Now whenas darksome night had all displayd Uprose Duessa from her resting place, And to the Paynims lodging comes with silent pace. 44 Whom broad awake she findes, in troublous fitt, 45 And him amoves with speaches seeming fitt: 46 With gentle wordes he can her fayrely greet, But in eternall woes my weaker hart Have wasted, loving him with all my powre, And for his sake have felt full many an heavie stowre. "At last, when perils all I weened past, By this false faytor, who unworthie ware And ever since hath kept in darksom cave, 47 "But since faire Sunne hath sperst that lowring clowd, Of brothers prayse, to you eke longes his love. Thereto said he, "Faire Dame, be nought dismaid 49 For sorrowes past; their griefe is with them gone: Ne yet of present perill be affraid, For needlesse feare did never vantage none; And helplesse hap it booteth not to mone. Dead is Sansfoy, his vitall paines are past, Though greeved ghost for vengeance deep do grone He lives that shall him pay his dewties last, And guiltie Elfin blood shall sacrifice in hast." "O! but I feare the fickle freakes," (quoth shee) 50 "Of fortune false, and oddes of armes in field." "Why, dame," (quoth he) "what oddes can ever bee, Where both doe fight alike, to win or yield ?" "Yea, but," (quoth she) "he beares a charmed shield, And eke enchaunted armes, that none can perce; Ne none can wound the man that does them wield." "Charmd or enchaunted," (answerd he then ferce) "I no whitt reck; ne you the like need to reherce. "But, faire Fidessa, sithens fortunes guile, Or enimies powre, hath now captived you, Returne from whence ye came, and rest a while, Till morrow next that I the Elfe subdew, And with Sansfoyes dead dowry you endew." "Ay me!. that is a double death,” (she said) "With proud foes sight my sorrow to renew: Where ever yet I be, my secret aide Shall follow you." So, passing forth she him obaid. HE noble hart that harbours vertuous thought, And is with childe of glorious great intent, Can never rest, untill it forth have brought Th' eternall brood of glorie excellent. Such restlesse passion did all night torment The flaming corage of that Faery knight, Devizing how that doughtie turnament With greatest honour he atchieven might: Still did he wake, and still did watch for dawning light. At last, the golden Orientall gate Of greatest heaven gan to open fayre; 2 And Phoebus, fresh as brydegrome to his mate, Where earely waite him many a gazing eye, To drive away the dull melancholy; And many Bardes, that to the trembling chord And many Chroniclers, that can record 3 Old loves, and warres for Ladies doen by many a Lord. Soone after comes the cruell Sarazin, In woven maile all armed warily; And in the wine a solemne oth they bynd T'observe the sacred lawes of armes that are assynd. At last forth comes that far renowmed Queene: 5 And placed under stately canapee, The warlike feates of both those knights to see.. On th' other side in all mens open vew Duessa placed is, and on a tree Sansfoy his shield is hangd with bloody hew; Both those the lawrell girlonds to the victor dew. A shrilling trompett sownded from on hye, 6 And unto battaill bad them selves addresse: With greedy force each other doth assayle, The Sarazin was stout and wondrous strong, 7 And heaped blowes like yron hammers great; For after blood and vengeance he did long : The knight was fiers, and full of youthly heat, And doubled strokes, like dreaded thunders threat; For all for praise and honour he did fight. Both stricken stryke, and beaten both doe beat; That from their shields forth flyeth firie light, And hewen helmets deepe shew marks of eithers might. 8 So th' one for wrong, the other strives for right. Th' amazed vulgar telles of warres and mortall fight. So th' one for wrong, the other strives for right, 9 In tender flesh, that streames of blood down flow; With which the armes, that earst so bright did show, Into a pure vermillion now are dyde. Great ruth in all the gazers harts did grow, Seeing the gored woundes to gape so wyde, That victory they dare not wish to either side. ΙΟ At last the Paynim chaunst to cast his eye, "Goe, caytive Elfe, him quickly overtake, II And soone redeeme from his long-wandring woe: Goe, guiltie ghost, to him my message make, That I his shield have quit from dying foe." Therewith upon his crest he stroke him so, That twise he reeled, readie twise to fall: End of the doubtfull battaile deemed tho The lookers on; and lowd to him gan call The false Duessa, "Thine the shield, and I, and all !” |