American WoodworkerAmerican Woodworker magazine, A New Track Media publication, has been the premier publication for woodworkers all across America for 25 years. We are committed to providing woodworkers like you with the most accurate and up-to-date plans and information -- including new ideas, product and tool reviews, workshop tips and much, much more. |
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adjust AMERICAN WOODWORKER APRIL angle bandsaw base bevel biscuit blade bottom brass Call chisel chuck CIRCLE clamp clean color compartment curve Dept dovetail drawer drill drum sander dust edge epoxy filter finish flange flat frame FREE CATALOG frog furniture glue gluing grain groove guide bushing hand planes hole inlay joinery joint jointer Lee Valley Tools left photo legs lower clamp lumber machine Maple metal Mike Dunbar mirror miter gauge miter saw moldings mortise and tenon Norm Abram P.O. Box panel piece plane plate plunge router plywood precision rabbet rails Redwood rout router table Sander sanding scraper screw Select Comfort Shipping weight approx shoulder shown skew sliding slot sole spokeshave Stanley Bailey stool stretcher strip surface tablesaw taper tapering jig template thick tool TROY-BILT veneer width wood movement woodturning WOODWORKER APRIL 1996 Woodworker's workpiece Yankee Workshop