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Such joy made Una, when her knight she found; 32
And eke th' enchaunter joyous seemde no lesse
Then the glad marchant, that does vew from ground
His ship far come from watrie wildernesse;
He hurles out vowes, and Neptune oft doth blesse.
So forth they past; and all the way they spent
Discoursing of her dreadful late distresse,
In which he askt her, what the Lyon ment;
Who told her all that fell, in journey as she went.

They had not ridden far, when they might see
One pricking towards them with hastie heat,
Full strongly armd, and on a courser free
That through his fiersnesse fomed all with sweat,
And the sharpe yron did for anger eat,
When his hot ryder spurd his chauffed side :
His looke was sterne, and seemed still to threat
Cruell revenge, which he in hart did hyde;
And on his shield Sansloy in bloody lines was dyde.



When nigh he drew unto this gentle payre,
And saw the Red-crosse which the knight did beare,
He burnt in fire; and gan eftsoones prepare
Himselfe to batteill with his couched speare.
Loth was that other, and did faint through feare,
To taste th' untryed dint of deadly steele :
But yet his Lady did so well him cheare,
That hope of new good hap he gan to feele;
So bent his speare, and spurd his horse with yron heele.


But that proud Paynim forward came so ferce
And full of wrath, that, with his sharphead speare,
Through vainly crossed shield he quite did perce;
And, had his staggering steed not shronke for feare,
Through shield and body eke he should him beare:
Yet, so great was the puissance of his push,
That from his sadle quite he did him beare.
He, tombling rudely downe, to ground did rush,
And from his gored wound a well of bloud did gush.


Dismounting lightly from his loftie steed,
He to him lept, in minde to reave his life,
And proudly said; "Lo! there the worthie meed
Of him that slew Sansfoy with bloody knife :
Henceforth his ghost, freed from repining strife,
In peace may passen over Lethe lake;
When mourning altars, purgd with enimies life,
The black infernall Furies doen aslake:


Life from Sansfoy thou tookst, Sansloy shall from thee

Therewith in haste his helmet gan unlace,


Till Una cride, "O! hold that heavie hand, Deare Sir, what ever that thou be in place: Enough is, that thy foe doth vanquisht stand Now at thy mercy: Mercy not withstand; For he is one the truest knight alive, Though conquered now he lye on lowly land; And, whilest him fortune favourd, fayre did thrive In bloudy field; therefore, of life him not deprive."


Her piteous wordes might not abate his rage,
But, rudely rending up his helmet, would
Have slayne him streight: but when he sees his age,
And hoarie head of Archimago old,

His hasty hand he doth amased hold,

And halfe ashamed wondred at that sight:
For the old man well knew he, though untold,
In charmes and magick to have wondrous might,

Ne ever wont in field, ne in round lists, to fight:


And said, "Why Archimago, lucklesse syre,
What doe I see? what hard mishap is this,
That hath thee hether brought to taste mine yre ?
Or thine the fault, or mine the error is,
In stead of foe to wound my friend amis ?"
He answered nought, but in a traunce still lay,
And on those guilefull dazed eyes of his
The cloude of death did sit. Which doen away,

He left him lying so, ne would no lenger stay :

But to the virgin comes; who all this while
Amased stands, her selfe so mockt to see
By him, who has the guerdon of his guile,
For so misfeigning her true knight to bee:
Yet is she now in more perplexitie,
Left in the hand of that same Paynim bold,
From whom her booteth not at all to flie:
Who, by her cleanly garment catching hold,
Her from her Palfrey pluckt, her visage to behold.



But her fiers servant, full of kingly aw
And high disdaine, whenas his soveraine Dame
So rudely handled by her foe he saw,
With gaping jawes full greedy at him came,
And, ramping on his shield, did weene the same
Have reft away with his sharp rending clawes
But he was stout, and lust did now inflame
His corage more, that from his griping pawes
He hath his shield redeemd, and forth his swerd he

O! then, too weake and feeble was the forse


Of salvage beast his puissance to withstand; For he was strong, and of so mightie corse, As ever wielded speare in warlike hand, And feates of armes did wisely understand. Eft soones he perced through his chaufed chest With thrilling point of deadly yron brand, And launcht his Lordly hart: with death opprest He ror'd aloud, whiles life forsooke his stubborne brest.


Who now is left to keepe the forlorne maid
From raging spoile of lawlesse victors will ?
Her faithfull gard remov'd, her hope dismaid,
Her selfe a yielded pray to save or spill :
He now, Lord of the field, his pride to fill,
With foule reproches and disdaineful spight
Her vildly entertaines; and, will or nill,
Beares her away upon his courser light:
Her prayers nought prevaile; his rage is more of might.


And all the way, with great lamenting paine,
And piteous plaintes, she filleth his dull eares,
That stony hart could riven have in twaine;
And all the way she wetts with flowing teares;
But he, enrag'd with rancor, nothing heares.
Her servile beast yet would not leave her so,
But followes her far off, ne ought he feares
To be partaker of her wandring woe;


More mild in beastly kind then that her beastly foe.

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OUNG knight whatever, that dost armes professe,


And through long labours huntest after [fame,

Beware of fraud, beware of ficklenesse, In choice, and chaunge of thy deare-loved Dame ; Least thou of her believe too lightly blame, And rash misweening doe thy hart remove: For unto knight there is no greater shame, Then lightnesse and inconstancie in love: [prove. That doth this Redcrosse knights ensample plainly


Who, after that he had faire Una lorne,
Through light misdeeming of her loialtie;
And false Duessa in her sted had borne,
Called Fidess', and so supposd to be,
Long with her traveild; till at last they see
A goodly building bravely garnished:
The house of mightie Prince it seemd to be,
And towards it a broad high way that led,
All bare through peoples feet which thether traveiled.

Great troupes of people traveild thetherward
Both day and night, of each degree and place;
But few returned, having scaped hard,
With balefull beggery, or foule disgrace;
Which ever after in most wretched case,
Like loathsome lazars, by the hedges lay.
Thether Duessa badd him bend his pace;
For she is wearie of the toilsom way,
And also nigh consumed is the lingring day.


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