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By laws.

Acceptance of office.


collected, and may collect the same in addition to the sums specified in his warrant.

$ 4. The trustees may make and publish such by-laws, rules and regulations, and alter, modify and repeal the same, relating to the draining and filling up the highways, roads, streets and alleys, and keeping the same free from obstructions, impediments and nuisances; to prevent the discharge of fire-arms of all kinds, and the using of fireworks of every description, in said village; to restrain swine, horses, sheep and cattle from running at large; to prevent immoderate riding or driving in said village; to establish and maintain a common pound; to prevent the dangerous construction and condition of fire-places, chimneys, stoves and stove-pipes; to organize fire companies and provide engines, and all apparatus usual and necessary for extinguishing fires; to construct walks across the streets in said village, and keep them in repair; to flag, pave, improve and protect sidewalks on the said streets. The said trustees sball appoint by writing, under the seal of the corporation, sixteen firemen to every engine at any time possessed by the village, who shall hold their places during the pleasure of the trustees, and be exempt from service in the militia, except in case of war, invasion or insurrection, and upon juries in courts of record. The trustees shall prescribe the time and mode of the exercise of the fire companies, and establish rules for their regulation, and enforce obedience to them by penalties.

$5. Trustees and all officers and firemen appointed by them shall give notice in writing of their acceptance within five days after notice of their election or appointment: the trustees first elected to the justice who presides at the first meeting, which shall be filed by the clerk when appointed; and all succeeding 'trustees, and all persons appointed by them to any office or place, to the clerk of said village. Vacancies in the board of trustees happening in any manner, may be filled by a special election, at a meeting called by like notice, and conducted for that purpose, in like manner as the annual meeting. The trustees may make new appointments of firemen and officers appointed by them, whenever vacancies occur. The trustees shall have stated meetings, and any trustee may call special meetings of the board.

$6. The inhabitants of said village liable to be assessed or taxed at annual meetings, may vote to raise by tax, for any village purpose, a sum not exceeding fifty dollars. The trustees shall assess the sum so voted as soon as may be, upon the real and personal property of the taxable inhabitants of said village, as nearly as possible according

to the last corrected assessment roll of the town of Mendon. In making the assessment, they shall proceed in the same manner, give the same notice, and have the same power to make corrections, as assessors in towns. When the assessment is completed, they shall file one copy of the assessment roll in the office of the clerk of the village, with a certificate that it is the assessment made to raise the tax voted at the last preceding annual meeting, and shall deliver another copy to the treasurer. They shall deliver a third copy to the collector, with a warrant under their hands and seal of the corporation, directing him to collect the tax within such time as they shall specify, and pay it to the treasurer. The trustees may extend the time for collection and payment from time to time, if necessary.

$7. The trustees may construct walks across any of Sidewalks. the streets and sidewalks, upon one or both sides of any street in said village; but before they do construct any sidewalk or crosswalk, the consent, in writing, to such construction, of a majority of the persons liable to be assessed therefor, shall be obtained and filed in the office of the clerk. The trustees shall not be required to make it, but may exercise their own discretion. The trustees shall prescribe the materials to be used and the mode of construction. Every person liable to be assessed for any sidewalk, shall be permitted to construct it in front of his own land; but if the walk be not done in the manner and within the time specified by the trustees, they may cause it to be done, and include the expense in the assessment. The trustees shall make the assessment for every such improvement. The principle of all such assessments shall be, to assess all persons to be benefitted by the improvement, in proportion to their respective benefit. The mode of assessment and collection shall be the same as in the case of village taxes. All assessments upon real estates, whether for such improvements or for such taxes, shall be assessments against the owner and occupant, and may be collected of either; and if paid by the tenant or occupant, may be recovered, with interest, of the owner by suit, as for money paid at his request. The trustees shall give all persons liable to be assessed for the construction of sidewalks or crosswalks, and who do not give the required consent thereto, an opportunity to state their objections, and for that purpose shall give the same notice of time and place of hearing such objections as is required in the case of meetings for the election of trustees.

$8. Cattle and beasts of all kinds belonging to an inhabitant of the village, may be impounded, if found run



Treasurer's account.

Rights re served.

ning at large, contrary to a by-law of the village, and
sold, if the owner shall refuse to pay the fees of the pound-
master, after personal notice of the impounding and the
amount of fees. In addition to personal notice to the
owner, the pound-master shall put up notice, in writing,
for six days, of the time and place of sale, at the pound,
and in three other public places, describing the animals to
De sold, and giving the name of the owner.
The fees
may be paid and a sale prevented at any time before the
day of sale. In case of sale, the pound-master shall pay
the overplus, after deducting his fees and charges, to the
treasurer for the benefit of the owner, if claimed within
three months; if not, for the benefit of said village. Cat-
tle and beasts belonging to non-residents of the village,
if known, and to unknown owners, shall be treated as
strays. All penalties to prevent cattle and beasts from
running at large in said village shall be enforced and col-
lected by suit, and not by impounding and sale.

S 9. The trustees may prescribe a penalty, not exceed-
ing five dollars, for the violation of any by-law, rule or
regulation they are authorised to make, and sue for and
recover such penalty in their corporate name, before any
justice of the peace, in an action of debt. No inhabitant
of said village shall, for that cause, be disqualified as jus-
tice, juror or witness, on the trial of any suit brought by
virtue of this act. In all such suits the pleadings shall be
general, and either party may give this act or any proper
or special matter in evidence. All penalties shall be paid
to the treasurer for the benefit of the village.
tees may remit penalties, wholly or in part.

The trus

$ 10. At every annual meeting, the treasurer shall exhibit an account of all the receipts and expenditures of the preceding year, which account shall be filed in the office of the clerk.

$11. The legislature may at any time alter, modify or repeal this act.

CHAP. 152.

AN ACT to alter the time of the annual meeting of the board of supervisors of the counties of Rensselaer and Columbia.

Passed April 12, 1833.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

S1. From and after the passage of this act, the annual meeting of the boards of supervisors of the counties of Rensselaer and Columbia shall be on the Tuesday next following the annual general election of this state in each and every year.

CHAP. 153.

AN ACT to incorporate the New-England society in the city of New-York.

Passed April 15, 1833.


The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: $1. All such persons as now are members of the chari- Corporation table and literary association in the city of New-York, called "The New-England Society in the city and State of New-York," and all persons who shall hereafter become members of said association, by being elected such members according to the constitution and by-laws thereof, and subscribing the constitution thereof, and paying the sum of three dollars to the treasurer of said association, shall be and hereby are constituted a body politic and corporate, in fact and in name, by the name of "The New-England Society in the city of New-York," for the purpose of affording pecuniary relief to poor persons of New-England origin, and also for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a library.

$2. The estate and concerns of said corporation shall officers. be governed and directed by a board of officers, members of said corporation, consisting of a president, two vicepresidents, four counsellors, eight assistant counsellors, a secretary and a treasurer, to be elected and appointed annually, at such time and place within the city of NewYork, as shall be provided for by the by-laws of the said association, and until the annual meeting to be had in De

Real estate.

Rights reserved

General pow.



cember, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, the board of officers of said society shall be as follows, viz: Lynde Catlin, president; John Stearns, M. D., first vicepresident; William Burns, second vice-president; Robert Buloid, Thomas Fessenden, Stephen Brown, M. D., William P. Haws, counsellors; Elijah Mead, M. D., Joshua Geer, Shepherd Knapp, Samuel T. Tisdale, William A. Beecker, Joseph Hoxie, John Spring and Sidney Brooks assistant counsellors; Ezra Weeks, treasurer, and Alfred A. Weeks, secretary.

S3. The said corporation shall have power to purchase receive by devise, and hold real estate in the city of NewYork, to the value of twenty-five thousand dollars, and to sell or mortgage real estate, and also to receive by bequest and possess personal estate, so that the whole of their estate shall not at any time exceed in value fifty thousand dollars; one-half of their annual income, from initiation fees and annual dues, shall be annually expended in benefactions to the poor according to the constitution and by-laws of said corporation, and they shall have power to loan their moneys on mortgage, or invest the same from time to time, in any public stock of the United States, or of any one of the states of the union, or in the stock of any bank, chartered or to be chartered by the legislature of the state of New-York.

$ 4. The legislature may at any time hereafter alter, amend or repeal this act.

$5. This corporation shall possess the general powers and be subject to the general restrictions and liabilities contained in the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes.

CHAP. 154.

AN ACT to incorporate the village of De Ruyter.
Passed April 15, 1833.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in
Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

S1. All that part of the town of De Ruyter, in the county of Madison, comprised within the following limits, viz: Beginning at the centre of the four corners, thence south sixty rods; thence east so far that a north line shall include the Baptist meeting-house; thence north to the first north line of L. B. Goodwin's land; thence west to the county line; thence south on said county line so far that

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