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1/2 inch from 500 square miles. This corresponds to about a 4inch isolated rain in 24 hours or 7 inches in a week.

The plan is to improve Big Sunflower River practically throughout and Hull-Brake-Mill Creek Canal throughout, by snagging, clearing and snagging, or channel enlargement as the several reaches require. The other tributaries of the Sunflower to be improved are Hushpuckena River, Bogue Phalia, Quiver River, and Ditchlow Bayou. In addition, Steel Bayou, Deer Creek, and Little Sunflower River are to be improved.

Hushpuckena is to be improved between miles 14 and 17 by clearing and snagging and between miles 17 and 27 by enlargement. Quiver River is to be cleared and snagged between miles 55 and 65. Below mile 55 it was previously cleared and snagged under authority contained in section 2 of the act of August 28, 1937. This stretch has since grown up and should be included in the project for reclearing and snagging at an estimated cost of about $83,000. The improvement of Bogue Phalia is to comprise channel enlargement from mile 6 to mile 20 and from mile 29 to mile 45. Visual inspection indicates that the other reaches of this stream are adequate but its entire course is being surveyed and if the survey discloses that additional improvements are necessary to the realization of anticipated benefits from the project, they should, of course, be made. Ditchlow Bayou is to be enlarged for 4 miles at the lower end. On Little Sunflower River the improvement consists of snagging the lower 13 miles and clearing and snagging the remainder. The only improvement presently planned for Deer Creek is intermittent enlargement between miles 15312 and 160. On Steele Bayou the lower 66 miles are to be improved by 46 miles of clearing and 20 miles of intermittent enlargement, and the upper 4 miles are to be enlarged between lake sections.

The precise nature and extent of any additional work needed cannot be forecast at this time. The data are still far from complete. It is believed, however, that if the project were considered a part of the Yazoo Basin plans of the project "Flood Control, Mississippi River and Tributaries," such modifications as appeared necessary could be made without requiring specific Congressional action since they would be within the scope of the plain intent of the act, and in a project so large as the Mississippi River flood-control project funds can usually be made available for minor increases in cost by modifications or savings in connection with other features of the project. By implication, it is a part of the Mississippi River project because the congressional resolution authorizing its consideration was one calling for a review of the report on Yazoo River-House Document No. 198, Seventy-third Congress, second session-which forms the basis for the Yazoo headwater and backwater projects; of which the project under discussion constitutes a modification. It is not specifically designated in the 1944 act, however, as a part of the main project. It would appear desirable to make it specifically a part of the main project and subject to such modification as, in the discretion of the Chief of Engineers, the development of more complete data may indicate to be necessary to effectuate the purpose of the plan.

The deficiency act provided $200,000 for planning in connection. with this project and surveys have been in progress for some time. No construction funds have been made available.


The 1944 flood-control act also authorized the project for flood control on the Boeuf and Tensas Rivers and Bayou Macon, Arkansas and Louisiana, in consonance with the plan recommended by the Chief of Engineers in House Document No. 151, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session, at an estimated cost of $5,013,000. Based on current prices it is estimated that approximately $7,000,000 will be required to accomplish the works outlined in the original authori


This project is in many respects quite similar to that just described on the other side of the river. The streams named occupy contiguous watersheds and flow generally parallel to the Mississippi River to drain a basin about 28 miles wide and 190 miles long containing 5,280 square miles, 1,350 in Arkansas and 3,930 in Louisiana, lying between the Mississippi River and Bayou Bartholomew. There are about 208,400 acres subject to overflow along the Boeuf above Bayou Lafourche, 115,000 in Arkansas, and 93,400 in Louisiana; about 129,400 acres along Big Creek-Colewa Creek and Colewa Bayou, principal tributary of Boeuf River, above 65,000 acres along Tensas River, and 31,000 acres along Bayou Macon. Average annual flood damages are estimated at $94,200.

There used to be an opening in the Mississippi River levee known as the Cypress Creek gap near the Arkansas River, through which the drainage of the Cypress Creek Basin-430 square miles-was evacuated. Local interests in Arkansas diverted this drainage to Boeuf River and Bayou Macon and the gap was closed in December 1920. The upper part of Bayou Macon, and Boeuf River to the State line were improved but the improvement did not extend into Louisiana. The result was impaired usefulness of the extensive system of canals and improved channels in Arkansas and increased flooding in Louisiana due to improved run-off from above.

The plan now approved is to realine and enlarge Boeuf River from the head of Bayou Lafourche to the Arkansas State line; to clear and snag, and enlarge where needed, its principal tributary Big CreekColewa Creek-Colewa Bayou; to clear and snag Bayou Macon from its mouth to Eudora, Ark., to block off several of its outlets into Lake Providence, and to clear and snag Tensas River from its mouth to mile 146 and enlarge it from that point upstream for about 14 miles. The deficiency bill provided $164,000 for planning, and surveys are under way.


The Flood Control Act of August 18, 1941, authorized as part of the project, "Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries," the protection of that part of the Red River backwater known as the TensasCocodrie area at an estimated cost of $6.976,000, in conformity with plans presented in the report of the Mississippi River Commission dated March 7, 1941; it also authorized the Chief of Engineers in his discretion to substitute other levees and appurtenant works for, or make such modification of, the levees and improvements authorized as may be found after further investigation to afford protection to a larger area in the Red River backwater at a total cost not to exceed

$14,000,000 and without jeopardizing the safety and integrity of the main Mississippi River levees and without preventing or jeopardizing the diversions contemplated in the adopted project through the Atchafalaya River and Atchafalaya Basin.

The plan proposed is the construction of a levee running westward from the Mississippi River levee at Shaw along Grand Cutoff Bayou to the Red River, thence upstream along the north bank of Red River and the east bank of Black and Tensas Rivers to Newlight, La. It is to provide protection to 233,000 acres exclusive of a sump area of 100,000 acres below elevation 46 mean gage level, against backwater overflow from floods up to 1 foot below the maximum recorded of 1927, and against all headwater floods of the Tensas, Black, and Red Rivers. It is estimated, on the basis of past records, that the area will be inundated by backwater at average intervals of once in about 35 years. The grade of the levee at the lower end of the basin, from about 3,000 feet west of the mouth of Bayou Cocodrie to the vicinity of Monterey will be built to a grade 1 foot below the 1927 flood confined as far south as Shaw, assuming Morganza Floodway operating. This will be the fuse plug levee. Its actual elevation will depend somewhat upon the nature of the Morganza inlet. Above the fuse plug the levee will confine headwater floods at all times when the use of the backwater area is not required by extreme floods of the Mississippi River. Rainfall within the area is to be collected in the sump area below elevation 46 and discharged through floodgates as stages in the backwater outside permit. The deficiency bill has provided $2,500,000 for initiative work. Surveys have long been under way and are following the water southward. We hope to begin construction at the lowest end where the levees required are highest.

We have investigated the possibility of modifying the alinement of the levee along Black River to take in more territory by making various combinations of cut-offs. It is possible that one of the proposed cutoffs; namely, the one called "Smithland" would improve the economy of the project and will increase the protected area by about 20,000


In addition to the Tensas-Cocodrie project in the Red backwater, an emergency ring levee has been constructed around the City of Jonesville, so far as possible upon the alinement selected for the permanent Jonesville ring levee authorized as a flood control general project by the act of June 22, 1936. The present levee is being built to a grade of 63.4 mean sea level which is 3 feet above the flow line of the 1945 flood and to a cross section in general having 12 crown and 1-on-2 side slope. It is being built under the provisions of section 6 of the Flood Control Act of 1928 which requires the contribution of rightof-way and one-third of the construction cost by local interests. The final ring levee, which has not been built because rightof-way has not been provided will take in a much larger area than the emergency ring levee.

The Commission has from time to time for many years considered the possibility of affording protection to all of the Red backwater area by closing Old River. The possibility has been reinvestigated recently with the thought in mind that protection up to a stage which permitted 1,500,000 cubic feet per second to pass into the main river below Morganza might prove feasible and warranted. This would afford pro

tection to 1,765,000 acres as compared with the 330,000 of the TensasCocodrie project. Another incentive to the study was the large increase noted in the 1945 flood in the discharge of the Atchafalaya River which revived the recurrent apprehension that the Mississippi itself might seek that course. The Atchafalaya offers about a 50 percent shorter route to sea and its carrying capacity has increased in marked degree since 1930. The last hydrographic survey also showed some enlargement of Old River.

In the 1945 flood, the maximum flow through Old River was about 450,000 cubic feet per second.

In the project flood the flow from the Mississippi River through any structure closing Old River would conceivably be 600,000 cubic feet per second. If Atchafalaya River continued to enlarge, it might be desirable to plan upon an inflow of 800,000 cubic feet per second.

A structure of the latter capacity would cost about $32,000,000 and in addition a navigation lock costing $10,000,000 would be needed. This exceeds the $14,000,000 authorization of the 1941 Flood Control Act by $28,000,000.

The closure structure would be operated to hold stages at Simmesport and Barbre Landing to bankfull until the flow in the main river with Morganza floodway operating reaches 1,500,000 cubic feet per second, or until the flow reaches 1,250,000 cubic feet per second if it is desired to avoid operating Bonnet Carre.

In view of the fact that Old River does not appear to be enlarging at a rate to cause alarm as yet, and of the further fact that capture of the Mississippi by the Atchafalaya River could be prevented by the use of structures far less expensive, we do not contemplate urging the adoption of closure structure at this time. Closure of Old River by a levee would result in its crevassing at intervals which seem too frequent to justify consideration and would require very frequent operation of Bonnet Carre spillway. A series of uncontrolled weirs were also considered, but the plan did not appear workable.


The 1941 act added to the project for flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries, the improvement of Bayous Rapides, Boeuf, and Cocodrie south of the Red River at an estimated cost of $2,600,000. The plan provides for 15 miles of diversion channel from Bayou Rapides, near Alexandria, La., to Bayou Boeuf at its junction with Bayou Clear, a control structure at head of diversion channel; channel improvement of Bayou Boeuf from Valentine Lake (mile 105.5) to Bayou Lamourie (mile 86) and between Bayou Clear and Union Chapel (mile 66) with a control structure at head of Lamourie; 18 miles of diversion channel to Bayou Cocodrie below St. Landry at mile 21 with a control structure at its head and the realinement, enlargement and clearing of the bayou below this point and the improvement of the bayou up to Lake Cocodrie.

The Deficiency Act of 1946 provided $2,000,000 to start with. Designs have been completed for the lower 161⁄2 miles of the work and specifications have been prepared for the lower 12% miles, which should shortly be under contract. Designs and specifications are about 70 percent complete for the Bayou Rapides control structure.


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The features of the project, "Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries," other than direct flood control, may be grouped under the headings "Dredging" and "Bank protection. Our dredging activities, since the completion of the cut-offs relate quite largely to maintaining open-river navigation. A fleet of five dustpan dredges and four pump barges is maintained for the purpose. Last year a 30-inch dredge was leased, supplementing our own plant, for jobs to which dredges designed largely for channel maintenance are not suited. About 35,000,000 cubic yards were dredged for all purposes during the year.

Bank protection on the lower river has come to be almost synonymous with articulated concrete revetment. The Congress in 1944 authorized an additional $200,000,000 for the attainment of a 12-foot minimum navigable depth channel from Cairo to Baton Rouge-in lieu of the 9-foot project hitherto in effect-to perpetuate the flood reductions gained through channel shortening and to protect the levees against destruction by caving banks. These results are to be attained over a period of 15 years, primarily by means of bank protection, supplemented by such additional dredging and low dikes as may be required. Revetment work, employing large volumes of labor, plant, and critical materials was quite difficult during the war. We now have two large plants and expect to allocate about $11,000,000 to revetments this coming season. One of the plants will be leased to a contractor. We should like to interest contractors in the large program before us, in the interest of expediting it and improving pro


The contract work last year was quite successful and satisfactory. By the end of next fiscal year-1947-we hope to have a third plant, also for lease, and to prosecute work at the rate of about $18,000,000 a year. We are constantly striving to develop less expensive types of bank protection. We have recently experimented with a thinner, tighter type of concrete mattress which is rolled down the bank on a drum. It appears to offer considerable promise, but is not yet in volume production.

The CHAIRMAN. Please give a statement of total authorizations, amount that has been appropriated, the amount now estimated to complete authorized project.

General CRAWFORD. The addition of several new features to the project, coupled with the sharp rise in prices has forced us to examine our resources in the form of unused authorization for appropriations to ascertain whether they are still adequate for the completion of what we have to do. We find to our regret, but scarcely to our surprise, that they are no longer adequate.

I have here a table setting forth the sum which the Congress has authorized for appropriation. It totals $864,934,000. Of this amount there has already been appropriated $514,158,000, leaving $350,776,000 still to be appropriated. I have also a list showing the major items of the project yet to be done, and the estimated cost to complete them based upon current prices. It adds up to $479,725,000, which is $128,949,000, or 37 percent, in excess of the remaining balance of authorization. Some $36,000,000 or so of this increase is represented by increases

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