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top of which may be seen an elevation on the Portsmouth coast;) and to the right the dwelling and lands of a farmer who lately served the office of sheriff for the county. As mere extent of prospect scarcely compensates the fatigue of climbing a hill; and the contemplation of those lucky chances which sometimes aid industry, and enable men to found kouses, is not likely to produce much amusement to any other than the person who reaps benefit from them; I pass both these objects, and conduct the reader across several level inclosures of rich and well-cultivated land, to the village of Twyford. All here is life and bustle. We are now on the great Bath road; and high-crested Folly, and droop ing suppliant Sickness, press with equal speed to the teinple of Bladud; each leaving a lesson of instruction as he passes.

Twyford is chiefly memorable for a skirmish between a detachment of Irish dragoons, and a few of the soldiers belonging to the prince of Orange, in 1688. It may be remembered, that the only military opposition of any moment made to the approaches of the protestant William, occurred at Reading. A serious conflict there took place between some Scottish and Irish troops, and an advanced party of the prince's horse. But the royalists were speedily routed. In deed, if the complaint preferred by the partizans of James be founded on truth, it is no wonder that they were compelled to fly ; for it was asserted by the adherents of the court, that the townspeople of Reading fired from the house-windows on the backs of the Irish soldiers, while the prince's cavalry charged them in front. It is certain that James was very unpopular at Reading; and a song was com posed in memory of this fight, adapted

to the tune of lillibullero.

A few of the vanquished party rallied at Twyford, and faced their pursuers on a little hill contiguous to the village; but they were again compelled to take light, and the greater part succeeded in joining their friends at Colnbrook. On this little mound, the traveller must in. evitably pause.† and grze with satisfac

Lord Ogilvie fought at the head of the Scottish regiment, though he was then more than eighty years of age.

Many human bones, and one entire skeleton, have been found by the followers of the plough, carelessly deposited in the soil of this hill; and, though several soldiers were certainly slain in the conflict described

tion on every rood of land connected with the spot where the last sword was drawn with a view of preventing the interference of William in the political affairs of England.

If any instance of unusual gratitude, or liberality of feeling, (though united with the founding of a chapel) lie in the perambulator's way, he is to blame if he do not stop and pick it up. On one of the mest cold and dreary nights of a winter, towards the middle of the 17th century, a child was found, half-famished and half-frozen, at the door of a humble cottage in Twyford. About his neck was tied a label, in which the writer implored pity on the unguarded forehead of the poor babe, and stated the name by which he might be called, should he survive. The child's look was more eloquent than the periods of this writer;

the cottager sheltered the foundling, and caused him to be instructed in those rudimental parts of learning which are found, by experience, to impart quite sufficient erudition for the purpose of making a fortune. Fated, as it would seem, to an eccentric lot, the boy quitted Twyford, and, after various rambles, set tled in London, where he amassed a considerable property. Abandoned by those who should have possessed a claim on his heart, he knew no home except the village which had protected his perilous infancy; and, in commemoration of the humanity of his benefactor, and under the hope of exciting a similar compassionate feeling in the breasts of others, he built a chapel of ease at Twyford, and founded a charity-school for ten children on the spot where he had once been exposed, forlorn, and friendless, to the inclemency of a December's night.

Ruscomb, a little rural parish, which you are sure to be told contains neither shop nor public house, adjoins the village

above, no entry respecting their burial occurs in the register of the parish for that period. It appears probable therefore, that the inhabitants of Twyford contemptuously threw the bodies of friend and foe into shallow graves on the field of action.

On searching the registers of Ruscomb parish, I noticed the following entry, which appears to prove that no seclusion of residence was a preservative from that dreadful pestilence which so frequently half-depopu lated the metropolis: 1646, Edward Pollentine, and five of his children, which died of the plague in Twyford, with some others who died of that disease, were buried on and about May 17."


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of Twyford. The neat and secluded air of the cottages which are occasionally discovered in this parish, interests the visitor in its favour; and he forms much expectation concerning its natural attractions, when he finds there is a lake within its precincts, that takes a name from the parish. Ruscomb certainly does possess many beauties, for which it is indebted entirely to nature; and the lake may, without doubt, be a choice object in the eyes of the inhabitants: but the surprise of the traveller is not totally unmixed with indignation, when he finds that the district so entitled is, in fact, a vast expanse of low pasture-ground, which in winter may perhaps assume some faint resemblance of a lake, when the neighbouring rivers overflow, but which, for at least ten months out of the twelve, is covered with the flocks and herds of the thriving Ruscomb husband


It appears that cardinal Pole was made "prebendary of Roscomb, in the church of Salisbury," in 1517. But the visitor is more interested when he finds that the seat now tenanted by Mr. Comyns, but which is the property of lady Eyre, was formerly the residence of William Penn, who is supposed to have here written his prefatory observations to George Fox's Journal. This primitive supporter of the society of Friends, seems to have been popular in the vicinity of his retirement; for his name at entire length, or compound words allusive to his American possessions, frequently oc cur in the parish-register of that period, as the appellations bestowed on their children by his rustic neighbours.

An agrecable walk through the grounds formerly belonging to William Penn, (several points of which command rich views over the lake, and the adjacent country,) ushers the pedestrian to the small park dependent on Stanlake-house, once the seat of the Aldworths, the representative of which family now possesses the title of Lord Braybrooke. The chief part of this house appears to have been built in the early part of Elizabeth's reign, and is strongly marked with all the architectural peculiarities usual at that period. A contemptible perversion of taste has caused some improver of the edifice to construct a large addi

The house was cased over, and large additional offices were built, by the late lord chief-justice Eyre.

tion, in the meanest possible style of the present time! How much it is to be regretted that men descended from ancient families, and inhabiting the houses of their forefathers, do not perceive that they are treating the memory of the dead with disrespect, while they disgust the eye of the living, by thus placing the prim formality of modern days beside the wild irregular beauties of a Henry's or an Elizabeth's venerable era!

The nature of my excursion will not allow me to disdain minute particulars. I do not walk amid the sublimities of nature, or the refinements of art. No Alps on Alps arise to crowd my page with a cluster of wonders; nor can I call the painter or the statuary to impart a grace to my descriptions. Thus circum stanced, I cannot afford to let pass untold the local anecdote or family-legend; and I therefore point the reader's atten◄ tion to a narrow lane, with rugged hawthorns and ancient pollards on each side, and which is directly opposite to the principal entrance of Stanlake-park, This rural avenue is termed Bucking ham's Lane, and it derives its name from the perpetration of an honorable murder; for honourable certainly we must call the death-wound of sir Owen Buckingham, since he received it in the practice of duelling.

About fifty years back, sir Owen Buck. ingham dined with Mr. the opulent resident at Stanlake-house; and nothing could exceed the hospitality of the entertainer, or the merrin ent of the visitors. The glass circulated briskly; and sir Owen, in the unguarded hour of wine and mirth, spoke, it is believed, with levity concerning the conduct of a lady whose health was proposed by the master of the house. Blood alone could expiate the offence; and, frantic with wine and rage, both parties proceeded to the lane on the outer side of the gate, and decided the question with their swords. The moon lent a dubious light to the barbarous scene, and the conflict was for a time maintained with mutual obstinacy; but sir Owen stumbled, and the sword of his adversary entered his breast. Several servants had witnessed the combat, and they now supported the wounded man to the house; but he died on the staircase, as they were endeavouring to convey him to a chamber. A countryman shewed me the spot on which sir Owen fell; and spoke, in his way, a satire on duelling, by observing,


"that it was a pity gentlemen could not take pattern from their inferiors, and end their quarrels without bloodshed."

Let us quit this polluted dell, (which, if pastoral deities ever inhabited it, they - must have long since forsaken in disgust,) and proceed on our walk. A shaded lane, on whose hedges the wild honeysuckle hangs in grateful profusion, while the song of the husbandman (his bosom happily a stranger to that refinement of sentiment which leads to deliberate slaughter) chears the traveller as he pursues his path, conducts us to the ancient seat of the Comptons, now the enviable residence of candour, urbanity, and science. The agricultural records of the county bear testimony to the success of the present proprietor of Hinton house, in experimental farming; his philosophical acquirements are known to the few, who consider them of the highest description; his philanthropy and good sense are familiar to the whole neighbourhood, and possess the singular felicity of being venerated by all classes. Directly before the gates of Hinton house lie spread the ricli lands, lately inclosed, which formerly belonged, in right of commonage, to the parishioners of Hurst. So much has been said by able investigators respecting the propriety of inclosures, that I forbear to suggest those objections which once had much weight with my mind, but which it is possible arose from too narrow and confined a view of the subject. Yet I cannot help believing that the commonrights of the ancient Englishman were a source of comfort to his humble family, and served to endear to him the laws and well-being of his native soil. It is cer tain that no positive good can be attained without an alloy of attendant evil. I do not seek to deny that society may derive some real benefits from the cultivation of fresh lands; but I must think that the inclosures which now so generally prevail, inflict an injury equally indubitable, by destroying much of that independent spirit, and fervid simplicity of character, which have been accustomed to invigorate the British peasant, and to render him invincible when armed in the cause of his country.

This is not a time to encroach, without

Dr. Mavor, in his "View of the Agriculture of Berkshire," bestows a just eulogy on the spirit and ingenuity of Dr. Nicholls; and there gives a sketch of the "Hinton plough and scuffler," implements invented by that gentleman.

much reflection, on the privileges of the poor. Whatever may have produced the alteration, the English peasant is certainly not in so eligible a situation as that possessed by his forefather. If he be, what causes his fiequent attendance on the alms-giving table of the parish officer?-Three-fourths of our country labourers cannot, I hope, be termed indolent, deceptive, and vicious; yet three-fourths (or perhaps a larger proportion) are pensioners of the overseer. I believe that, on candid investigation, it would be found that the wages of the peasant have not increased in a due ratio with the price of every article needed by his frugal household. At any rate, it is obvious, that the farmers have grown rich, while their servants have become poor.

But if the labourers have really sunk in self-estimation, and are indolent and deceitful on principle, how much it is to be lamented that men of large landed estates do not endeavour to rouse the spirit of the inferior classes, by proposing periodical rewards for industry, and propriety of deportment! Surely the idea is neither romantic nor visionary. The peasants are not altogether insensible to honorary distinctions; for they will wrestle with ardor at a wake for the ribbon, or laced. hat, that is named as the barren recompence of their valour or skill. Still less can it be supposed, that they would look with indifference on the solid remuneration of such valuables or privileges as it might be desirable for the country-gentleman to hold forth, for the encouragement of frugality, and a perse

verance in laborious habits.

Although local influence and exertion are chiefly calculated for the underta king, it appears that government might, with entire safety to the agricultural interest, do much towards the amelioration of the peasant's destiny. I will briefly mention one instance, in which it appears that the legislature might interfere, with marked advantage to the labouring countryman. The duties on malt absolutely prevent the inhabitant of the cottage from retaining our wholesome national liquor as a part of his family-aliment. Tea, (or rather streams of warm water coloured with indigenous herbs, and dig of beer in his impoverished household; nified with that name,) supplies the place and undermines his own vigour, while it more hastily enervates the little race expected to till the ground for a succeeding generation.


It appears that the revenue would be very slightly affected, by government allowing a quantity of malt, proportioned to the number of his family, to be issued to the peasant, free from those duties which it is now judged expedient to make it pay. The parish-officer, with Comparatively little trouble, might superintend the distribution; and render an account to the exciseman, or person named for that purpose, of the receipts and issues of malt taken from the adjacent malt-house, for the use of the poor. The same money, or less than the sum, now paid by the labourer for what the country dealer thinks proper to name tea, would enable him to purchase quite sufficient malt for the use of his family, if free from the enormous duties to which it is subject. It is almost needless to remark that the health, the comfort, and the manners, of the peasant, (as the possession of beer at home might, at length, wean him from the habit of visiting the ale-house of the village,) would be benefited by this indulgence.

When a certain senator projected plans for ameliorating the state of the poor, I publicly submitted to him this idea, in a more detailed form. He thought it futile, for he paid no attention to it. Possibly the reader may think so


Hurst, Berks.

I. N. B.

To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.



N the cause of humanity, no effort is lost; for whatever excites public attention, must eventually contribute its share towards the improvement of the public mind. On this principle I was pleased with the suggestion of T. C. communicated by last January's Magazine, on the advantages of an ice lifeboat, which certainly on first consideration appears a plausible and praise-worthy invention. There are however some objections which I fear will overthrow its proposed utility, but which I would not attempt to bring forward without stating what I think to be a more simple and practicable expedient. In the first instance, however perfect the thing may be in itself to answer the desired purpose, is it likely that such an expensive apparatus should be prepared at every place where bumanity might wish the precaution, considering the great uncertainty of its ever being wanted? Its size, and weight would render it too unwieldy to serve for an extensive district; and if

every pool where danger is apprehended, or every two or three hundred yards of river or canal, which may pass through a populous neighbourhood, is required to have its boat, where shall the ardour be found to promote the design? Another objection which strikes me forcibly, is the probability of its becoming from its weight so entangled with the broken ice, as to render it difficult, if not impracticable, for the operator to return without assistance, but which could not always be calculated upon; added to this must be the difficulty which the distressed sufferer would have to contend with, in grappling any thing so unsteady or so much out of his reach as the edge of the boat, and the danger also of so small a boat being upset by lifting an almost helpless creature into it from the water. All these difficulties would, I conceive, be effectually removed, and every security given, by the simple expedient of using a common ladder, which might be procured at a very inconsiderable expense, or which, from its easy carriage, almost any neighbourhood might quickly supply. Its length would give security, by furnishing so long a bearing on the ice: it may be slided across the hole so as for the sufferer to grasp some of its rounds; and any person may walk on his hands and feet close up to, and even over the spot, with as little hazard as can well be imagined. It would instantly become an easy and safe deposit for the body, and the operator might drag his charge to a distance from the hole; or, if time and opportunity should serve, a rope might be attached to one' or to each end of the ladder, for the spectators to lend a hand, and it would then become an effectual and expeditious sledge.

I was once unfortunately a witness to a scene where I was instantly struck with the idea, how readily a life might have been preserved by the mode here recommended; and have since procured a ladder for the spot, made lighter than for common use, with the uprights the same strength throughout, and the cross bars two or three inches longer: and to this I can conceive neither objection nor improvement.


J. L.

[blocks in formation]

of reading off minute divisions on the tables of philosophical instruments, a method presented itself to me, by which apparently the present way of graduating instruments might be much improved. The method I mean, and which, as far as I know, is perfectly new, is, instead of engraved or black lines with spaces between them, to use lines of the dimensions required, of dillerent colours, in contact with each other: thus the spaces, which in the present way occupy room, without forming a part of the calculation, would be entirely done away, and every set of divisions upon an equal scale would be comprized in at least half the compass.

The divisions in present use, are to the tenth, twentieth, or fiftieth of an inch: a greater minuteness than this quickly becomes irksome in practice.

The divisions above-mentioned, are afterwards subdivided by means of a vernier, so as to extend to the hundredth, thousandth, and even ten-thousandth of an inch, by means of a good magnifier; and here the difficulty I have alluded to, of calculation, is increased.

My method is, to use ten lines, each of a different colour, contrasted in the best manner, each being as strongly tinted as possible, and placed in contact with each other. The order of the colours I have adopted, is represented in the following


10.9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. the whole running in the order here exhibited; and assigning the number specified, respectively to each of the several colours, so that each colour shall signify

or express that number.


Having found some difficulty in curing such lines of colour, drawn with the required exactness, I succeeded completely to my wish, by placing together laming of card, paper, or tin-feil, compressed together, as it were, into one substance, the edge of each lamina having been previously prepared with the proper colour.

By this method, experience has proved to me that divisions to the number of a

hundred in an inch can be easily read off by an ordinary eye, unassisted by a magnifier; and to two thousand by a magnifier of ordinary power.

It will be obvious that this method by coloured lines, is applicable chiefly to


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the purpose of subdividing other divisions by means of a moveable scale; hence it might commence where divisions in the present way are found to become irksome to reckon, viz. at the hundred in the inch, dividing in this instance any tenth of an inch into ten, thus giving hundredths; any hundredth of an inch into ten, giving thousandths; and so on to any required or possible extent.*

It will be apparent, that having previously assigned a specific number to every different colour, which after a little practice would be recollected, but which night at all times be instantly known by referring to a similar scheme upon a scale of convenient size ready for the purpose, the trouble or irksomeness of reckoning minute divisions would be entirely obviated; the line of colour pointed at, indicating at once the number of subdivision.

In descending to extremely minute divisions, the moveable scale, instead of containing ten lines of colour, might have one-half only, in coloured lines; which would be sufficient for indicating any number of the ten, the blank space of the scale indicating five occasionallyf.

This mode of division admits in course the use of the vernier, consisting in this instance of coloured lines, as well as in the usual method, and with at least equal advantage.

A scale of division consisting of 10.000 in the inch, is sometimes required in practice; and doubtless minuter divisions still might be desirable, were they made so as to be seen and reckoned with facility; which, I flatter myself, the method here proposed will be found per fectly adequate to.

In my experiments I made use of card, paper, and tin-foil, as I have mentioned above, merely by way of trial; and having found them answer, I should recommend the use of lamia of brass, copper, or silver, which, compacted together into

I am informed from unquestionable authority, that microscopes are made for sale which magnify the diameter of an object 600 times: hence it will follow that such di

visions as I have mentioned, might be ex

tended to the number of 69,000 in the length of an inch, provided coloured laminæ sufliciently thin could be procured, or an artist had dexterity enough to draw such coloured lines.

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+ Whenever five colours only are used," perhaps the following arrangement might be the best: 1 white; 2 blue; 3 red; 4 yel low; 5 black,


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