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" During the whole of this interview, Johnson talked to his Majesty with profound respect, but still in his firm manly manner, with a sonorous voice, and never in that subdued tone which is commonly used at the levee and in the drawing-room. "
The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. - Page 356
by James Boswell - 1901
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., Volume 1

Samuel Johnson - English literature - 1806 - 328 pages
...which Johnson himself had forgot. " His Majesty expressed a desire to have the liter" ary biography of this country ably executed, " and proposed to Dr Johnson...which is commonly used at '' the levee, and in the drawing-room. After the " King withdrew, Johnson shewed himself highly " pleased with his Majesty's...
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The life of Samuel Johnson. [With] The principal corrections and ..., Volume 1

James Boswell - 1807 - 508 pages
...which ! Johnson himself had forgot. His Majesty expressed a desire to have the literary i biography of this country ably executed, and proposed to Dr. Johnson to undertake it. Johnson 1767. signified his readiness to comply with his Majesty's ^pTT^ wishes. During the whole of this interview,...
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Essays, Biographical, Critical, and Historical: Illustrative of ..., Volume 1

Nathan Drake - Adventurer - 1809 - 524 pages
...the King, " if you had not written so well." " During the whole of this interview," says Mr. Boswell, "Johnson talked to his Majesty with profound respect,...tone which is commonly used at the levee and in the drawing-room. After the King withdrew, Johnson shewed himself highly pleased with his Majesty's conversation...
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Essays, Biographical, Critical, and Historical Illustrative of the ..., Volume 1

Nathan Drake - Adventurer - 1809 - 520 pages
...the King, " if you had noc written so well." " During the whole of this interview," says Mr. Boswell, "Johnson talked to his Majesty with profound respect,...tone which is commonly used at the levee and in the drawing-room. After the King withdrew, Johnson shewed himself highly pleased with his Majesty's conversation...
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Essays: Biographical, Critical, and Historical; Illustrative of ..., Volume 1

Nathan Drake - English essays - 1809 - 530 pages
...King, " if you had not written so well." " During the whole of this interview,'' says Mr. Boswell, "Johnson talked to his Majesty with profound respect,...tone which is commonly used at the levee and in the drawing-room. After the King withdrew, Johnson shewed himself highly pleased with his Majesty's conversation...
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The New Monthly Magazine and Universal Register, Volume 2

English literature - 1814 - 642 pages
...readily complied. During this interview the doctor talked with profound re-pcct, hut still in his firm manner, with a sonorous voice, and never in that subdued tone which is common at the levee and the drawingroom. Afterwards he obse-rvcd to Mr. Barnard, the librarian, " Sir,...
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The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D.: With Critical Observations on His Works

Robert Anderson - Authors, English - 1815 - 660 pages for a king to pay : it was decisive." " During the whole of this interview," says Mr Boswell, " Johnson talked to his Majesty with profound respect,...tone which is commonly used at the levee, and in the drawing-room After the king withdrew, Johnson shewed himself highly pleased with his Majesty's conversation,...
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The life of Samuel Johnson, Volume 2

James Boswell - 1817 - 466 pages
...which Johnson himself had forgot. His Majesty expressed a desire to have the literary biography of this country ably executed, and proposed to Dr. Johnson...that subdued tone which is commonly used at the levee und in the drawing room. After the King withdrew, Johnson, shewed himself highly pleased with his Majesty's...
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The life of Samuel Johnson, Volume 1

James Boswell - 1820 - 442 pages
...which Johnson himself had forgot. His Majesty expressed a desire to have the literary biography of this country ably executed, and proposed to Dr. Johnson...respect, but still in his firm manly manner, with a sonorons voice, and never in that subdned tone which is commonly nsed at .the levee and in the drawing...
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The Public and Domestic Life of His Late ... Majesty, George the ..., Volume 1

Edward Holt - Great Britain - 1820 - 520 pages
...expressed a desire to have the literary biography of this country ably executed, and proposed to Ur. Johnson to undertake it. Johnson signified his readiness...with a. sonorous voice, and never in that subdued stone which is commonly used at the Levee and in the Drawing room. After the King withdrew, Johnson...
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