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Mayor, City of Vicksburg, Vicksburg, Miss.

VICKSBURG, MISS., April 4, 1946.

DEAR MAYOR HAINING: I was born and raised within the district covered by the proposed project, and have 750 acres of land within the area, land as rich as any in the world, but rendered almost useless by reason of the continual annual overflow from rivers, Yazoo and Mississippi.

Nothing could be a greater boon to the residents of the area embraced in this project than the relief you are seeking.

I sincerely hope the Government, State, county and city will join in helping to restore this valuable territory to its former high degree of productivity. Very respectfully,



Whereas it is of vital consideration to all the citizens of Vicksburg and surrounding territory that the land immediately north of Vicksburg and adjacent to the Yazoo River be made available for industrial, commercial, and agricultural development; and

Whereas this need appears to be fully encompassed by the Vicksburg-Yazoo project: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Vicksburg Rotary Club in regular meeting assembled on March 21, 1946, endorse the joint action of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vicksburg and the Board of Supervisors of Warren County, Miss., in sponsoring the Vicksburg-Yazoo project; and be it further

Resolved, That the full cooperation of the membership of the club be pledged to the officials of the city of Vicksburg and Warren County in the promotion and accomplishment of the said Vicksburg-Yazoo project; and be it further

Resolved, That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Vicksburg Rotary Club and copies thereof forwarded to the local newspapers and to other interested parties.

The above resolutions were unanimously adopted at the regular meeting of the Rotary Club of Vicksburg on March 21, 1946.

EDLEY H. JONES, Secretary.


Whereas it has come to the attention of Kiwanis Club of Vicksburg in meeting assembled that consideration is being given and effort being put forth in behalf of a project sponsored by the mayor and aldermen of Vicksburg and the Board of Supervisors of Warren County, Miss., entitled "Vicksburg-Yazoo Project”; and Whereas the project has for its purpose making available for industrial, commercial, and agricultural development land lying immediately north of Vicksburg and adjacent to the Yazoo River; and

Whereas it is believed that such a project if effectuated would redound to the benefit of the citizenry of Vicksburg and surrounding territory and would supply a vital need in this section: Now, be it

Resolved, That Kiwanis Club of Vicksburg in meeting assembled give approval to and endorse the joint action of the mayor and aldermen of the city of Vicksburg and the Board of Supervisors of Warren County, Miss., in sponsoring the Vicksburg-Yazoo project; and be it

Resolved, That full cooperation be given to the officials of the city of Vicksburg and Warren County in the promotion and accomplishment of said project; and be it further

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the club and that copies thereof be forwarded to constituted authorities concerned and a copy be furnished the public press.

Unanimously adopted this the 26th day of March 1946.


W. J. VOLLOR, President.

GLENN C. BOVAY, Secretary.


Whereas it is of vital consideration to all the citizens of Vicksburg and surrounding territory that the land immediately north of Vicksburg and adjacent to the Yazoo River be made available for industrial, commercial, and agricultural development; and

Whereas this need appears to be fully encompassed by the Vicksburg-Yazoo project: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Y's Men's Club of Vickburg in regular meeting assembled on March 20, 1946, endorse the joint action of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vicksburg and the Board of Supervisors of Warren County, Miss., in sponsoring the Vicksburg-Lazoo project; and be it further

Resolved, That the full cooperation of the membership of the club be pledged to the officials of the city of Vicksburg and Warren County in the promotion and accomplishment of the said Vicksburg-Yazoo project; and be it further Resolved, That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Y's Men's Club of Vicksburg and copies thereof forwarded to the local newspapers and to other interested parties.

The above resolution unanimously adopted by the Y's Men's Club at regular meeting on March 20, 1946.



Whereas it is of vital consideration to all the citizens of Vicksburg and surrounding territory that the land immediately north of Vicksburg and adjacent to the Yazoo River be made available for industrial, commercial, and agricultural development; and

Whereas this need appears to be fully encompassed by the Vicksburg-Yazoo project: Now, therefore be it

Resolved, That the Methodist Men's Club of Vicksburg in regular meeting assembled on March 19, 1946, endorse the joint action of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Vicksburg and the Board of Supervisors of Warren County, Miss., in sponsoring the Vicksburg-Yazoo project; and be it further

Resolved, That the full cooperation of the membership of the club be pledged to the officials of the city of Vicksburg and Warren County in the promotion and accomplishment of the said Vicksburg-Yazoo project; and be it further

Resolved, That this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Methodist Men's Club of Vicksburg and copies thereof forwarded to the local newspapers and to other interested parties.

The above resolution unanimously adopted by the Methodist Men's Club of Vicksburg at regular meeting on March 19, 1946.

GEORGE W. ROGERS, President.

Colonel FITZ-HUGH. I desire very briefly to cite the fundamental objectives of this project. The project is for the construction of a levee along the south bank of the Yazoo River, and east and north banks of the Yazoo Canal, comprising a protected area of 10,000 acres adjacent to and northwest of Vicksburg.

The chief purposes of this project are: One, to protect from overflow highly fertile and productive agricultural land; two, to provide greatly needed sites for industries and residential areas for personnel serving such industries; three, to provide a modern airport for use by standard commercial planes and for airplanes needed to serve the personnel of the Vicksburg engineers district, the Mississippi River Commission, the Waterways Experiment Station at Vicksburg, Miss.; four, to supplement and augment the harbor facilities afforded

by the Yazoo Canal in order to promote and expand the commercial and industrial development of this important Mississippi River gateway.

As set forth in our petition, the rugged topography of the country north, east, and south of Vicksburg makes this area of level land imperatively needed.

In conclusion, the increase in agricultural, industrial, and commercial values which would result from this project appears to abundantly warrant its construction.

It has the unqualified endorsement of the mayor and the commissioners of the city of Vicksburg, of the president and members of the Board of Supervisors of Warren County, of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi, of our senior and junior Senators, of our Congressman, Hon. Dan McGehee, who has just presented me to this committee, and of the president and secretarymanager of the chamber of commerce, and other citizens generally. Thank you.

The CHAIRMAN. We are glad to have had your statement, Colonel Fitz-Hugh.

For the information of the committee, Vicksburg is located at the confluence, on the hills largely, of the Yazoo River and Mississippi River. The Yazoo River from the northwest of the Mississippi flows along the foothills; and in 1876, the year of the so-called centennial, a canal was constructed, so that the mouth of the Yazoo River is now really your harbor facility. Your people below these 10,000 acres of land have constructed your flood walls?

Colonel FITZ-HUGH. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. As I recall, you are in the wholesale-grocery business, and have been for many years, and your place of business is located right behind that flood wall?

Colonel FITZ-HUGH. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. And that is a concrete flood wall?

Colonel FITZ-HUGH. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. And this proposal is to go above there and provide protection for those agricultural lands and for those industrial sites that have been in cultivation for over 100 years; is that true?

Colonel FITZ-HUGH. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Any questions by members of the committee? Is there anybody else here this morning that you would like to have the privilege of preparing and forwarding a statement to us? Colonel FITZ-HUGH. I did file the brief.

The CHAIRMAN. You are willing to provide the local contribution required?

Colonel FITZ-HUGH. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. What is the population of Vicksburg at present? Colonel FITZ-HUGH. About 27 or 28 thousand.

The CHAIRMAN. It is an important transportation center. You have railroads north and south, railroads east and west, and a bridge across the Mississippi River.

Any questions by members of the committee?

We are glad to have had your statement, Colonel.


Now the reports on the extension of the Boeuf and Tensas Rivers, and Bayou Macon. Generally, what is involved, General Crawford, in your recommendation?'

General CRAWFORD. The existing projects for Boeuf and Tensas Rivers, and Bayou Macon was adopted by the Flood Control Act of December 22, 1944, which provides for enlargement and straightening of the Boeuf River channel from the Arkansas-Louisiana State line to the head of Bayou Lafourche and for improvement of Bayou Macon below Eudora by clearing and snagging.

Local interests desire that the authorized projects for these rivers be extended northward to provide flood control and drainage in Arkansas by improving Bayou Macon, Clay Bayou, Boeuf River, Big Bayou, and main drainage canals, and to provide for the protection of Lake Chicot by construction of dams and spillways.

Three-fourths of the basin north of the Arkansas-Louisiana State line is affected by overflow and poor drainage.

The most desirable plan for improvement consists of clearing and enlarging canals 19, 43, 81, Boeuf River, Bayou Macon, and Big Bayou to convey flood flows to the upper limit of the existing project at stages below ground surface. The work will involve 20,000,000 cubic yards, clearing 69 miles, and alteration or reconstruction of 6 railroads and 55 highway bridges involved, and at an estimated first cost of $5,000,000 and an annual cost of $285,000. The resulting annual benefits are estimated at $500,000.

The CHAIRMAN. The location of the area is in the delta parts of Arkansas, as well as in Louisiana, and those areas have been subjected through the years to floods-the greatest being in 1927—and, as I understood you, and from your report, which is now before the committee, the project is economically justified inasmuch as the benefits will exceed the cost. Am I correct?

General CRAWFORD. That is correct.

The CHAIRMAN. And this report is submitted under a resolution of the Senate Committee on Commerce?

General CRAWFORD. Yes; that is correct.

The CHAIRMAN. This proposal will involve a modification and amendment of the project, as embraced in the Flood Control Act of 1944, to provide for the enlargement and extension?

General CRAWFORD. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. I would like you to leave with the committee, you and Colonel Graves of your Commission, the Chief of Engineers, General Crawford, the Assistant Chief, and Colonel Herb, the proper language.

Is there any rectification of channels in that project, or do you recall?

General CRAWFORD. Yes, sir. It provides for enlargement of the various streams and canals and closure of some outlets. I do not recall that any cut-offs are contemplated.

The CHAIRMAN. There will be authority for whatever channelization is essential?

General CRAWFORD. Yes, sir; that will be done.

The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Allen, do you desire to ask any question at this time?

Mr. ALLEN. No, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Harris, we are glad to have you here. We are also glad to have Mr. Norrell and the other Representatives. If you have a statement in addition to the one you have already made or any witnesses that you desire to present we will be glad to have you and them at the present time.


Mr. HARRIS. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to present this very important project.

Congressman Norrell and I represent the counties that would be benefited, Chicot, Lincoln, and Desha Counties.

This committee is quite familiar with the entire project. Mr. Chairman, I am tremendously interested in this project. I know personally about this area. I know personally how the people feel about it.

In order that you may know first-hand from the people who live in those areas-no doubt you know personally-we have the people here who would like to present some facts.

The CHAIRMAN. After Mr. Norrell makes his statement they may follow him.


Mr. NORRELL. Mr. Chairman, I am not going to take any more time of the committee. I do want to say that this project affects the area that Mr. Harris has indicated and probably certain portions of Jefferson and Lincoln Counties, also in my congressional district.

The people are 100 percent in favor of the project, especially since the Army engineers have agreed to recommend the Federal Government constructs certain improvements, bridges, and the like.

I have Mr. Dewitt Poe from McGehee, Ark. While I am on my feet I would like to say this last thing. Mr. Poe will probably suggest a desired amendment. I understand the matter was presented to the Army engineers. While we are making this suggestion I want to make it plain that we are not interested in delaying the approval of the entire project. We do not want to go contrary to the wishes of the Army engineers, and we do not want to urge upon this committee to do something that you probably, in your wisdom, may or may not think should be done. We do desire to present it to you briefly for your consideration. If you cannot go along with the proposed amendment, then, we would like you to authorize the necessary investigation and consider it at a later time.

The CHAIRMAN. Your constituents are in a position to make the usual assurances and to furnish the rights-of-way as required by this adopted project in Louisiana and by similar projects elsewhere in the country?

Mr. NORRELL. They are.

The CHAIRMAN. We are delighted to have your statement.

While you are on your feet, I assume we also have under consideration the matter of increased appropriations for approved works along

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