Calvin and the Consolidation of the Genevan ReformationThis work presents a complete re-evaluation of Calvin's rise to power in Geneva. |
From inside the book
... religious offences , Jan 1536 - Jan 1540-31 4 Personal disputes , 1535-40-37 5 Genevan election results , 1540-41-39 6 Negotiators with Berne , 1540-40 7 Genevan ministers , 1538-54-58 8 Ministers before the Petit Conseil , 1541-50 ...
... religious offences , Jan 1536 - Jan 1540-31 4 Personal disputes , 1535-40-37 5 Genevan election results , 1540-41-39 6 Negotiators with Berne , 1540-40 7 Genevan ministers , 1538-54-58 8 Ministers before the Petit Conseil , 1541-50 ...
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the Genevan disease12 | 12 |
FIGURES | 16 |
Bourgeois admissions 152646page | 24 |
Purchase of Church landsrevenues and goods of exiles Apr 1536Nov 153730 | 30 |
Prosecutions for moralreligious offences Jan 1536Jan 154031 | 31 |
Personal disputes 15354037 | 37 |
Genevan election results 15404139 | 39 |
Negotiators with Berne 154040 | 40 |
Genevan nobility before 1549134 | 134 |
Nobles of indeterminate origin or date135 | 135 |
5 | 144 |
Genevan baptismal names145 | 145 |
the final crisis167 | 167 |
New elders and senators added to the Consistory 154458176 | 176 |
Consistorial membership 155257177 | 177 |
Calvin and his colleagues53 | 53 |
Genevan ministers 15385458 | 58 |
Ministers before the Petit Conseil 154150 causes and complaints74 | 74 |
Consistorial membership 15435276 | 76 |
13 | 80 |
3 | 84 |
Genevan public borrowing Jul 1542Apr 154687 | 87 |
Losses to Conseils 15374791 | 91 |
Crimes in Geneva per year 154150108 | 108 |
Punishments in Geneva per year 154150109 | 109 |
4 | 121 |
Bourgeois origins 153546126 | 126 |
Prominent French refugees after 1549130 | 130 |
21 | 178 |
Crimes in Geneva per year 155157179 | 179 |
Punishments in Geneva per year 155157180 | 180 |
Major crimes as a percentage of total crimes 154157181 | 181 |
Individuals charged as Perrinists195 | 195 |
Individuals charged for contact with Perrinists196 | 196 |
Calvin triumphant208 | 208 |
Senatorial and Consistorial experience211 | 211 |
Bourgeois admissions and revenues 153556216 | 216 |
APPENDICES237 | 237 |
SOURCES251 | 251 |
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Common terms and phrases
AEG/Consist AEG/PC/Ire Aimé Ameaux Ami Perrin Antoine arrested Articulants Bandière baptismal Bernard Berne Bernese Bolsec bourgeois Calvin Calvin's return Calvinists Chapeaurouge châtelain Chauvet Church citizens clashes Clauda Claude Company of Pastors complaints Compois Conseil des Deux Consistory crisis Curtet d'Arlod defeated Deux Cents dispute Dorsière ecclesiastical écus elders elections Estienne faction Farel Favre foreigners France François French ministers French refugees Gaberel Gallars Geneva Geneva's rulers Genevan politics Genevan society Genève Guillaume Guillermins Histoire immorality involved Jaques Jean Lambert Jean Pernet later Lect Louis Louis Favre magisterial magistrates Maisonneuve Mare Megret Michel Michel Roset ministerial Molard Monter native Genevans Nicolas Gentil opponents Perrinists Petit Conseil Philibert Berthelier Pierre Bonna plague Porral preached prominent Protestant religious riot Roget Roset Savoy Senate sermons situation slander supporters Swiss Syndic Trolliet Vandel Vaud Viret wife