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Veere Gat, and the plan of running at
once up the West Scheldt by the Weeling
Channel seemed abandoned, the object of
destroying the Cadsand batteries ceased, and
a landing there would only have been an
unnecessary risk, and a very inconvenient
separation of our force, and, of course, occa-
sion great delay in collecting it for ulterior
eperations. It must not, however, be for-
gotten, that the difficulties here turned out
to be much greater than had been at all
foreseen before we sailed. In the first place,
the beach was so exposed, that in blowing
weather it was found impossible to land; and
from what cause I know not, the marquis of
Huntly's division could not be taken up, in
the first instance, high enough to attack the
Breskens battery, the only one, from its
situation, of much importance. In addition
to this, the enemy, who had been repre-
sented by all the intelligence communicated
to me to be very weak, almost actually with-
out troops in that quarter, appeared to be well
prepared, and in considerable force. Under
these circumstances, according to lord
Huntly's report, commodore Owen appeals
to have experienced great disappointment in
not having the support of lord Gardner's fleet
and of his boats: but his lordship, as I be
Jieve, could never enter the Weeling Chan-
nel at all; nor indeed was I ever acquainted
with what instructions were given to him on
this head.

When it was found that lord Huntly's division could neither land nor proceed by the Weeling Passage up the Scheldt, as I had intended they should, it was determined to withdraw them; but from the boisterous state of the weather, it was some days before this could be effected. As soon as it was accomplished, they were passed over to South Beveland.

With respect to sir John Hope's operation, it was more prosperous. The object of it was this: In the original arrangement for carrying the army at once up the West Scheldt, sir John Hope's division was included; but just before we sailed, the admiral received intelligence that the French ficet was come down abreast of Flushing, and seemed to threaten to oppose our passage up the Scheldt.

In this view, it was conceived that, by landing on the north side of South Beveland, the island might be possessed, and all the batteries taken in reverse, and thereby the position of the French fleet, if they ventured to remain near Flushing, would be, as it were, tuned, and their retreat rendered more difficult, while the attack on them by our ships would have been much acilitated; and, for this object, the division of sir John Hope rather preceded, in sailing from the Downs, the rest of the ficet.

The navigation of the East Scheldt was, found must difficult; but by the skill and perseverance of sir Richard Keats, this pur

pose was happily and early accomplished, though the troops were carried a great way in schuyts and boats; and this division was landed near Ter Goes, from whence they swept all the batteries in the island that could impede the progress of our ships up. the West Scheldt, and possessed themselves on the 24 of August of the important post of Batz, to which it had been promised the army should at once have been brought


Sir John Hope remained in possession of this post, though not without being twice attacked by the enemy's flotilla, for nine days before any of the gun-boats under capt. sir Home Popham were moved up the Scheldt to his support.

But it will be recollected, that both these operations tended directly to forward the ori ginal purpose of a rapid progress up the Seheldt; the former by opening the Cadsand Channel, could the landing of lord Huntly's division have been effected; the second, by covering the progress of our fleet along the coast of South Beveland, while the di vision under sir John Hope was at the same time so far advanced towards the destination at which the rest of the armament was to be assembled.

It will now only be necessary for me to bring before your majesty the dates at which the several parts of the armament were enibled, according to the arrangement of st Richard Strachan, to pursue their progress up the Scheldt. In this place, however, it may be proper that I should previously advert to the grounds on which the 3d division, under lieutenant general Grosvenor, as well as the two light battalions of the King's German Legion (composing part of the force detained in the first instance to proceed against Antwerp), were landed at Walcheren, and employed before Flushing.

Your majesty will be pleased to recollect, that the troops which sailed from Portsmouth, under lieutenant-general sir Eyre Coote, were destined for the service of Walcheren, and had been considered as sufficient for that object, according to the intelligence received, and the supposed strength of the enemy; though, at the same tinie, certainly relying, for the first efforts against Flushing, on the promised co-operation of the navy, and on their establishing, as was held oor, in the first instance, a naval blockade, except on the side of Veer and Rammekins. Unfortu nately, however, this did not take place, and for several nights after the army was before Flushing, the enemy succeeded in throwing from the opposite coast, probably from the canal of Ghent, considerable reinforcements into the place, which enabled him constantly to annoy our out posts and working parties, and finally to attempt a sally in force, though, happily, from the valour of your majesty's troops, without success. This proving very harassing, particu


Jarly from the great difficulty of communication between the several parts of our line, I determined, in order to relieve the troops, and press forward the siege with as much vigour as possible, to avail myself for the time of the services of these corps; but it is to be remembered, that this was only done because I saw no movement making to push forward a single vessel up the West Scheldt, and it therefore seemed more advisable to have their assistance before Flushing, than that they shouid le inactive in the Veer Gat; and they might at any time be re-embarked from Rammekins in a few hours, whenever their transports could be brought up from Veer, and there was the least chance of our proceeding to our ulterior destination.

I have already stated that Rammekins surrendered on the evening of the 3d of August.

Immediately upon this event, feeling as I did great uneasiness at the delay which had already taken place, and at the depar ture from the original plan, I wrote a letter to the admiral, then at Ter Veere, expressing my hope that the ships would now be able to enter the West Scheldt by the Sloe Passage, and that no time should be lost in pressing forward as speedily as possible our further operations; and I requested, at the same time, that he would communicate to me the extent of naval co-operation he could afford, as well for the future blockade of Flushing, as with a view to protecting the coasts of South Beveland, and watching the passa es from the Meuse to the East Scheldt, as this consideration would govern very much the extent of force I must leave in South Beveland, when the army advanced. To this letter he did not reply tully till the 8th of August; but I had a note from him on the 5th, assuring me the transports should be brought forward without delay; and I had also a very long conversation with him on the morning of the 6th, on the arrangements to be taken for our further operations, when I urged, in the stongest manner, the neces sity of not losing a moment in bringing up the cavalry and ordnance ships, transports, store-ships, victuallers, &c. in order that the armament might proceed without delay to its destination; and I added my hopes, that they would receive the protection of the ships of war, none of which bad yet entered the West Scheldt.

To all this, and to the several arrange. ments explained to him in detail, he fully assented.

In his reply to my letter of the 4th, on the 8th of August, he acquaints me, that several of the smaller vessels of different descriptions had passed through the intricate passage of the Sloe, and that he had ordered the frigates to pass up the West Scheldt, to be followed by the line of battle ships; and he gave hopes that he should be able to go up the river with the flotilla on the 10th of Au

gust at furthest, and that the frigates and line of battle ships should follow as they came in succession.

The frigates, however, did not pass Flushing till the evening of the 14th, and the line of battle ships only passed to the anchorage above Flushing on the 14th, the second day of the bombardment.

These ships began to proceed up the river on the 18th, and arrived on the 19th; one division as high as the bay below Waerden, the other off the Hanswent, where they remained; the Courageux passed above Batz; the cavalry ships only got through the Sloe Passage into the West Scheldt from the 20th to the 23d, and arrived off Batz on the 22d and 24th; the ordnance ships and store ships passed through from the 22d to the 23d, and arrived at their destination off Batz on the 24th and 25th; the transports for lieutenant-general Grosvenor's division only came up to receive them on the 19th, on which day they embarked; and those for major-general Graham's division on the 20th and 21st; and they arrived off Batz on the 24th. The corps of brigadier-general Rottenburgh, and the light battalions of the German Legion, preceded to join the earl of Rosslyn's division in South Beveland.

From this statement, your majesty will see that notwithstanding every effort on my part with the admiral, the armament was not assembled at the point of its destination till the 25th, and of course that the means of commencing operations sooner against Antwerp were never in my power.

It now became at this advanced period, my duty to consider very seriously the expediency of lantling the army on the continent. On comparing all the intelligence obtained as to the strength of the enemy, it appeared to be such as to leave (as stated in my dispatch of the 29th of August) no reasonable prospect of the force under my command, after accomplishing the preliminary operations of reducing Fort Lillo as well as Liefkenshoeck, on the opposite side of Antwerp, without the pos session of which the destruction of the ships and arsenals of the enemy could not be effected; and in addition to this, the sickness which had begun to attack the army about the 20th, and which was hourly increasing to an alarming extent, created the most serious apprehensions in the minds of the medical men, as to its further progress, at that unhealthy season, and which fatal experience has since shown to have been but to well founded.

Your majesty will not be surprised if, under these circumstances, I paused in requiring the admiral to put the army on shore. Th-t a landing might have been made, and that any force that had been opposed to us in the field would have yielded to the superior valour of British troops, I have no doubt; but then, any such success could have been of no avail towards the attainment

tainment of the ultimate object, and there was still less chance that the enemy would have given us the opportunity. Secure in his fortresses, he had a surer game to play; for if ever the army, divided as it must necessarily have been in order to occupy both banks of the river, exposed to the effects of inundation on every side, and with all its communications liable to be cut off, while the force of the enemy was daily and hourly increasing, had once sat down before Antwerp, it is unnecessary for me to point out to your majesty how critical must in a short time have been their situation. But when, added to this, sickness to an alarming extent had begun to spread itself among the troops, and the certain and fatal progress of which, at that season, was but too well ascertained, it appeared to me that all further advance could only tend to commit irretrievably the safety of the army which your majesty had confided to me, and which every principle of military duty as well as the direct tenor of my instructions alike forbade.

In this state of things, I considered that there was left me no alternative, but to pursue the course I have already stated, for your majesty's information, in my dispatch of the 29th of August; and that conduct I now must humbly, but at the same time with perfect confidence, submit to your majesty's judgment.

I shall here close this report; which has, I fear, already detained your majesty but too long; by observing, that wherever it has been necessary for me to advert to the disappointments experienced, through the arrange ments of the admiral, in the naval co-operation i had been taught to expect, I have confined myself to stating the facts; abstaining, as it became me, from all comment, and leaving it to the admiral, in such report as he may make of his proceedings, to bring under your majesty's view the circumstances which may have occasioned them, and, above all, to account for the difficulties which preven ed the investment of Flushing (a point never even doubted of before) as well as to show the obstacles which presented them selves to the early progress of the armament up the West Scheldt, which operation I had always looked upon as the primary object of his instructions, and on the accomplishment of which our best hopes of success, in any of the ulterior objects of the expedition principally, if not wholly, depended. (Signed) [Presented to the King, 14th Feb. 1810.]

CHATHAM, Lieut. Gen.
Oct. 15, 1809.

This narrative, as appears by the king's answer to an address from the House of Commons, was originally presented to his majesty on the 15th of January, with a request that his majesty would not communicate it for the present. On the 10th of February, in consequence of a wish_having been expressed by

the earl of Chatham to correct the same, his majesty returned it to him. The report, as altered, was again tendered to his majesty by the earl of Chatham on the 14th of February, when his majesty directed it to be delivered to the secretary of state. In consequence of these circumstances becoming known, the House of Commons have passed a resolution declaring, that they "saw with regret that any such communication as the narrative of lord Chatham should have been made to his majesty without any knowledge of the other ministers; that such conduct is highly reprehensible, and deserves the censure of the House " effect of this has been, that lord Chatham has resigned all the offices and appointments that he held, and is of course no longer a minister.


Sir Richard Strachan, has, in reply, presented a report to the Admiralty; and in the letter which served for the transmission of it, he observes: "Feeling perfectly conscious that every exertion had been made by me in forwarding the objects of the expedition, and that no blame could be justly imputed to myself or the navy, I could not possibly suspect that lord Chatham, to the irregularity of presenting immediately to his majesty such a paper as that which I have received, had added the impropriety (to use no stronger term) of endeavouring to exculpate himself by private insinuations against the conduct of others; but to assume the privilege of conveying private insinuations to the prejudice of others, from whose knowledge they are studiously con cealed, must prove utterly destructive of all mutual confidence in joint operations of the army and navy. Their lordships will now to be able judge whether there is any foundation for the imputations, that the delays originated with myself, or with any others in the naval service; or whether, during my com. mand on the late expedition, any proceeding on my part has in any respect justified the line of conduct which lord Chatham has thought fit to adopt towards me."

The narrative itself contains many pointed observations, general charges of inaccuracy, and a refutation of the insinuations both against the gallant admiral and the navy, contained in his lordship's statement. In one part sir Richard says: When lord Chatham contends in his statementthat the second point, namely, why the army was not brought up sooner to the destination from whence all its operations were to commence, is purely a naval consideration, his position is certainly true in words, but as certainly incorrect in its implied meaning." The gallant admiral totally denies the assertion that an agreement was entered into for a simultaneous attack by sea and land upon Flushing, for the purpose of avoiding the delay of a regular siege: it was impossible, he says, for such an agreement to

have been made; as under the well-ascertained circumstances of the garrison, it was too desperate an enterprize to be entertained. Sir


[blocks in formation]

In the army estimates for the year 1810, the amount of the land forces, including various miscellaneous services, is 207,089. Regiments in the East Indies, 30,547. Troops and companies for recruiting ditto, 509. Embodied militia, 109,371. Foreign corps, 28,953: making a total of 378,381; from which, if there be deducted 30,547, the amount of the regiments in the East Indies, there will remain a force of 340,835 to be provided for. Of these the expence of the portion for Eng. land is 12,223,2167. 1s. id.; and for Ire. Jand 3,063,8841. 3s. 8d. making a total of 15,287,1007. 5s. 43.

146,146 2 8

46,479 8 3

9,332 7 5

9,850 12


8,048 0 0

73,589 8 9

28,393 0 5

9,436 13 7

9,436 13 7

64,202 16 10

184,781 13 11

280,966 10


155,753 0

2,957 17


834,275 10 7

land for 1808, is 379,7431. which exceed. that of 1800 by 237,7071.

The quantity of foreign corn and flour im ported into Great Britain from the 10th of October 1809, to the 5th of January following, is 217,546 quarters of grain, and 72,755 cwt. of meal and flour.

The aggregate quantity of corn and flour imported into Great Britain in 1809, is 1,482,758 quarters of the former, and 565,938 cwt. of the latter; of which were imported from Ireland, 853,556 quarters of corn, and 74,993 cwt. of flour; and from all other countries 629,292 quarters of the former, and

The amount of the assessed taxes in Scot- 490,945 cwt. of the latter.

INCIDENTS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS, IN AND NEAR LONDON: With Biographical Memoirs of distinguished Characters recently deceased.

ATa Court of Common Council held on Wednesday, March 14th, the committee of city lands presented a report and plans for the removal of Smithfield market. A long debate took place, and on a division there were for the removal 79, against it 76; so that it was carried to remove the market to a field between Sadler's Wells and Islington; a change on which the inhabitants of the metropolis may be congratulated.

On Tuesday, March 13th, at half-past one o'clock in the morning, a fire broke out in

the house of Mr. Noyes, sadler, in Dukestreet, Aldgate, which was first discovered by the watchman going his rounds, and on his giving the alarm, Mrs. Noyes, who slept in the third story, with difficulty escaped to the top of the house, and from thence into a window of the next house; but a servantmaid who was following her, and a child, the grand-daughter of Mr. Noyes, were both engulphed in the flames, and perished.

ihe same morning, at three o'clock, a fire broke out at a tallow-chandler's shop, in


-Holles-street, Clare-market, which raged with such violence, that in an hour the whole of the premises, together with an adjoining house, were destroyed. The inhabitants had no time to save any of their effects, and three persons lost their lives. The bodies of an elderly man and his wife have been dug out of the ruinst another person, an inmate in the house in which the fire broke out, is still missing, supposed to have perished. The second floor of the tallow-chandler's house was inhabited by a widow and her daughter, in a sickly state, who was removed with great difficulty, and died in a few minutes after leaving the house, in her mother's



At Putney, John Pooley Kensington, esq. banker, of Lonibard-street, to Anne, eldest daughter of the late Rev. Edmund Rawlins, of Pophill's-house, Warwickshire, and rector of Dorsington, Glocestershire.

At St. Martin's, the Rev. Randolph Kripe, to Harriot, third daughter of the late Thomas Willard, esq. of East Bourne.

Mr. Fleming Cooke, youngest son of the late William C. esq. one of the Directors of the Bank of England, to Catharine, second daughter of Robert Burchall, esq. of Walthamstow.

At St. George's, Hanover-square, E. Vernon, esq. of Dee Bank, Cheshire, to the youngest daughter of the Rev. J. Morrice, of Flower, Northamptonshire.

At St. James's, Mr. T. F. Dollman, of Craven-street, to lane, eldest daughter of Francis Dollman, esq. of Gower-street. George Wilson, esq. of Saville-row, to Anna, eldest daughter of the late sir John Taylor, bart.

At Greenwich, H. Munn, esq. of the Madras establishment, to Miss Hood, third daughter of William H. esq of Blackheath.

At Mary-le bone, Edward Darell, esq. eldest son of Henry D. esq. of Cale Hill, Kent, to Mary Ann, only daughter of the late Thomas Bullock, esq-Henry Duke Loftus, esq. to Miss Loftus, daughter of Lient. Ceneral L-Thomes Duffield, esq. fellow of Merton College, Oxford, to Emily Frances, only child of George Elwes, esq.


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In Queen-street, Westminster, Jane, the wife of Gilbert Satton, esq. a lady whose heart was fraught with benevolence, of the strictest integrity, and most honourable principles. Her loss is sincerely regretted by all who knew her; to her husband and infant daughter the blow is severely afflictive.

In Hanover-street, Hanever-square, Loren 20, youngest son of L. Stable, esq.

In Baker-street North, Ms. Hankin, widow of George II. esq. of Hanstead, Herts. In Fenchurch-street, Ambrose Weston, esq.


At Hackney, David Powell, esq. in the 85th year of his age.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

In Cleveland-street, St, James's, the Hon. Mrs. Elliott, wife of the Hon. William E. and eldest daughter of sir William A Court, bart. She was married about a year ago, and died in child-birth.

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John Lyn, esq. barrister of the Middle Temple, 33. He was author of several useful and ingenious publications, as well as poetic effusions; and though many have been so well received by the public as to call for repeated editions, he would never willingly, even to his most intimate friends, avow himself to be the author of them.

In King-street, Gloucester place, Mrs. Slater, relict of Gill S. esq. 74.

In Charles-street, St. James's-square, John Twycross, esq of Bath, son of the late Aiderman T. of Warwick.

In Blandford-street, Lieutenant-colonel Adam Howden, of the East India Company's service.

The Rev. Neville Stow, one of the fellows of Dulwich College, and formerly of TrinityCollege, Cambridge, B.A. 1759, M.A. 1766, aged 75.

Ezekiel Delight, esq. eldest son of the late Ezekiel D esq. of Norwich.

In Hatton Garden, James Maxe, esq.

Townley Ward, esq. of Henrietta-street, Covent Garden, and Monkey Island, Berks, solicitor, and one of the oldest and most eminent practitioners in the profession, 67. Не was the son of the Rev. Henry Ward, by Ja net, his wife, one of the three daughters and co-heiresses of Henry Townley, late of Dutton-hall, in the county of Lancaster, esq. Mr. Ward commenced business in Henriettastreet, in the year 1766, and his eminent abilities, aided by a persevering disposition and strong mind, acquired him that distinction in his profession, which he main ained to his Jast moments.

In politics, he was a staunch whig, and early in life became a member of the whig club, and a zealous supporter of the cause; he took a very active part in Mr. Fox's first election for Westminster, and his zeal was unabated when in conjunction with Edmund Burke, esq. and other disting


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