 174, 238, 275, 419; advise, 273
Avizefull, observant, 260

Apply, to attend to, 65; to bend one's steps to, 106 Avoid, to depart, go out, 161

Approven, to put to the proof, to prove, 432
Approvaunce, approval, 153

Arborett, little grove, 107

Aread, areed (p. p. ared), to tell, say, declare, de-
scribe, inform, teach, interpret, explain, 55, 57,
93, 164, 220, 238, 258, 309, 380; appoint, 355;
detect, 254

Arear, areare, arere, arreare, to the rear, back-
ward, aback, 143, 196, 214, 377, 509

Aret, arret, to allot, entrust, adjudge, 120, 140, 254
Arew, in a row, in order, 357.

Arguments, signs, indications, 391
Arights, rightly, 343

Arke, box, chest, 248

Arras, tapestry of Arras, 28

Arraught (pret. of arreach), seized forcibly, 135
As, as if, 51, 70, 126, 197
Askaunce, sideways, 112, 160

Aslake, to slake, abate, appease, 26
Aslope, on the slope, aside, 180

Assay, to try, attempt, assail, attack, 20, 28, 97,
183, 277; an attempt, trial, 83, 92, 93; value, 19,

[blocks in formation]

Astert, befall, come upon suddenly, 482

[ocr errors]

Aroure, 'to make avoure' to justify, maintain, 376
Awarned, made, was made aware, 216
Awayle, to wait for, 157; watch, 280
Awhape, to terrify, frighten, 263, 351, 513
Aygulets (aglets), tags, points of gold, 94
Aym, direction, 107

[blocks in formation]

Balke, to disappoint, to deal at cross purposes, 164,
281; a ridge between two furrows, 413
Balliards, billiards, 520

Ban, banne, to curse (band, cursed), 197, 275, 302,
349, 368, 601

Band, forbid, banish, 167; assemble, 31
Bandog, mastiff, 474

Bane, death, destruction, 142
Banket, banquet, 190, 264

Bannerall, a standard (shaped like a swallow's
tail), 393

Barbe, equipments of a horse, horse-armour, 87
Barbican, a watch-tower, 128

Bard, ornamented with bars (ornaments of a
girdle), 94

Base, low, 18; the lower part, 339
Basenesse, a low humble condition, 371
Basen-wide, widely extended, 519

Astond, astound, astonied, astonished, stunned, 269, Bases, armour for the legs, 318


Bash, to be abashed, 100

Bastard, base, lowborn, 41, 96
Basted, sewed slightly, 316
Bate, did bite, 102; fed, 473
Bate, to bait, attack, 422
Batt, stick, 506, 514

peril, 14, 85, 217, 267; treated, 388; attended,
230; beset, 184, 244; 'ill bested'in a bad
plight, 83

Bestaine, to stain, 265
Bestow, to place, 128

Battailous, ready for battle, in order for battle, 33, Bestrad, bestrided, 301


Batteilant, embattled, fortified, 537

Battill (properly to fatten), to be of good flavour,


Batton, stick, club, 395

Bauldricke, belt, 94, 297, 607

Baune, a hill, 642

Bay, a standstill, a position in which one is kept at
bay, 362

Baye, to bathe, 44

Bayes (baies), laurels, 234, 386

Bet, did beat, 89

Betake (pret. betooke), to take (into), to deliver, be-
stow, betake one's self, 34, 59, 191, 417
Beteeme, to deliver, give, 121

Bethinke, to make up one's mind, 40
Bethrall, to take captive, 32

Betide, betyde, to befall, to happen to, 83, 110, 183;
betid, betyded, betight, befall, befallen, 307, 482, 552
Bett, better, 477

Bever, the front part of a helmet (covering the
mouth), 102

Bayt, bait, artifice, 103, 404; to bait (a bull), 123; Bery, company (of ladies), 128

to cause to abate, to let rest, 148

[blocks in formation]

Bewaile, to choose, select, 38

Bewray, to reveal, betray, accuse, 31, 36, 168, 244;
signify, 642

Bickerment, bickering, strife, 311

Beastlyhead, your beastlyhead,' 'a greeting to the Bid, to pray, 14

person of a beast,' 461

Beath'd, plunged, 263

[blocks in formation]

Bide, to bid, offer, 202

Biggen, cup, 460

Bilive, bylive, blive, forthwith, quickly, 36, 475
Bils, battle-axes, 353

Become, to come to, go to, to suit, to happen, 62, Blame, to blemish, 120; injury, hurt, 156
67, 88, 121, 209

Bed, bad, 59

[blocks in formation]

Belaccoyle, kind salutation or greeting, 260
Belamoure, belamy, a lover, 108, 117

Belay, to beset, encompass, 575; adorn, 366
Beldame, fair lady, 167

Belgard, fair (or kind) looks, 94, 211, 598)
Bellibone, a beautiful and good woman, 455
Belyde, counterfeited, 212

Ben (bene, been), are, 232

Bend, band, 94, 114, 316

Beneficiall, a benefice, 517

Bent, long stalks of (bent) grass, 377

Beraft, bereft, 236

Bere, to bear, 292; bier, 148

Beseeke, beseech, 246

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Boads, bodes, portends, 425

Bode, abode, 354, 416

Boley (or buala), 630; place (situated in a grassy
hollow) enclosed by man in which to put cattle
in the spring and summer months, while on the
mountain pastures-a place that ensures safety.'
(HENRY KINAHAN in The Athenæum, No. 2167,
May 8, 1869)
Bollet, bullet, 45
Bolt, arrow, 452

Bond, bound, 108, 269

Boone, prayer, petition, 241, 341

Boord, bord, to accost, to address, talk with, 87,
99, 125, 170; conversation, 212; go side by side,

Boot, to avail, profit, 81, 102; booty, gain, 338, 443 Buckle to, make ready, 348.

Booting, availing, 293

Bore, borne, 247
Borde, coast, 418

Bordraging (pl. bordrags), border ravaging, border

raid, 138, 552

Borowe, borrowe, pledge, surety, 459, 460, 520
Borrell, rustic, 467

Bosse, middle of shield, 353


Bouget, budget 21

Bought, fold, 13, 69, 507

Boult, to sift, bolt, 99

[blocks in formation]

Bountyhed, gene-

rosity, 145, 160, 173

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Brenne, to burn, 246

Buff (pl. buffes), a blow, 89

Bug, apparition, bugbear, goblin, 93, 147
Buegle, wild ox, 49

Bugle, bead, 448

Bullion, pure gold, 159
Burdenous, heavy, 356

Burganet, headpiece, helmet, 124, 532
Burgein, burgeon, bud, 434

Buskets, bushes, 458

Busse, kiss, 216

But-if, unless, 271

Buxom, obedient, yielding, tractable, 71, 165, 213,

By-and-by, one by one, singly, 432, 523

Byde, abide, 87. Byding, abiding, remaining, 108,


Bylive, quickly, also active, 55, 183, 212. See Blire,

Bynempt, named, appointed, 86, 468; bequeathed,

Cabinet, cottage, little cabin, 154, 547
Cœrule, azure, 506

Caitive, caytive, subject, captive, 45, 55; vile, base,
menial, rascal, 80, 95, 123, 195

Call, caul, cowl, cap, 54

Camis, camus, a light loose robe of some light ma-
terial (as silk, &c.), chemise, 94, 316

Can or Gan (an auxiliary of the past tense), did,
32, 348

Can, knows, 452, 453

Cancred, cankerd, corrupt, 80, 206

Canon bitt, a smooth round bit (for horses), 47
Capitayn, captain, 141

Caprifole, woodbine, 192

Captivaunce, captivity, 198

Bray (braie), to cry out suddenly, cry aloud, utter Captived, taken captive, enslaved, 98, 160

Capuccio, hood (of a cloak), capuchin, 225

Card, chart, 112

[blocks in formation]

Breem, breme, boisterous, rough, sharp, 433, 448, Carl, carle, an old man, 206; churl, 60, 257


Brent, burnt, 55, 71, 160

Brickle, brittle, 283, 494

Brigandine, a kind of light vessel, 533

Brim, margin of the horizon, 341

Brize, bryze, gadfly, 363, 537

Brocage, pimping, 441, 520

Brode, abroad, 247

Broch, to commence, broach, 162

Brond, sword, 121, 226

Brondiron, sword, 250

Bronds, embers, brands, 115

Brood, a brooding-place (? an error for bood=O.E.
bood or abood, an abode, resting place; cf. bode,
p. 354), 112

Brooke, to endure, bear brook, 179, 240

Brouzes, twigs, 216

Brunt, assault, 123

[blocks in formation]

Carriage, burden, 375

Cast, to consider, plot, resolve, purpose, 71, 478,
197; time, period, opportunity, 402, nere their
utmost cast' almost dead, 378; a couple, 392
Castory, colour (red or pink), 128

Caudron, caldron, 169

Causen, to assign a cause or reason, explain, 208
Cautelous, wary, 619

Caved, made hollow, 256 le avhear

Centonel, a sentinel, 59, 23925) 30 27

Certes, certainly, 164

Cesse, to cease, 274

Cesure, a breaking off, stop, 138

Chaffar, to chaffer, exchange, 102, 473

Chalenge, to claim, 122, 233, 238, 254; to track,
follow, 81; accusation, 278

Chamelot water, camlet watered, 290
Chamfred, wrinkled, furrowed, 448

Champain, champian, champion, open country,
plain, 301, 379, 429

Championesse, a female warrior, 228

Brutenesse, brutishnesse, brutality, brute-like state, Character, image, 322

Charge, assault, attack, 277

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