The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 1G. Bell, 1891 - Poetry |
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Page 107
... trew honor yee may fashiond see , To like desire of honor may ye raise , And fill your mind with magnanimitee . Receive it , Lord , therefore , as it was ment , For honor of your name and high descent . E. S. To the right honourable the ...
... trew honor yee may fashiond see , To like desire of honor may ye raise , And fill your mind with magnanimitee . Receive it , Lord , therefore , as it was ment , For honor of your name and high descent . E. S. To the right honourable the ...
Page 110
... trew Of beauties Queene , the worlds sole wonderment , To sharpe my sence with sundry beauties vew , And steale from each some part of ornament . If all the world to seeke I overwent , A fairer crew yet no where could I see Then that ...
... trew Of beauties Queene , the worlds sole wonderment , To sharpe my sence with sundry beauties vew , And steale from each some part of ornament . If all the world to seeke I overwent , A fairer crew yet no where could I see Then that ...
Page 124
... trew , Whose semblance she did carrie under feigned hew . Thus , well instructed , to their worke they haste ; 47 And , comming where the knight in slomber lay , The one upon his hardie head him plaste , And made him dreame of loves and ...
... trew , Whose semblance she did carrie under feigned hew . Thus , well instructed , to their worke they haste ; 47 And , comming where the knight in slomber lay , The one upon his hardie head him plaste , And made him dreame of loves and ...
Page 138
... Her up he tooke , ( too simple and too trew ) And oft her kist . At length , all passed feare , He set her on her steede , and forward forth did beare . G P CANTO III . Forsaken Truth long seekes her love. 138 B. I. THE FAERIE QUEENE .
... Her up he tooke , ( too simple and too trew ) And oft her kist . At length , all passed feare , He set her on her steede , and forward forth did beare . G P CANTO III . Forsaken Truth long seekes her love. 138 B. I. THE FAERIE QUEENE .
Page 188
... trew . " Therewith they gan , both furious and fell , 43 To thunder blowes , and fiersly to assaile Each other , bent his enimy to quell ; That with their force they perst both plate and maile , And made wide furrowes in their fleshes ...
... trew . " Therewith they gan , both furious and fell , 43 To thunder blowes , and fiersly to assaile Each other , bent his enimy to quell ; That with their force they perst both plate and maile , And made wide furrowes in their fleshes ...
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Ęglogue Archimago beast blood bowre brest CANTO carefull chaunge chaunst Clout's come Home Colin Clout's corage courser cruell Dame deadly deare death delight dore doth dread dreadfull Edmund Spenser Elfin knight Enchaunter eternall Faerie Queene Faery knight faire faire Lady false Duessa farre fayre feare flocke flowre Gabriel Harvey gentle girlond goodly grace griefe groning hand hart Harvey hast hath heaven Hobbinoll Ireland Kilcolman knight Lady light living Lord Lord Grey Lyon mightie mought Muse never nigh noble poem poet powre proud pype quoth rage Raleigh Redcrosse Sansfoy seemd seeme selfe shame shee Shepheardes Calender shew shield shyne sight Sir Walter Raleigh sonne sore Spenser spide spright staind steed suddein sweete syre thee theyr thilke thou trew unto vaine verse wandring weary weene wight wonne wont wound wyde yron