The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser, Volume 1G. Bell, 1891 - Poetry |
From inside the book
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Page 130
... Sans foy ; full large of limbe and every joint He was , and cared not for God or man a point . 13 Hee had a faire companion of his way , A goodly Lady clad in scarlot red , Purfled with gold and pearle of rich assay ; And like a Persian ...
... Sans foy ; full large of limbe and every joint He was , and cared not for God or man a point . 13 Hee had a faire companion of his way , A goodly Lady clad in scarlot red , Purfled with gold and pearle of rich assay ; And like a Persian ...
Page 133
... Sans foy , The eldest of three brethren ; all three bred Of one bad sire , whose youngest is Sans joy ; [ loy . And twixt them both was born the bloudy bold Sans 26 " In this sad plight , friendlesse , unfortunate , Now miserable I ...
... Sans foy , The eldest of three brethren ; all three bred Of one bad sire , whose youngest is Sans joy ; [ loy . And twixt them both was born the bloudy bold Sans 26 " In this sad plight , friendlesse , unfortunate , Now miserable I ...
Page 148
... Sansfoy with bloody knife : Henceforth his ghost , freed from repining strife , In peace may passen over Lethe lake ; When mourning altars , purgd with enimies life , The black infernall Furies doen aslake : [ take . Life from Sansfoy ...
... Sansfoy with bloody knife : Henceforth his ghost , freed from repining strife , In peace may passen over Lethe lake ; When mourning altars , purgd with enimies life , The black infernall Furies doen aslake : [ take . Life from Sansfoy ...
Page 160
... Sansfoy He spide with that same Fary champions page , Bewraying him that did of late destroy His eldest brother ; burning all with rage , He to him lept , and that same envious gage Of victors glory from him snacht away : But th ' Elfin ...
... Sansfoy He spide with that same Fary champions page , Bewraying him that did of late destroy His eldest brother ; burning all with rage , He to him lept , and that same envious gage Of victors glory from him snacht away : But th ' Elfin ...
Page 161
... Sansfoy , ( Owho can then refrayn ? ) [ dayn . Whose shield he beares renverst , the more to heap dis- 43 " And , to augment the glorie of his guile , His dearest love , the faire Fidessa , loe ! Is there possessed of the traytour vile ...
... Sansfoy , ( Owho can then refrayn ? ) [ dayn . Whose shield he beares renverst , the more to heap dis- 43 " And , to augment the glorie of his guile , His dearest love , the faire Fidessa , loe ! Is there possessed of the traytour vile ...
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Ęglogue Archimago beast blood bowre brest CANTO carefull chaunge chaunst Clout's come Home Colin Clout's corage courser cruell Dame deadly deare death delight dore doth dread dreadfull Edmund Spenser Elfin knight Enchaunter eternall Faerie Queene Faery knight faire faire Lady false Duessa farre fayre feare flocke flowre Gabriel Harvey gentle girlond goodly grace griefe groning hand hart Harvey hast hath heaven Hobbinoll Ireland Kilcolman knight Lady light living Lord Lord Grey Lyon mightie mought Muse never nigh noble poem poet powre proud pype quoth rage Raleigh Redcrosse Sansfoy seemd seeme selfe shame shee Shepheardes Calender shew shield shyne sight Sir Walter Raleigh sonne sore Spenser spide spright staind steed suddein sweete syre thee theyr thilke thou trew unto vaine verse wandring weary weene wight wonne wont wound wyde yron