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THE Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Boston Board of Trade was held at the rooms, in Chauncy Street, on Wednesday, the 11th of January, 1871, at half-past three o'clock, P. M.

The President, Mr. ALEXANDER H. RICE, Occupied the Chair.

The records of the last annual meeting were read and approved.

A communication signed by the officers of the Mercantile Library Association, was presented, bringing to the notice of the Board the desirableness of erecting a building for the accommodation of the Board, the Library Association, and other organizations of a commercial character. The letter was referred to the Committee having in charge the erection of a new Merchants Exchange Building.

Letters were presented from two of the observers stationed on the summit of Mount Washington, reporting the result thus far of their meteorological obser

vations during the winter, and explaining the present pecuniary necessities of the expedition. They were ordered to be placed on file.

The Secretary read portions of his annual report. On motion of Mr. EZRA FARNSWORTH, it was

Voted, That the Secretary's report be accepted, and that the same be printed with the other transactions of the Board for the year.

The report of the Treasurer, Mr. JAMES SWAN, was read. The receipts of the year 1870 were $8,461.51, the balance on hand from the year previous was $167.25, making a total of $8,628.76. The disbursements were $8,572.49, leaving a balance to the credit of the new account of $56.27. The report was accepted and ordered to be placed on file.

Mr. EDWARD T. RUSSELL, JR., in behalf of the Chairman of the Committee appointed at the last monthly meeting to nominate a list of officers, to be balloted for at this time, reported the following ticket:

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