BORD, across. Abrayd, to a wake, to rouse. Abye, to abide, to suffer for. Acates, provisions. Accoste, to go side by side. Addeem, to judge, to doom. Advengement, revenge. Affret, an encounter, a meeting. Affront, to encounter, to con- Aglet, a point, a tag. Algates, entirely, all manner Amis, a kind of vestment. Apes on the shoulders of fools. Appele, to accuse. Astert, to affright, to alarm. Astoined, or astoned, aston- | Bellamy, a fair friend, a ished, surprised. Astond, stunned. Atone, at one. Attone, to agree, to accord. Avale, to lower, to descend, to alight. Avize, or avise, advise. Avoure, avowry. Awhape,to terrify, to frighten. Aygulets, or aglets, eyelets. BACE, prisoner's base, or bace. Buffle, to disgrace utterly. Balk, to disappoint, to defeat, to treat with contempt. Balk, a ridge, a furrow. Ban, to forbid. Bun, to curse. Bawn, a building, habitation. ed. Behight, commanded. Belaccoyle, fair salutation, or greeting. Belay, to besiege, to invest, sweetheart. Bents, stalks of grass. Besits, besuits, befits, be comes. Betake, to commit, entrust, deliver. Beteem, to allow, to suffer. Bid the base, to challenge as to speed. Blatter, to rail, to rage. Blent, blended, mingled. Blive, quickly, speedily. Bord, to accost, to approach, vages. Borrel, rustic, clownish. Bourn, a boundary, a stream. Bransles, brawls, dances. Bug,a monster,object of terror. Cast, throw, time. Castory, a colour. Causen, to explain, to tell. Chaffar, to exchange, to bargain. Chamelot water, camlet watered. Chamfred, wrinkled,furrowed. Cherry, to cherish, to cheer. Chevisance, enterprise, bargain, dealing. Child (see also Infant), a knight. Cleep, to call, to name. Company, companion. Compare, to procure, to obtain, to accumulate. Compassion, to compassionate, to pity. Compast, round. Complement, completion. Complines, evening song. Concrew, to grow together. Condition, inward or mental qualities. Confused, commingled. Contain, to retain. Conteck, contest. Contraire, to oppose, to con trary. Contrive, to wear away, to spend. Convince, to conquer. Cordwayne, Cordovan leather. vaunt. Crank, lusty, courageous. Cuffling, scuffling. Culver, a dove. Curat, a cuirass. Curiets, leather furniture. Curtaxe, a cutlass. Comment, to devise, to feign. DAINT, dainty. Duintest, daintiest. Dupper, neat, pretty. Darraign, to prepare, to arrange. Darraine, to accomplish. Darts of Cupid, lead or gold. Dayes-man, an arbitrator. Dearling, darling. Dearnly, secretly, darkly. Death's Dance, a pageant. Decked, adorned, ornamented. Decrew, to decrease. Deem, to judge, decide, to doom. Defend, to forbid, to repel. to postpone. Demean, to disgrace, vilify. Demiss, humble. Deny, to refuse. Dernful, dismal, dark. Dernly, secretly, mournfully. darkly, Disentrail, to pour out from the entrails. Disloign, to separate, to part. Dole, a share, a portion. Doole, a complaint, a dole. Peers. Drear, dreariness. Droyle, a drudge. Dumpish, melancholy, sad, sorrowful. Dumps, sorrow, sadness. Duresse, imprisonment, compulsion, hardship. EARNE, to yearn, to long for, to be grieved. Earst, at, at length, at first, as formerly. Eath, easy, easily. Edify, to build, to erect. Efforce, to force. Eft, afterwards, subsequently, again. Eke, to increase, to add to. Emboweled, disboweled. Embrewed, bloody, wet with blood. Empeach, to hinder, to accuse. Endue, to endow. Enfeloned, become fierce, or enraged, made fell. Enhaunced, raised, lifted up. Enlumine, to enlighten, to illumine. Enrace, to encase. Entertake, to entertain, to receive. Entire, interior, inner. woven. twisted, inter Entreat, to treat. Entrold, encircled. Enure, to accustom. FAIN, to be glad, to desire. Fay, faith. Faytour, vagabond, cheat, rogue. Fear, to fray, to frighten. Fellonest, fellest, deadliest. Feutre, to prepare, to make ready. Fiaunt, commission, fiat. File, to smooth, to polish, to refine. Fit, strain, division of a song. Flight, a kind of long arrow. Fon, a fool, a fond or silly person. Fond, foolish, silly. For, because. Foray (and see Forray), to Forray, to ravage, pillage. to unthink, to grieve, lament. Forthy, therefore. |