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And the desire of the nobles.


I wish no better, Than have him hold that purpose, and to put it

In execution.


'Tis most like, he will.

Sic. It shall be to him then, as our good wills; A sure destruction.


So it must fall out

To him, or our authorities. For an end,

We must suggest the people," in what hatred


He still hath held them; that, to his power,' he would

Have made them mules, silenc'd their pleaders, and
Dispropertied their freedoms: holding them,
In human action and capacity,

Of no more soul, nor fitness for the world,

Than camels in their war; who have their provand2 Only for bearing burdens, and sore blows

For sinking under them.


This, as you say, suggested

At some time when his soaring insolence

Shall teach the people, (which time shall not want, If he be put upon't; and that's as easy,

As to set dogs on sheep,) will be his fire

To kindle their dry stubble; and their blaze
Shall darken him for ever.


Enter a Messenger.

What's the matter?

* It shall be to him then, as our good wills;] The word-wills is here a verb; and as our ""




of it.


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good wills" means, as our advantage"

suggest the people,] i. e. prompt them.

to his power,] i. e. as far as his power goes, to the utmost

their provand-] So the old copy, and rightly, though all the modern editors read provender.



Mess. You are sent for to the Capitol. "Tis thought,

That Marcius shall be consul: I have seen
The dumb men throng to see him, and the blind
To hear him speak: The matrons flung their gloves,
Ladies and maids their scarfs3 and handkerchiefs,
Upon him as he pass'd: the nobles bended,

As to Jove's statue; and the commons made
A shower, and thunder, with their caps, and shouts:
I never saw the like.


Let's to the Capitol; And carry with us ears and eyes for the time, But hearts for the event.


Have with you.



The same. The Capitol.

Enter Two Officers, to lay Cushions.

1 Off. Come, come, they are almost here: How many stand for consulships?

2 Off. Three, they say: but 'tis thought of every one, Coriolanus will carry it.

1 Off. That's a brave fellow; but he's vengeance proud, and loves not the common people.

2 Off. 'Faith, there have been many great men that have flattered the people, who ne'er loved

3 Matrons flung gloves

Ladies their scarfs-] Here our author has attributed some of the customs of his own age to a people who were wholly unacquainted with them. Few men of fashion in his time appeared at a tournament without a lady's favour upon his arm: and sometimes when a nobleman had tilted with uncommon grace and agility, some of the fair spectators used to fling a scarf or glove upon him as he pass'd."

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them; and there be many that they have loved they know not wherefore: so that, if they love they know not why, they hate upon no better a ground: Therefore, for Coriolanus neither to care whether they love or hate him, manifests the true knowledge he has in their disposition; and, out of his noble carelessness, let's them plainly see't.

1 Off. If he did not care whether he had their love, or no, he waved indifferently 'twixt doing them neither good, nor harm; but he seeks their hate with greater devotion than they can render it him; and leaves nothing undone, that may fully discover him their opposite. Now, to seem to affect the malice and displeasure of the people, is as bad as that which he dislikes, to flatter them for their love.

2 Off. He hath deserved worthily of his country: And his ascent is not by such easy degrees as those," who, having been supple and courteous to the people, bonnetted,' without any further deed to heave them at all into their estimation and report: but he hath so planted his honours in their eyes, and his actions in their hearts, that for their tongues to be silent, and not confess so much, were a kind of ingrateful injury; to report otherwise, were a malice, that, giving itself the lie, would pluck reproof and rebuke from every ear that heard it.

1 Off. No more of him; he is a worthy man: Make way, they are coming.




he waved-] That is, he would have waved indifferently. their opposite.] That is, their adversary.

as those,] That is, as the ascent of those.

supple and courteous to the people, bonnetted, &c.] Bonnetter, Fr. is to pull off one's cap. So, in the academick style, to cap a fellow, is to take off the cap to him.

N 2

A Sennet. Enter, with Lictors before them, COMINIUS the Consul, MENENIUS, CORIOLANUS, many other Senators, SICINIUS and BRUTUS. The Senators take their places; the Tribunes take theirs also by themselves.

Men. Having determin'd of the Volces, and To send for Titus Lartius, it remains,

As the main point of this our after-meeting,

To gratify his noble service, that

Hath thus stood for his country: Therefore, please


Most reverend and grave elders, to desire

The present consul, and last general

In our well-found successes, to report
A little of that worthy work perform'd

By Caius Marcius Coriolanus; whom

We meet here, both to thank, and to remember
With honours like himself.

1 Sen.

Speak, good Cominius: Leave nothing out for length, and make us think, Rather our state's defective for requital,


Than we to stretch it out. Masters o'the people,
We do request your kindest ears; and, after,

Your loving motion toward the common body,"
To yield what passes here.


We are convented

Upon a pleasing treaty; and have hearts

Inclinable to honour and advance

The theme of our assembly.

and make us think,

Rather our state's defective for requital,

Than we to stretch it out.] i. e. Rather say that our means are too defective to afford an adequate reward for his services, than suppose our wishes to stretch out those means are defective.

9 Your loving motion toward the common body,] Your kind interposition with the common people.


Which the rather

We shall be bless'd to do, if he remember

A kinder value of the people, than

He hath hereto priz'd them at.


That's off, that's off;'

I would you rather had been silent: Please you
To hear Cominius speak?


But yet my caution was more pertinent,

Than the rebuke you give it.


Most willingly:

He loves your people;

But tie him not to be their bedfellow.

Worthy Cominius, speak.-Nay, keep your place. [CORIOLANUS rises, and offers to go away.

1 Sen. Sit, Coriolanus; never shame to hear What you have nobly done.

I had rather have my wounds to heal again,

Your honours' pardon;

Than hear say how I
how I got them.


My words dis-bench'd you not.

Sir, I hope,

No, sir: yet oft,

Cor. When blows have made me stay, I fled from words. You sooth'd not, therefore hurt not: But, your people,

I love them as they weigh.


Pray now, sit down.

Cor. I had rather have one scratch my head i'

the sun,

When the alarum were struck, than idly sit

To hear my nothings monster'd.



Masters o'the people,

Your multiplying spawn how can he flatter,2

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That's off, that's off;] That is, that is nothing to the purpose. how can he flatter,] The reasoning of Menenius is this:

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