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If good faith fhall be again broken, we are at Prague, at Vienna, and at Venice.

Such felf-devotion and fuch fuccefs neceffarily fecures to our rmies all the gratitude of their country. The government is nxious to find new expreffions to confecrate their exploits; but here is one which by its fimplicity will be always worthy of the entiments and the courage of the French foldiers.

The government has propofed to the Legiflative Body four Iraughts of a law, declaring that the army of the Rhine, the Gallo-Batavian army, the army of Italy, and the army of the Grifons, have deferved well of the country.

The Chief Conful, BONAPARTE.

Convention entered into between Ruffia and the Porte, respecting the Ex-Venetian Islands.

In the Name of the Almighty God!

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THOSE countries which were originally subject to the republic of Venice, and which afterwards fell into the hands of the French, having been fince delivered from their yoke by means of the united fleets of Ruffia and the Sublime Porte, aided by the Supreme Arbiter of victory, and approved by the unanimous withes and efforts of the inhabitants, his Majesty the Emperor of all the Ruffias, and his Majesty the Ottoman Emperor, being refolved to obfervé thofe principles of juftice, moderation, and difinterestedness, the practice of which they folemnly promised in their treaty of alliance, and as the dignity of the two courts requires that a promise publicly made fhould be executed by both parties, they have agreed to eftablifh in the faid countries fuch a form of government as may leave no grounds of apprehenfion for the repofe and fafety of the ftates of the Sublime Porte, notwithstanding its vicinity, and which may at the fame time accord with the habits, ufages, religion, and wifh of the inhabitants. To accomplish this falutary work, his Majefty the Emperor of Ruffia has named as his plenipotentiary and envoy extraordinary to the Ottoman Porte, the high and noble Waffely Tamara, knight of the order of St. Ann, of the first clafs, commander of the fovereign order of St. John of Jerufalem; and his Majesty the Ottoman Emperor, the illuftrious and eftimable Ifmet Bey and Ahmed Alif Reis-Effendi; who after exchanging their full powers, have agreed on the following articles:

I. The faid Ex-Venetian ifles fhall form a republic, which shall be governed by the notables of the country, and which, like Ragufa, fhall be as a vaffal under the protection of the Porte, and fhall acknowledge its fuperiority. Ruffia guarantees the integrity of this republic.

II. Thefe ifles, which are Corfu, Cephalonia, Cerigo, St. Maure, Ithaca, &c. fhall be called "The Seven United lands," and fhall enjoy the fame privileges as Ragufa. The two powers fhall ratify the new conftitution of the republic, after it shall have been accepted.

III. The inhabitants of the faid ifles fhall enjoy the fame privileges in Turkey as the Ragufans. They fhall have in that country their own conful, and their fhips fhall be protected from the corfairs of the ftates of Barbary.

IV. The republic fhall pay every year to the Parte 75,000 piaftres, which it fhall fend, as Ragufa does, by a folemn embaffy; and in confequence of this tribute the fubjects of the new ftate fhall in Turkey be exempted from every other impofition.

V. In cafe of neceffity, Ruffia and the Porte fhall fend to thefe ifles during the prefent war, but not beyond that period, the troops and veffels requifite for their defence.

VI. The fhips of the republic may in future navigate freely in the Black Sea under their new flag.

VII. First, the Ex-Venetian countries, fuch as Prevefa, Parga, Vonitz, and Butrinto, which are fituated on the continent, and border on Albania, fhall hereafter belong to the Porte, and the Chriftians of thofe countries fhall be fubject to a Turkish commandant, as well as thofe of Wallachia and Moldavia.-The Mahometans fhall not be allowed to purchase there any property. The Raja princes of thefe Ex-Venetian countries fhall be at liberty to rebuild their churches, and for two years they shall be exempt from all impofition, and thall pay hereafter to the Porte only what they before paid to Venice.-Second, as a testimony of the friendship which unites his Majefty the Emperor of Ruflia ta his Majesty the Ottoman Emperor, and at the fame time to fhow how much the former is interested in the happiness of the Sublime Porte and its allies, he promifes to employ his good offices to cause his allies and the other powers, who fhall be invited for that purpose, when a general peace takes place, to accept and guarantee every thing contained in the 2d, 5th, 7th, and 8th articles of this convention, and every thing that relates to the political exiftence of these islands.

VIII. The prefent convention fhall be ratified within the courfe of two months.

Done at Conftantinople,

March 21, 1800.






From the LONDON GAZETTE, May 7, 1800.

Downing Street, May 6.

HE following intelligence, which had been received at Vienna, has been tranfmitted from Lord Minto to Lord Grenville, his Majefty's principal Secretary of State for foreign Affairs, in a letter dated April 20.

Accounts have been received from General Melas, dated the 10th inftant.

It had been the General's intention to move forward against Varagio on the 9th; but having learnt that the enemy having received a reinforcement of 3000 men, intended to make a vigorous defence in this advantageous pofition, General Melas halted in confequence, and deferred the attack until the following day; the battle was bloody, a great number of men being killed on both fides; at length the perfeverance of his Imperial Majefty's troops was fuccefsful; feveral officers and, about 200 men were made prifoners; among the former were fome belonging to the fuite of General Maffena, who had haftened in perfon to the fcene of action, in the hope that his prefence would infpire his troops with additional courage: he led them repeatedly to the charge: the enemy flying in diforder, was purfued as far as Invrea. That part of them which took the road leading along the fea-coaft fuffered coniderably by the fire of the fquadron of his Britannic Majefty. On another fide, M. le Comte de Hohenzollern attacked and carried the Bochetta on the 9th, making 200 prifoners, with fix pieces of cannon.

In the night between the 7th and 8th General Kaim furprised the enemy's pofts at Mount Cenis, taking 200 prifoners and fix pieces of cannon, and established himself in that pofition.

Vienna, April 19...

ACCORDING to farther accounts from General Melas, refpecting his advancing into the territory of the Genoefe coaft, the enemy had intrenched their pofition on la Torre di Cadibuona in the most advantageous manner, occupied by 3000 men. This pofition General Melas VOL. X.



ordered the divifion of Mitrowfky to attack on the 6th inftant, and its conqueft would have been difficult had not a battalion of the regiment Neisfky, under the command of Major Gertich, undertaken to storm it, which decided the victory in favour of the Auftrians. Five pieces of artillery were ken; a chief of brigade, 20 officers, and 2co privates, made prifoners; and it was only owing to the ground being favourable to the enemy, that they fucceeded in reaching their fecond pofition on Monte Ajuto, whither they fled, notwithstanding the many steep mountains, purfued with incredible fwiftnefs by our brave troops. General Count St. Julien and Major-general Lattermann meanwhile afcended and took Monte Ajuto and Monte Negiro, and the whole of the troops of General St. Julien purfued the enemy on three roads towards Vado and Savona. At the pofition of Monte Ñegiro, a chief of battalion, 12 officers, and 100 privates were made prifoners, and one cannon and several fmall field-pieces taken.

On the 7th, in the morning, Field-marfhal-lieutenant Elfnitz ascended Monte St. Giacomo, and occupied Monte Sette Pani with the brigade of General Ulm.

The enemy having evacuated the fort of Vado in the preceding night, after fpiking their cannon, and having fled towards the fea near Nice, Monte Altiffimo and the fort of Vado were occupied by our troops on the fame day, where they found 17 pieces of heavy artillery. General Melas afterwards blockaded the citadel of Savona with the Imperial troops.

On the 8th, the English Admiral Lord Keith entered the port of Vado, with two fhips of the line, of 74 guns, four cutters, a brig,, and eight ships laden with provifions.

General Melas having received certain information that the main force of the enemy was affembled in and near Genoa, he intrufted the blockade of the citadel of Savona to General Elfnitz, and with the reft of his army purfued his march along Monte Notte and Monte Negiro, in a manner which enabled him to take a pofition with his left wing, on the Lake near Albizola, and along the rivulet of Rezo, and to fix his head-quarters at Madona di Savona.

General Ott reported to General Melas, that, on the 6th, he had gained fome advantages over the enemy at Cornua and Reccio; and that he had driven them from a fecond pofition on Monte Capunardo.

On the following day the aforefaid General refolved to march to Monte Creto, in order to afft in forcing the Bochetta, which General Count Hohenzollern had undertaken to attack.'

In the different engagements which have hitherto taken place, the lofs of our troops has been inconfiderable.

Befides other prifoners made in the city of Savona, one of the enemy's hofpitals, with 350 men, fell into our hands; and General Melas states, that prifoners are ftill coming in; all of whom report that the enemy were unprepared for a formidable attack on that fide, which also appears from the circumftance of feveral officers being made prifoners on the most impaffable mountains, whither they had been fent by the French generals, to fearch for a communication with the interior of France, as well as with Nice and Genoa.

'Intelligence has likewife been received here, that two of our regiments have taken by storm the Bochetta, which had hitherto been confidered more formidable than a large fortrefs, and must effect the fpeedy fall of Genoa. A confiderable number of French troops were made prifoners


there.--The valour of the army under General Melas excites univerfal admiration. His mafterly defigns are carried into execution by his troops, though the difficulties fhould appear infurmountable. The plan of the French for the whole campaign has been difconcerted by his skill.

In the Genoese the French fought defperately; but all refiftmce will be in vain, Genoa being entirely blockaded by our troops by land, and bombarded by the English by fea, who are faid to have caufed confiderable damage in that city, by firing red-hot balls. Letters from Milan state, that it has been fummoned both by Lord Keith and General Melas,

Italy.-Copy of a Letter from the Office of the Commander in Chief of the Imperial Army, to the Imperial military Commander in Chief in Upper Auf tria, dated Pavia, April 10.

I HASTEN to communicate to you the pleafing intelligence juft received from the commanding General, refpecting the opening of the campaign by the Imperial army of Italy, by feveral important victories and a moft rapid progrefs, in the following enclofure:

On the 5th, in the evening, the army was placed in a pofition, beginning in the district of the Stura, and thence along the Appenines as far as Carcare, which enabled them, at five different points, to contribute to the grand object, viz. to advance into the Riviera di Ponente, and, if poffible, to obtain poffeffion of the city of Genoa, and of the two fortreffes, Savona and Vado.

On the 6th, at daybreak, three divifions of the army marched from the camp of Carcare, of which that under F. M. Lieutenant Mitrousky was charged with ftorming the intrenched pofition on le Torre di Cadíbuona and Monte Ajuto--while the brigade under General Count St. Julien, which previonfly had been difpatched against Monte Note, to obferve the village of Saffello, was charged with making itself master of the advantageous part of Monte Notte. The two divifions, Elfnitz and Morzin, at the fame time advanced from the camp of Carcare to Malore, to obtain poffeffion of the avenues of Mount St. Giacomo, and to prepare the attack of that pofition for the day following, while the brigade of General Ulm was ftationed against the mountain of Sette Panni.

The pofition on la Torre di Cadibuona, advantageously intrenched by the enemy, was attacked at three different points by the three brigades of Buffy, Sticker, and Lattermann, commanded by General Count Palffy, during the indifpofition of F. M. Lieutenant Mitroufky, and, from the enemy's violent and well-directed cannonade, would have baffled the skill and bravery of our troops for fome time, had not a battalion of Reiskey, which was ordered against the right wing of that pofition, led by excellent officers, fucceeded in furrounding it, carrying at the point of the bayonet the outer works, which were lined with a numerous artillery. This unexampled bravery had the happy confequence of caufing the other batteries to be carried by fimilar intrepidity, by which we gained a splendid victory. Four pieces of ordnance, feveral fmall field-pieces, and a confiderable quantity of ammunition, fell into our hands-20 officers and nearly 300 men were made prifoners on the parapets, and only from the ground being particularly favourable to the enemy, they obtained fome advantages in their flight, which, by circuitous routes, and in great, confufion, they directed towards the higheft precipice of Monte Ajuto,

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