The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 1G. Bell, 1891 - Poetry |
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Page 86
... wound as yet does rifelye bleede . Why livest thou stil , and yet hast thy deathes wound ? Why dyest thou stil , and yet alive art founde ? " Thus is my sommer worne away and wasted , Thus is my harvest hastened all to rathe ; The eare ...
... wound as yet does rifelye bleede . Why livest thou stil , and yet hast thy deathes wound ? Why dyest thou stil , and yet alive art founde ? " Thus is my sommer worne away and wasted , Thus is my harvest hastened all to rathe ; The eare ...
Page 115
... wound ; The warlike Beech ; the Ash for nothing ill ; The fruitfull Olive ; and the Platane round ; The carver Holme ; the Maple seeldom inward sound 10 Led with delight , they thus beguile the way , Untill the blustring storme is ...
... wound ; The warlike Beech ; the Ash for nothing ill ; The fruitfull Olive ; and the Platane round ; The carver Holme ; the Maple seeldom inward sound 10 Led with delight , they thus beguile the way , Untill the blustring storme is ...
Page 117
... wound , That hand or foot to stirr he strove in vaine . God helpe the man so wrapt in Errours endlesse traine ! 19 His Lady , sad to see his sore constraint , Cride out , " Now , now , Sir knight , shew what ye bee ; Add faith unto your ...
... wound , That hand or foot to stirr he strove in vaine . God helpe the man so wrapt in Errours endlesse traine ! 19 His Lady , sad to see his sore constraint , Cride out , " Now , now , Sir knight , shew what ye bee ; Add faith unto your ...
Page 119
... wound , And sucked up their dying mothers bloud ; Making her death their life , and eke her hurt their good . That detestable sight him much amazde , 26 To see th ' unkindly Impes , of heaven accurst , Devoure their dam ; on whom while ...
... wound , And sucked up their dying mothers bloud ; Making her death their life , and eke her hurt their good . That detestable sight him much amazde , 26 To see th ' unkindly Impes , of heaven accurst , Devoure their dam ; on whom while ...
Page 138
... wound : Then , turning to his Lady , dead with feare her fownd . 45 Her seeming dead he fownd with feigned feare , As all unweeting of that well she knew ; And paynd himselfe with busie care to reare Her out of carelesse swowne . Her ...
... wound : Then , turning to his Lady , dead with feare her fownd . 45 Her seeming dead he fownd with feigned feare , As all unweeting of that well she knew ; And paynd himselfe with busie care to reare Her out of carelesse swowne . Her ...
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Ęglogue Archimago beast blood bowre brest CANTO carefull chaunge chaunst Clout's come Home Colin Clout's corage courser cruell Dame deadly deare death delight dore doth dread dreadfull Edmund Spenser Elfin knight Enchaunter eternall Faerie Queene Faery knight faire faire Lady false Duessa farre fayre feare flocke flowre Gabriel Harvey gentle girlond goodly grace griefe groning hand hart Harvey hast hath heaven Hobbinoll Ireland Kilcolman knight Lady light living Lord Lord Grey Lyon mightie mought Muse never nigh noble poem poet powre proud pype quoth rage Raleigh Redcrosse Sansfoy seemd seeme selfe shame shee Shepheardes Calender shew shield shyne sight Sir Walter Raleigh sonne sore Spenser spide spright staind steed suddein sweete syre thee theyr thilke thou trew unto vaine verse wandring weary weene wight wonne wont wound wyde yron