The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 1G. Bell, 1891 - Poetry |
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Page 113
... dread , but ever was ydrad . Upon a great adventure he was bond , That greatest Gloriana to him gave , ( That greatest Glorious Queene of Faery lond ) To winne him worshippe , and her grace to have , Which of all earthly thinges he most ...
... dread , but ever was ydrad . Upon a great adventure he was bond , That greatest Gloriana to him gave , ( That greatest Glorious Queene of Faery lond ) To winne him worshippe , and her grace to have , Which of all earthly thinges he most ...
Page 133
... dread . There lies he now with foule dishonor dead , Who , whiles he livde , was called proud Sans foy , The eldest of three brethren ; all three bred Of one bad sire , whose youngest is Sans joy ; [ loy . And twixt them both was born ...
... dread . There lies he now with foule dishonor dead , Who , whiles he livde , was called proud Sans foy , The eldest of three brethren ; all three bred Of one bad sire , whose youngest is Sans joy ; [ loy . And twixt them both was born ...
Page 145
... dread hee durst not show Him selfe too nigh at hand , but turned wyde Unto an hil ; from whence when she him spyde , By his like seeming shield her knight by name Shee weend it was , and towards him gan ride : Approching nigh , she wist ...
... dread hee durst not show Him selfe too nigh at hand , but turned wyde Unto an hil ; from whence when she him spyde , By his like seeming shield her knight by name Shee weend it was , and towards him gan ride : Approching nigh , she wist ...
Page 173
... dread whereof his chacing steedes aghast Both charett swifte and huntsman overcast : His goodly corps , on ragged cliffs yrent , Was quite dismembred , and his members chast Scattered on every mountaine as he went , That of Hippolytus ...
... dread whereof his chacing steedes aghast Both charett swifte and huntsman overcast : His goodly corps , on ragged cliffs yrent , Was quite dismembred , and his members chast Scattered on every mountaine as he went , That of Hippolytus ...
Page 184
... dread of hurt , would him advise The angry beastes not rashly to despise , Nor too much to provoke ; for he would learne The Lyon stoup to him in lowly wise , 25 . ( A lesson hard ) and make the Libbard sterne Leave roaring , when in ...
... dread of hurt , would him advise The angry beastes not rashly to despise , Nor too much to provoke ; for he would learne The Lyon stoup to him in lowly wise , 25 . ( A lesson hard ) and make the Libbard sterne Leave roaring , when in ...
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Ęglogue Archimago beast blood bowre brest CANTO carefull chaunge chaunst Clout's come Home Colin Clout's corage courser cruell Dame deadly deare death delight dore doth dread dreadfull Edmund Spenser Elfin knight Enchaunter eternall Faerie Queene Faery knight faire faire Lady false Duessa farre fayre feare flocke flowre Gabriel Harvey gentle girlond goodly grace griefe groning hand hart Harvey hast hath heaven Hobbinoll Ireland Kilcolman knight Lady light living Lord Lord Grey Lyon mightie mought Muse never nigh noble poem poet powre proud pype quoth rage Raleigh Redcrosse Sansfoy seemd seeme selfe shame shee Shepheardes Calender shew shield shyne sight Sir Walter Raleigh sonne sore Spenser spide spright staind steed suddein sweete syre thee theyr thilke thou trew unto vaine verse wandring weary weene wight wonne wont wound wyde yron