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Mr. ROBINSON. What is in that area by the Federal Government? Mr. DIXON. We are doing some work there that has to do with the extension of the existing canal.

Mr. ROBINSON. That is the canal that runs through this area. That does not come from the Jordan River. It is in this area. There is reclamation along the Jordan River to a certain extent. There is no Federal project there other than this one.

The CHAIRMAN. Any questions by members of the committee? Any further matter that you think should be developed, Colonel Herb?

Colonel HERB. No, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Any persons present who oppose either one of these two projects? Is there any person present who desires to make any further statement? Mr. Dixon, do you desire to make any further statement?


Mr. DIXON. No, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. We thus complete all of the projects that are before

It had been anticipated; in fact, the Chief of Engineers had hoped that at least the Leon River, Tex., project would be before the Congress or at least before the Budget. We know of the interest of Mr. Poage, our colleague, in this general Leon River project, and we know particularly of his interest in the Belton Reservoir and local protection for Eastland, Tex.

Before we take that up, Mr. Poage, I would like to ask Mr. Rising a question. He is from Idaho. I may say that what I have said with respect to the Leon project is also applicable to the Boise project. That project is not before the Budget and has not been transmitted to the Congress. There is nothing this committee can do about that matter until it has been submitted to the Budget. Representative White did say that he would like to make a statement about the matter. He cannot be here, and he will submit a statement respecting it. As I understand it, you would like to say something about this Boise project.



Mr. RISING. Due to the conditions you have explained, I would like to have the opportunity of making a short statement on behalf of the people of Boise Valley.

The Watermaster on Boise River expected to be here to testify this morning, but due to the very serious flood conditions that exist there now, a flood that may cause $1,000,000 damage, he has not been able to get away from his work and come here, but he has sent a telegram which I would like to have the privilege of reading into the record at the present time. [Reading:]

Snow surveys and precipitation records indicate total run-off Boise River this year about 130 percent of normal anticipated peak flow throughout Boise Valley between 16,000 and 20,000 second-feet. Estimated damages in my judgment based upon 21 years' experience as watermaster of Boise River will amount to several hundred thousand dollars and if the flow should reach or exceed 20,000 secondfeet for several days duration the damages might easily exceed $1,000,000. The physical features of the Boise River watershed are such that with precipitation

and snowfall 30 percent above normal a serious or even catastrophic flood may easily result from a bad break in the weather. Emergency levees recently constructed by Army engineers will be most helpful but not adequate to control excessive floods. The only means of permanently eliminating this hazard is by construction of the proposed Lucky Peak Dam.


I am appearing as the representative of the people of Boise Valley, Idaho, who are experiencing damages from floods that occur in varying degree of intensity 9 years out of 10, as shown by records of the last 50 years.

Location of area: The main stem of Boise River in southwestern Idaho is formed by three forks which rise in mountainous territory with elevations reaching 10,000 feet and having annual snow depths of from 10 to 15 feet. Early spring thaws and water from melting snow, covering a 3,000 square mile area, racing down the steep gorges of the forks of the river to converge in forming the main river which then flows on through a very rich agricultural valley for 90 miles, finally emptying into the channel of the Snake River.

Flood damages are almost entirely confined to a 55-mile stretch of the main Boise River, beginning at Diversion Dam, a few miles southeast of Boise and the mouth of the river, just west of Parma, Idaho.

Annual farm income: As a basis for computing flood damages, I am sure you will be interested in knowing that the annual farm income from the 340,000 acres of irrigated land in Boise Valley is in excessof $50,000,000. The principal items being as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Flood years and safe carrying capacity, Boise River: According to survey of the Army engineers, the safe carrying capacity of the channel of the main river below the city of Boise is limited to 6,500 c. f. s. From statement prepared by William E. Welsh, watermaster of Boise River, I find that there have been only 5 years in the last 50, when the flow of the Boise River has not exceeded its safe carrying capacity. Expressed in another way, floods of some degree of intensity have occurred in Boise Valley 45 out of the last 50 years. We may divide these floods into four classes as follows:

Class 1: 23 years when maximum flow was between 1 and 2 times safe capacity.

Class 2: 12 times when maximum flow was between 2 and 3 times. safe capacity.

Class 3 8 times when maximum flow was between 3 and 4 times safe capacity.

Class 4: 2 times when maximum flow was in excess of 4 times safe capacity.

In years of comparatively light floods, class 1, damages run from $80,000 to $300,000. Damages for a class 2 flood run from $300,000 to $450,000. The damages during our 1943 flood which falls within class 3, exceeded $1,000,000, and would have been far in excess of that amount if the temperature had not suddenly dropped on the sixth day of the peak flow period. The rate of flow on the sixth day was nearly four times the safe carrying capacity of the river channel.

The daily flow of Boise River for the 9-day period from April 13 to 21, 1943, when a temperature drop of 20° became effective, checking the rapid melting snow in the mountains and materially reducing the river flow, is shown by the table following:

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During the flood period mentioned, more than 30,000 acres of riverbottom farm lands, or approximately 10 percent of the irrigated lands of Boise Valley were flooded and seriously damaged. In many places, the top soil was washed away and the fields so badly eroded that it was necessary to relevel them. Transportation was seriously disrupted. Flood water not only overflowed, but cut through county, market, and local roads and highways. All of the bridges across the Boise River for 50 miles with one exception were out of service. Disruption of highway traffic caused serious damage to the dairy industry where milk is transported daily by trucks from several thousand farms to large creameries for processing. Irrigation headgates were destroyed and canals filled with silt, resulting in suspension of irrigation on most of the 340,000 acres of land; and in some cases, it was several weeks before complete repairs to irrigation works were completed and irrigation service resumed. We have had eight floods of million-dollar proportions in the last 50 years.

Maximum floods occurred in Boise Valley, in 1896 and 1897, when the flow of the river reached 34.500 and 29,500 second-feet or 52 and 41⁄2 times the safe carrying capacity of the river channel. It is estimated that a future flood of size mentioned would damage not less than 50,000 acres of farm land, destroy many miles of irrigation canals, highways, and seriously damage residential and industrial properties. One flood of major proportions such as experienced in 1896 and 1897, would cause damages of approximately $10,000,000, or the full cost of providing permanent flood control protection. We have had two of these floods in the past 50 years. On basis of water records and existing control facilities, we may estimate total flood damages in Boise Valley for the next 50-year period in excess of $40,000,000.

Efforts to provide for control of floods: Basic control of floods was undertaken by the residents of Boise Valley through the construction of levees, and short period use of Arrowrock Reservoir, a reservoir constructed by the Bureau of Reclamation for irrigation purposes.

It is of course clear to you, Mr. Chairman, that the benefits from such control measures would be very limited except in years when the flow of the river only slightly exceeded its safe carrying capacity.

Additional measures that have been authorized to assist in controlling floods of Boise Valley, include American Reservoir on the south fork of the Boise River, and which is now under construction by the Bureau of Reclamation and changes of outlets at Arrowrock

Reservoir to increase discharge capacity thus permitting more rapid draw-down of storage in that reservoir after flood peaks.

Valuable assistance has already been given by this committee during the last 3 years in authorizing works of a semipermanent nature, such as repairs and reconstruction of levees and the allocation of funds. to the Corps of Engineers for work mentioned in the total amount of $584,000.

May I at this time express the deep appreciation for the people of Boise Valley for the assistance you have given us and which has or will prevent several million damages that would otherwise be suffered before additional facilities can be authorized and constructed to permanently solve the flood control problems of Boise Valley.

Additional flood-control facilities necessary: Without flood-control facilities in addition to those existing, the total damages which may be expected in Boise Valley in the next 50-year period, based on present economic development and floods of size indicated by past records, are estimated to exceed $40,000,000, or an average of $800,000 annually. The average annual damage would be as follows:

Agricultural land and crops__
Urban, suburban, and industrial_
Irrigation facilities.

Preventable siltation

Highways, railroads, and utilities.

Damages to river channel, banks, etc.



55, 000

100, 000 90,000 100, 000

The bed of the Boise River is located on a river wash composed largely of sand and gravel for its entire course through the 340,000 acres of fine agricultural lands of the valley. The fall of the river is approximately 12 feet to the mile through the agricultural areas, which results in a very high velocity, especially when the flow greatly exceeds the safe-carrying capacity of the river. A system of levees, even if extended to cover the entire length of the river, would not be satisfactory and would be costly to maintain. In view of the fact that reservoirs which will provide 1,000,000 feet of storage have been constructed or authorized, the Corps of Engineers have found that the best method of providing necessary flood-control protection is the authorization and construction of one additional reservoir of 300,000 acre-feet capacity, primarily for flood-control purposes and to be located at Lucky Peak site, 9 miles upstream from Boise. This reservoir would also provide additional irrigation benefits and permit the generation of a substantial amount of hydroelectric power at Arrowrock Reservoir. Operation of Lucky Peak Reservoir in connection. with use of existing reservoirs at Arrowrock and Anderson ranch would provide ideal flood-control protection for Boise Valley.

May I now submit the view of the people living in the area regarding need for immediate authorization of Lucky Peak Reservoir, in the form of resolutions adopted a few weeks ago by irrigation water users of water district 12-A, which includes all of the 340,000 acres of farm land in Boise Valley. [Reading:]



Whereas the water users of the Boise River Water Users, district 12-A, at their annual meetings, have for several years past adopted resolutions pointing out the urgent need for an additional flood-control program on the Boise River,

including additional emergency work such as levee repairs, the restudy and surveys required for planning permanent flood-control protection, including additional reservoir storage capacity;

Whereas a great deal of progress has been made by the Army engineers through cooperation of the Flood Control Committee of the House of Representatives and the Commerce Committee of the Senate in providing needed levee protection: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the water users of water district 12-A, representing 340,000 acres of irrigated land in the Boise Valley, in their annual meeting assembled in Boise, Idaho, That we do hereby urge and request that each member of the Idaho congressional delegation shall continue with his splendid assistance and cooperation in order to expedite the progress of the Lucky Peak report, to the end that this project may be included in the omnibus flood-control bill during the present session of Congress; and be it further

Resolved, That we do express to the Corps of Army Engineers and its personnel our sincere appreciation for their efforts to solve the Boise River flood-control problems and urge that they continue in these efforts, in order that Lucky Peak project may be constructed at the earliest possible date; and be it further

Resolved, That we do hereby request immediate consideration and urge a favorable report by all other agencies of government, both Federal and State, to which the Lucky Peak report (Boise River flood control) may be referred for comment and action; and be it further

Resolved, That copies of this resolution be sent to the Secretary of War, the Chief of Army Engineers, the Secretary of the Interior, the Commissioner of Reclamation, the regional director of the Bureau of Reclamation, the Chairman of the Federal Power Commission, the Secretary of Agriculture, and the Governor of the State of Idaho.

Mr. Chairman, and members of the committee, may I thank you for the time allotted for the presentation of this brief. May I also ask for your favorable consideration of the report of the Corps of Engineers with recommendation for authorization of the Lucky Peak project.

The CHAIRMAN. If the report is submitted to the Congress before this bill is finally passed by the other body, even though it is not submitted before the bill is reported by this committee, there will be opportunity for it to be included, and the hearings may be developed further when that report has been submitted.

We are glad to have had your statement.


Mr. DWORSHAK. It so happens that the Lucky Peak project is in the Second Congressional District. Therefore, I am vitally concerned about it.

I understand the Budget Bureau has not yet sent up any formal request because the report has not yet been acted upon.

The CHAIRMAN. The report has not yet been submitted to the Budget?

Colonel HERB. That is right, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Where is the report?

General CRAWFORD. That report is now before the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors.

Mr. DWORSHAK. Do you think that later on you will have an opportunity to consider this project or will this be the only chance we

will have?

The CHAIRMAN. I would say, generally, that unless this report is submitted to the Budget before we complete our hearings, as scheduled, which will be this week, that report would then be considered in

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