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Anfwer. Sir, I am acquainted only with the noble manner of negotiating, and therefore accept your propofals, in hopes of having the honour of fpeaking to you in perfon. I am a friend to cuftoms, to refpect for property, political and religious opinion, and you may reft affured that I fhall only treat in that manner. I am already known to General Sommariva. CLEMENT, General of Brigade.


Report of the Committee of general Police to the Confuls; dated Paris, October 23,

Citizens Confuls,

THE vigilant eye of the police gave you notice fome months ago, that a final body of wretches was meditating fome attempt. They were goaded on by the enemies of France. Soon after the papers of the English committee, laid before you, afforded you a proof of thefe criminal defigns. The agents of this committee have been arrested and put to flight. Government has not yet brought to trial the affairs of the English committee. This delay has been occafioned by reafons of ftate. The agents of this committee have been arrested and put to flight, A new attempt has been meditated. It has been fuppofed that a blow at the First Conful was a blow which would be fatal to the republic, and would replunge it in chaos.-Hi herto the head which directs the arms of these affaffins has been concealed. It is hidden in the clouds. The police has feized those who were really guilty, but thefe were only obfcure agents. How can we avoid fuppofing that this fact is not connected with a more powerful caufe, when we reflect that its fuccefs was calculated upon in certain countries in Europe? I fhall, however, abftain, from any indefin, e and general accufations. When we feek truth, and to throw light on a fubject, our accufations fhould be made with precifion, and only when there are proofs to fupport them.-Hitherto the only perfons arrefted are Ceracchi, Demerville, and Arena. The two firit have revealed the whole plot: they accufe Arena with having been the favourer and the chief in it.-I propofe to you to bring to trial before the criminal tribunal of La Seine, Arena, Ceracchi, and Demerville, and to refer the interrogatories, with the proofs, to it.-Every thing has its limits. The generous affections have theirs alfo. Beyond a certain point, the exercise of them is weakness and want of forefight, as beyond the limits of nature, chaos begins.


FOUCHE, Minifter of the general Police. Referred to the minifter of juftice, to carry into execution the


laws, with refpect to the perfons named in the report of the minifter of police, and their friends and accomplices.

Dated 24th of October 1800.

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By the First Conful, H. B. MARET, Secretary of State.

Proclamation of the Archduke Charles.

CHARLES Lewis, Prince Royal of Hungary and Bohemia, Archduke of Auftria, &c. &c.-Earnestly as his Majesty the Emperor and King endeavours to procure an honourable and lafting peace for the whole of his hereditary dominions, and much as it is to be wifhed, that for the fake of fuffering humanity, after a long period of devaftation, the enemy would be inclined to cooperate for the fame purpofe, it neverthelefs remains advisable, and is now more than ever abfolutely neceffary, to be prepared for the worst, if, contrary to our withes and hopes, the obftinate refufal and extravagant demands of the enemy should make a continuation of hoftilities indifpenfably neceffary, and to prepare for the greatest poffible general defence. Precaution and prudence demand fpeedily, and with fufficient means, zealously to effect whatever the existing laws and the increasing danger of the country require at this decifive moment. From this confideration, the extraordinary armaments in the kingdoms of Hungary, Tranfylvania, in Auftria and Tyrol, will be effected with the utmost activity in a thort period. The fame precaution of his Majesty alfo induces to prepare full fecurity for the kingdom of Bohemia and the adjoining Moravia, as well as for all his faithful fubjects, against any destructive attacks from the enemy. For obtaining this great object, his Majesty orders, as the most suitable means, to form a legion of twenty battalions of infantry from among the faithful inhabitants of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silefia, folely and wholly to be employed in the defence of the country to be intrusted to my command, and to be called after my own name This internal armament, however, muit be fpeedily completed, by zeal and courage in every clafs of inhabitants, according to the prefent circumftances of the armies. The exertion neceflary for this purpose can juftly be expected from nations, the proper and prominent features of whofe character have ever proved them felves by their attachment to their regents, their country, and their religion, by their firm principles and found judgment, which in every thing looks for the evidence of truth, and affixes the ftamp of conviction and neceffity to an undertaking like that now refolved upon. This conviction will be the more decifive and general, as, without having recourse to artificial or intricate reasoning, it is founded

founded merely upon facts, the ftrongest proofs of the ruin and degradation which have befallen the countries occupied by the enemy being manifeft. Let the melancholy fenfation of thefe events and examples aroufe our full patriotic ftrength; let it animate our spirit of refiftance to the arrogant demands of the enemy; let the confcioufnefs of our own ftrength and dignity fpeak fo powerfully to our hearts, that we fhall fear no perfonal fervices, nor evade any exertions and facrifices whatever; let refolution diftinguith our proceedings; let nothing prevent our having at heart the intereft of the country! The enemy, feeing the zeal which animates our bofoms, and the courage which trengthens our arms, will defift from menacing us with any attacks. However, be the plan on which he has refolved, whatever t may, it will be defeated by the united exertions of an organized whole, by increafed patriotic fentiments, energy and perfeverance, which is even the only means of determining the enemy to an equitable and juft peace, and which, as experience has thown, is the only conduct with which fecurity and independence can be connected. On my part, I fhall take upon myfelf, with the most confcientious care, the management of all that, with the honourable confidence placed in me, can lead to the great point in view. In return, I confidently expect from the well-meaning states and fubjects (agreeably to the plan of organization, which will be communicated to the proper officers) the moft vigorous and undivided co-operation in the defence of this juft concern, which leaves no choice between deftru&tion and prefervation, between ignominy and honour. I am fully perfuaded, that by a noble emulation of the behaviour of our loyal and brave ancestors, on fimilar occafions, the fecurity and happinefs of our country will further be maintained, as it has hitherto been gloriously preferved, under the protection of Providence, by perfeverance, energy, and virtue, even at the period of univerfal danger and mifery.


CHARLES, Archduke.

Done at Prague, the 24th of October 1800.

Proclamation iffued by Brigadier-general Maitland, on his_Arrival at Port au Prince; dated 21ft March 1798.

By the King, and the Honourable Thomas Maitland, Brigadiergeneral of the Forces of his Majefty at St. Domingo.

IN confequence of the departure of Major-general Whyte for Cape Nicholas Mole, and the general orders iffued by him of this date, appointing me commandant of the district of Port au Prince and its dependencies, &c. until the arrival of Majorgeneral Nefbitt; I deem it proper to announce to all his Majesty's



fubjects, that although malicious reports have been fpread, of a projected evacuation of the places in the poffeffion of his Majesty, I am, firmly determined to defend them to the last extremity, during the abfence of General Whyte, and while 1 expect the arrival of his Excellency General Nefbitt.

In the name of the King, I then fummon every inhabitant under my orders to use every effort and endeavour for the defence of their properties and the enjoyment of their rights, as well civil as religious; and I am perfectly convinced by their conduct they will fhow themfelves worthy of the paternal care and of the attention which his Majefty ftill continues to manifest towards them, for the profperity and interest of the parts of St. Domingo fubmitted to his Britannic Majesty.

Given under my hand and feal of arms, at the King's House,
Port au Prince, the 21st March 1798.

(Signed) THOMAS MAITLAND, Brigadier-general.

By the King and the Honourable Brigadier-general Maitland, Commander in Chief, c. Port au Prince, 25th April 1798.

THE General having, been informed that reports have been circulated, without any kind of foundation, that he had a defign of fuddenly evacuating this city and its dependencies, thinks it neceffary to declare, in a public manner, that this is by no means his intention, as his arrangements befides may have fufficiently proved.

His Majefty's fervice may oblige the troops to quit fome parts of the island within a limited time; but the General, in the most formal manner, affures all the inhabitants that, before taking this ftep, he will iffue a proclamation, which will give them length of time fufficient to make their arrangements.

The General declares befides, that he will grant every kind of accommodation to thofe who may wish to follow him to any part. of the colony, and that he has taken measures for enfuring the fafety of the perfons and properties of those whose business or inclination may lead them to remain behind.

The General, on his fide, expects from the inhabitants a just confidence, a regular conduct, and a freedom from all party. fpirit; and he declares, that if, notwithstanding the gratitude due to the generofity which the English government difplays upon this occafion, any perfon or perfons fhall dare to inftil principles amongst the colonial troops, with the defign of fhaking the fidelity which they have always thown to their officers, and to the King's fervice, the offenders fhall be tried by martial law, and executed on the spot.



Extract of a Letter from Stockholm, November 5.

On the oth ult. our government returned an answer to the note lately delivered by the Batavian ambatfador, Citizen Bruys, couched in the most friendly terms, and evincing the conftant defire fe main ning and confolidating the good understanding reigning between Sweden and the Batavian republic. It is faid that the Prufian ambatla or had alfo made fome oral reprefentations, in fu port of the demands of Spain, which our court had answered by a very friendly note. Colonel Tornquist, commander in chief of the convoy with the prefents deftined for the powers of Barbary, has ient intelligence of his arrival in the roads of Malaga, on the 24th of September. He likewife reports, that, on being informed of the breach of peace by Tripoli, he had refolved to proceed thither, for the purpose of adjufting the differ ences with the Day, and of restoring peace. We learn that fince the declaration of war, our vice-conful at Tripoli, M. Koster, has been put under arrest.


Notice of the Rup ure of the Armiftice.

ACCORDING to the orders I have received from my go

vernment, I hereby notify to you the termination of the armiflice. Hoftilities will therefore recommence in fourteen days from this day, that is, on the 1ft of Frimaire (November 22 *. AUGEREAU.

Expofé de la Situation de la République; présenté par les Confeillers d'Etat Regnier, Najeac et Saint-Cyr au Corps Législatif, dans la Séance du 2 Frimaire.


U moment où le Corps Législatif reprend le cours de fes tra vaux, le gouvernement met fous les yeux de la France le tableau de fon adminiftration. C'est un devoir que lui impofent fes principes, et il le remplit avec la franchise qu'il doit à l'intérêt public et à la pureté des fentimens qui l'animent..

On fe rappelle qu'elle était au 4 Nivôfe de l'an 8 la fituation de la république.

Extract of a Letter, dated Frankfort, November 10. Yesterday General Augereau received a courier from Paris, with orders to give notice immediately of the termination of the armiftice; which he accordingly did the fame day. Adjutant-general Richer was yesterday afternoon fent with the above note to the commander of the Auftrian troops, and to Baron Albini, commander of the Mentz troops at Afchaffenburgh.


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