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$1,000,000 in value and that it will cost more than $60,000 to produce said $1,000,000, thereby leaving a net income of approximately $300,000 and whereas it has been brought to the attention of this court that the relative productivity of the land involved is more than $1,000,000 net each year and whereas it will dispossess hundreds of families and taxpayers and school children and whereas the war emergency has passed and whereas this section of the country does not need any flood control and whereas an economic survey has not been made to determine definitely the actual detriment to the community and the farmers living therein if dispossessed; now, therefore, on motion of S. M. Dearing and seconded by M. L. Gentry and unanimously carried in the affirmative, Wilson Burks is hereby authorized to appear on behalf of Barren fiscal court before the House of Representatives committee in Washington, D. C., on April 10, 1946, and at such other times as may be necessary and he is instructed to vigorously protest the construction of the Port Oliver Dam on behalf of the citizens of Barren County, Ky., and the Barren fiscal court.

Done at Glasgow, Ky., in regular session, this 2d day of April 1946.

A true copy, attest: [SEAL]


County Judge.


Clerk, Barren County Court, Glasgow, Ky.


GENTLEMEN: I am part of the delegation appearing to protest the erection of a dam on Barren River at Port Oliver. We have made a partial survey, as nearly complete as possible, to determine our economic, educational and cultural losses. Here is a petition of 1,800 names from Barren County. These are voters, landowners, tenants, professionel leaders, officeholders. There is nothing hidden in our objections. We are not striking out against progressive planning. Our chief motive is to register an effective protest against this dam, believing that a dam at Port Oliver would be disastrous to the culture of Barren and Allen County, and that in simple dollars and cents it would ruin our people. Here, too, is a list of 155 farm surveys of this area. Some are inaccurate, and some were made by those whose farms were not actually covered by the Government survey. Frankly, we contend that every farm and land owner in Barren could have filled out a survey report of his losses, for our county government and our road building program and policing must continue, and so must our cost of education. A case to the point: an owner of 300 acres of good land in northern Barren would find his school tax increased by 50 cents per hundred dollars assessment should the dam be erected. So would his other taxes increase as he assumes the burden on tax loss which results from the building of the dam.

There would have been many other names on these petitions had not incorrect reports been spread about the purpose of these petitions. We gave everyone an opportunity to sign these protests. Tales were spread that those opposed flood control, cheap power, and the benefits of a good farm program. This is incorrect. It was reported that those who signed these petitions would find that the Government would give them lower price per acre for their land. We know this could not be true, but many believed this. There are a number of people in this and other areas where dams are proposed who would object, but say that no amount of objecting would stop Congress from accepting the Army engineer's reports. I cannot believe that our Congress has a deaf ear to the people who pay the taxes and who form the backbone of our land. I know that a fair committee will deal honestly with this issue, and I am confident that you shall listen to the cry of the voiceless people. I frankly feel that 90 percent of the people of Barren County oppose this dam, and that a vote of the people, in a fair election, would condemn it overwhelmingly. The greatest obstacle we have faced is not active support of the building of the dam, and is not mere indifference regarding the issues. Our chief hurdle in obtaining a voice objection has been a feeling that no force can prevent a Government engineer's report from being accepted. We feel that you as a committee can refute this fallacy by rejecting this report when you have all the facts in your hands.

When a county like Barren has progressed during the past 30 years until she ranks as one of the 15 wealthier counties in a State of 120 counties, with one of the most prosperous inland towns in the entire South, for Glasgow is a State leader among towns in civic enterprise and health and community improvements, we feel that a fair, impartial survey of the losses is due us both as a county and as a trade center.

By way of an added explanation of the purpose of this protest, let us show you that this is not a protest regarding the establishing of power facilities in our region. Already we are well served by REA and KU, and within a few miles of us are dams being completed that shall furnish more power than can be imagined. We are not opposed to flood control, for we do not wish evil for our neighbors down the river. However, it becomes a question of moving thousands of our area because some down below us will not move from the low areas. Many of them would move back every few years, if you should build them mansions on the hills. In our section soil erosion is a chief curse. and this dam cannot conceivably prevent soil erosion in our hills, especially if you force the bottom farmers to move to the hills to cultivate their crops. It takes contour farming, reforesting, grasslands to stop this serious waste. In Barren you would merely aggravate this condition.

However, here is the sense of our case. We feel that we have planned for fairly settled rural prosperity. We have a rural planning council that is set to aid the rural areas in a more prosperous way of life. Factories are being built at Glasgow to absorb farm products. But the most fertile of our county is threatened. We have 220,000 acres, and 21,000 acres are to be covered by water, or taken over by the Government. When you take one-tenth of our land, and that the best land, you take our birthright for a poor mess of pottage that comes in a fisherman's paradise. It seems to me the Lord gave us Wisconsin and Minnesota as our lake country, and planned Kentucky as a State for agricultural pursuits. Should we cover this rich land, we would be guilty of burying our talent without cause. Those lower valleys of our county, and the rich land of Allen and Monroe counties are not wild and desolate. There you'll find families who have been there for generations. of the pure Anglo-Saxon stock, whose ancestry wrestled this land from the Indian tribes. The land is in their blood. I find on our surveys that almost all are cut off from market, by the dam. Glasgow is their second. home, where America's best tradition, the Saturday afternoon social visit in town is the practice. I feel that I can speak of their culture, for my Grandfather White moved from this region into Hart County 100 years ago. He left his people there, many of whom are buried there in regions that shall be water-covered when Port Oliver becomes our county's enigma. Can you cut a man from his people, his cemetery, or his church and call such an act a move for the general welfare. Take these people and their homes-a man's home is his, and a castle it is, though it might not value a thousand dollars. This immeasurable and intangible American tradition cannot be treated lightly.

In our survey sheets we feel that we are reporting perhaps one-third of the Barren County land that shall be lost. On these reports 6,744 acres are reported as covered land. This makes our finding at least legitimate for one-third the acreage of 21,000. Therefore our figures may be times 3 each time.

Every farm report states the road to market shall be cut off-many shall have to travel 15 miles greater distance to reach Glasgow. The average family visits Glasgow 100 times each year.

There were 272 families to be displaced, and none of them knew where they would move. Had we had a full report, there would have been no less than 600 families in this predicament.

There were 1,076 persons living on this land. A full report would have created a moving problem for perhaps 2,500, assuming some should stay or sell part of their remaining land to other stranded neighbors.

We estimate from 600 to 1,000 school children who may have to move. On this assumption we lose at least 600 children who would become leaders for tomorrow.

On the report, 313,950 family trips to Glasgow were made by these 272 families per year. This means perhaps a loss of 500,000 family trips to Glasgow per year. Going back to the statement made in the engineer's report, that 36,000 acres shall be taken over. If Allen and Monroe take the 15,000 acres, we then have a loss at, conservatively, $100 per acre-totaling $2,100,000 in land values for our county. Our tax assessor states that our entire country has a potential tax assessment of $53,000,000. You can, compare this to see how much will be our wealth loss. Assuming that this land brings the farmers 10-percent income yearly, we have a farmer's loss of $210,000.


That there shall be a 12-grade consolidated school at Austin-Tracy in lower Barren County, within 2 miles on the water line. That another elementary school be built at Lucas, Ky., within 1 mile of the water line. The school at Austin-Tracy would enroll 500 children, and the school at Lucas 350. Between the two centers, Barren County schools shall lose an estimated 600 children on the school census. These plans were approved in 1936, and Government surveys have approved proposed buildings. At present we have one- and two-room schools in this area, with a loss of school locations as follows:

Four schools abandoned, enrollment, 115.

Ten schools reduced beyond economical operation, enrollment, 390.
Three schools affected, extent not known, enrollment, 123.

One high school isolated, enrollment, 55.

Total school children affected, 683.

Estimated loss of children on census, 600. Per capita, $25. Total State aid lost, $15,000.

There shall be an added bus mileage for transportation in this area, due to dam, totaling at least 200 miles per day. At 15 cents per mile for a school year, there would be an additional cost of $6,000.

The Barren County Board of Education shall suffer an immediate loss of 21,000 acres of taxable land, most of it being bottom land. There shall be a loss of $1 per hundred dollars land value. This amounts to $840,000 in possible

valuation, causing schools to lose $8,400 per year, $18,000 from tax books.

Since our census totals over 5,000 children, a loss of 600 children will not reduce appreciably our teacher need, since there should be a teacher for every 40 children. It would aggravate our problem by having fewer children in this area requiring an education.

We have a veterans' training program set up for this area of Barren County. There are about 500 veterans in this section, most of whom want farm training. When the dam goes in these boys must move out with their families, and the most fertile land in the county is taken from them.

The Barren County Rural Planning Council has set up a 12-area rural improvement program. When the dam is erected four of these areas shall become impractical, and the Glasgow area considerably affected.


A tax loss of from $20,000 to $25,000 from local and State revenues out of a budget of $200,000 or better. The transportation costs would increase upward to $6,000 yearly. The entire State-approved consolidation program would be crippled with this loss. Federal approval for buildings, already sent to the regional office with promised approval for modernizing the schools would be lost.


Give up erecting the dam, appropriate $1,000,000 to school building, $2,000,000 to road building, $1,000,000 to scientific soil building and prevention of soil erosion, and contribute $1,000,000 to a health program, and Barren County would become one of the more progressive counties in Kentucky, prevent the loss of soil and flood threats, and accomplish the same as this Government project that shall cost five to six times as much as the above proposal. Added to all that is the 21,000 acres of the most valuable land in the county which under the dam would be a total loss to a starving world.

Mr. BURKS. I have here a petition from the business interests of Glasgow containing 230 names of every leading citizen in Glasgow including the mayor, the president of the chamber of commerce, and all other business interests.

I also have the petition of the people of Barren County. I would say 75 percent are in the flooded area, and possibly 10 percent of these people are business interests that might be affected. This petition contains 1,800 names in opposition to the dam.

I have another resolution to present from six churches in southern Barren County, which represent the membership of 1,000 members, who are also opposed to this dam.

We have here in our report the surveys that we made of the farms in this area, which shall be more clearly brought out by Senator Jones a few minutes from now. My survey has been especially in behalf of the schools.

We are, as you know, agricultural. We are in southern Kentucky and we have a group of towns which we regard as outstanding. Glasgow has been a leading town in civic interests for nearly 100 years. Glasgow is an inland town and our entire life is dependent upon this farming area, both below and above Glasgow.

The CHAIRMAN. Professor, do you speak for the people in the Bowling Green area?

Mr. BURKS. I do not. I did not know Bowling Green ever had any floods.

Colonel WEST. The flood situation is not serious at Bowling Green. The CHAIRMAN. It is to protect the farm land?

Colonel WEST. Yes, sir.

The CHAIRMAN. Professor, you may proceed.

Mr. BURKS. There are no towns so far as we can find that are protected from floods by the building of this dam.

The CHAIRMAN. You represent the people above the town?

Mr. BURKS. I represent the people whose land shall be covered and the people whose businesses shall be hurt by the building of the dam.

The CHAIRMAN. As you proceed, will you tell us substantially how many acres and the character of the land that will be required for the reservoir site?

Mr. BURKS. Would you mind leaving that part for the next man? Senator Jones is going to bring the economic losses in. Mine is in behalf of the fiscal court and the Barren County Board of Education in tax loss and cultural loss in lower Barren County and in Allen and Monroe Counties. Of course, we can only represent our 21,000 acres. The others have sent in protests through their Congressman. We are only part of the Fourth District.

We have here in our particular list the survey of the farming area. We estimate there are 600 farms that shal be inundated either partially or totally in Barren County. That amounts to 21,000 acres. The CHAIRMAN. Do you mean 21,000 total?

Mr. BURKS. Barren County.

The CHAIRMAN. What is the character of that land?

Mr. BURKS. That land is the best land in southern Kentucky. It is fertile land. At least 13,500 of this acreage is land that would sell at this present time for $200 an acre.

The CHAIRMAN. Is that the blue-grass area?

Mr. BURKS. It is not the blue-grass area.

The CHAIRMAN. What are your principal agricultural products? Mr. BURKS. Our principal agricultural products are tobacco raising, hog raising, corn raising, dairy, and cattle raising.

We have in our surveys a listing of the losses for Glasgow alone. For these six of seven hundred farms that shall be cut off there will be added 5 to 15 miles to market. You will notice that it cuts repeatedly into Glasgow's rural trade. We even went down in our surveys to determine how many times these families went to town. We find that the average family goes to town 100 times a year.

That means a total visiting of the people of this area of over one-half million visits to Glasgow. It means a trade loss of something around two or three million dollars for Glasgow. It means also that these people shall be denied the right to go to their second home, because Glasgow is just that. It is a tradition in Kentucky that the people visit the county seat on Saturday afternoon. We filled the town so much that they had to pass parking ordinances to spread them out.

I made a survey also of these people as to where they would go should the land be inundated. Not a one of these 600 families know where they should move. We have a displacement problem there. Some of them will go on top of the hills and be submarginal, because it will be making a pauper out of our county.

We went to the tax assessor's books and took surveys of over 6,000 acres of our land. I found that we will lose in Barren County over $18,000 in taxes each year, which means that we must go up in the upper end of the county and raise the taxes of these people 50 cents a hundred-dollar valuation in order to run the schools. We must still have 115 teachers to operate our schools.

In making our survey we found that a lot of people would not sign our petition. They said it would not do any good. They said the people of Barren County would not be considered because the Army survey had already been made and that it would be accepted verbatim. I do not believe that will be true of this committee. Therefore, we have made the trip to Washington to register our protest.

The CHAIRMAN. In this connection, when the district engineer was making his study for submitting this report did he hold public hearings and did the people in that area attend and protest?

Mr. BURKS. There was no public hearing held regarding the Port Oliver Dam. You see, the first dam site was the Jews Harp Dam. There was no hearing as far as we can determine on the Port Oliver Dam.

The CHAIRMAN. On the first dam, where there was no power generated, was there local objection by your people?

Mr. BURKS. There was not a great deal of objection registered.
The CHAIRMAN. There were hearings on that?
Mr. BURKS. There were hearings on that of a sort.

The CHAIRMAN. What is your next point?

Mr. BURKS. We shall have in our survey a school loss which is startling. I have in this list here 75 schools in Barren County. We are only partly consolidated. We have taken the recommendation of the department of education, over a 10-year study, to consolidate our schools into 9 centers. But in our present set-up we have 1 large school that shall cost around $150,000 within 2 miles of the dam, a 12-grade consolidated school which, by the way, has already been approved by another Government agency; we have another elementary school which shall house about 350 children within 2 miles of the dam. That cuts our transportation problem entirely in two. We estimate from 600 to 1,000 school children may have to move. On this assumption we lose at least 600 children who would become leaders tomorrow. The survey shows that 4 schools would be abandoned with an enrollment of 115; 10 schools reduced beyond economical operation, with

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