The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 1G. Bell, 1891 - Poetry |
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Page 61
... chaunge my restlesse woe . Help me , yee banefull byrds , whose shrieking sound Ys signe of dreery death , my deadly cryes 170 " Most ruthfully to tune : and as my cryes ( Which of my woe cannot bewray least part ) You heare all night ...
... chaunge my restlesse woe . Help me , yee banefull byrds , whose shrieking sound Ys signe of dreery death , my deadly cryes 170 " Most ruthfully to tune : and as my cryes ( Which of my woe cannot bewray least part ) You heare all night ...
Page 65
... chaunge the better brought : Content who lives with tryed state Neede feare no chaunge of frowning fate ; But who will seeke for unknowne gayne , Oft lives by losse , and leaves with payne . Dig . I wote ne , Hobbin , how I was bewitcht ...
... chaunge the better brought : Content who lives with tryed state Neede feare no chaunge of frowning fate ; But who will seeke for unknowne gayne , Oft lives by losse , and leaves with payne . Dig . I wote ne , Hobbin , how I was bewitcht ...
Page 111
... chaunge mine Oaten reeds , And sing of Knights and Ladies gentle deeds ; Whose praises having slept in silence long , Me , all too meane , the sacred Muse areeds To blazon broade emongst her learned throng : Fierce warres and faithful ...
... chaunge mine Oaten reeds , And sing of Knights and Ladies gentle deeds ; Whose praises having slept in silence long , Me , all too meane , the sacred Muse areeds To blazon broade emongst her learned throng : Fierce warres and faithful ...
Page 133
... chaunge of chear the seeming simple maid Let fal her eien , as shamefast , to the earth , And yeelding soft , in that she nought gainsaid , So forth they rode , he feining seemely merth , And shee coy lookes : so dainty , they say ...
... chaunge of chear the seeming simple maid Let fal her eien , as shamefast , to the earth , And yeelding soft , in that she nought gainsaid , So forth they rode , he feining seemely merth , And shee coy lookes : so dainty , they say ...
Page 151
... chaunge of thy deare - loved Dame ; Least thou of her believe too lightly blame , And rash misweening doe thy hart remove : For unto knight there is no greater shame , Then lightnesse and inconstancie in love : [ prove . That doth this ...
... chaunge of thy deare - loved Dame ; Least thou of her believe too lightly blame , And rash misweening doe thy hart remove : For unto knight there is no greater shame , Then lightnesse and inconstancie in love : [ prove . That doth this ...
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Ęglogue Archimago beast blood bowre brest CANTO carefull chaunge chaunst Clout's come Home Colin Clout's corage courser cruell Dame deadly deare death delight dore doth dread dreadfull Edmund Spenser Elfin knight Enchaunter eternall Faerie Queene Faery knight faire faire Lady false Duessa farre fayre feare flocke flowre Gabriel Harvey gentle girlond goodly grace griefe groning hand hart Harvey hast hath heaven Hobbinoll Ireland Kilcolman knight Lady light living Lord Lord Grey Lyon mightie mought Muse never nigh noble poem poet powre proud pype quoth rage Raleigh Redcrosse Sansfoy seemd seeme selfe shame shee Shepheardes Calender shew shield shyne sight Sir Walter Raleigh sonne sore Spenser spide spright staind steed suddein sweete syre thee theyr thilke thou trew unto vaine verse wandring weary weene wight wonne wont wound wyde yron