MY LIFE. BY THE AUTHOR OF STORIES OF WATERLOO, " " WILD SPORTS OF THE WEST," &c. &c. &c. Sir Anthony. Come here, sirrah! who the devil are you? INTRODUCTION. Egeon. Why look you strange on me? You know me well. Ant. E.-I never saw you in my life till now. Comedy of Errors. I HAD been delicate from infancy-and the enervating effects of an unhealthy climate obliged me to retire upon half-pay, and quit Ceylon for England, to try if native air would restore a shattered constitution. I came to London for medical advice; and while my physician was anxious that I should continue immediately under his eye, he recommended me, for amusement and exercise, to make frequent excursions around the British capital. No advice could have been more congenial to a truant disposition." I, who had been buffeted about the world from my boyhood, willingly became a roamer after health; and in |