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sen. The island was about two miles in length and one in breadth, and was, although flat, somewhat more elevated above the surface of the sea, than the contiguous island of Elizabeth. The Dutch, when in possession of the Cape, kept a guard of twenty-four men on Bos sen; and it was employed as a place of banishment for criminals, to the number of from seventy to a hundred, who dug lime stone to supply materials for the buildings on the adjacent continent. No women were then permitted to reside here, not even the wife of the port-master. It was not allowed that strangers should visit it, since a Danish ship which had lost great part of her crew, and was refused assistance at the Cape, sent a boat on shore, dispersed the guard, and received on board as many malefactors as were necessary to navigate her to Europe. At the southern extremity of the island, a flag was hoisted on the approach of any vessel.


M. VAUQUELIN, in the name of the Committee of the Chemical Arts, has lately reported on a manufacture of tallow for candies, professed to be purified from all animal substances of an injurious nature, to be free from all moisture, and not at all discolored. "The tallow," says he, "which I carefully examined, is demi-transparent, perfectly dry, and sonorous. It is indeed so very dry, that when a blade of iron is passed over it, only lightly touching it, it gives an extremely lively phosphoric light, occasioned, according to all appearance, by an electric motion; for when this tallow is recently melted, and the surrounding air is extremely dry, the mere passing of the hand on it is sufficient to produce sparks. The dryness of this tallow is still farther demonstrated by its perfect transparency when melted: at the temperature of boiling water, neither bubbles nor clouds are discernible. This tallow, it is affirmed, may be kept without any discoloration or rancidity for two years. The candles made of it are extremely white, their light is very pure, they emit little or no smoke, they do not gutter or run, and require snuffing less frequently than others. They are about five per cent. higher in price than those of common manufacture."

M. TARENNI has discovered, that the slimy juice of snails is a specific for the cure of hernia, when the ruptured part can be returned, and it is not dangerous to confine it in the body. When this

point is ascertained, he directs that a truss be made, having the ball at the end concave instead of convex, as usual, for the reception of a cup of equal diameter with the orifice of the hernia. The cup must be of porcelain, glass, or earthenware, that the liquor may not penetrate it, or undergo any alteration; and the edges of it should be turned, that they may not incommode the patient. It is to be filled with wool, which must be changed every other day. Two, three, or four, hundred snails are then to be procured, and kept in a place where they can procure food, as only two or three, or if they are small, six or eight, are to be used every day. The patient, before he rises, and after he has been in bed, removes the cup from the truss, and pricks the snail in different places with a pin. From each wound the snail gives out, through the opening in his shell, sometimes a bluish, sometimes a grey, liquid, which must be caught on the wool in the cup. If only a thick froth oozes out, the snail must be thrown aside, and another taken in his stead. The cup being sufficiently filled with liquor, must always be placed exactly in the same si tuation, on the afected part, then covered with a white linen cloth, and the ball of the truss applied on it. The latter must be sufficiently tight, to prevent the fluid from escaping. During this treatment, which will last three or four months, or more, the only precauti ons necessary to be taken are to shave the part once in four days, and not to leave it long uncovered for fear of cold. If the cup rubs off the skin, it must be removed till the place is healed. In this case the patient may remove the truss altogether at night, if it can be done without danger; and in the day-time he may wear it dry, filling the cavity with wool, and covering the hernia with a bit of cloth. By this treatment, a common hernia may be cured in two, three, or at most four, months; after which, however, the patient should continue to wear the truss for six weeks, or two months, till the wound is sufficiently healed, to permit the muscles to resume their natural action.

M. AMATUS GOUJON BONPLAND, the companion of M. Von Humboldt, in bis travels, has been appointed chief inspec tor of the domain of Malinaison, with a considerable salary. He will probably continue the splendid work, entitled, "Le Jardin de Malmaison," interrup:cd by the death of Ventenat, as soon as de


second part of his "Plantes Equinoxiales" is finished.

In the second part of M. VoN HUMBOLDT's collection of Astronomical Observations, he has given the latitude and longitude of a great number of places, which he determined during his travels along the Oronoko, Atabapo, Tuamini, Temi, Cassiquiale, and Rio Negro. Maps of this portion of the South American continent, that is of the Oronoko, the river Magdalen, the province of Joren de Bracomorros, and of the western part of the river of Amazons, which M. Von Humboldt took on the spot, and made drawings of in the years 1801-1802, during his residence at Quito and Mexico, are in the hands of the engraver. With these the author intends to publish the bases of his maps, and various astronomical and geographical enquiries, by M. Oltmanns. The third part of the same collection contains the elevation of five undred points of Spanish America, which M. Von Humboldt determined by means of the barometer.


Petersburgh, Dec. 6.-A merchant has sent to Petersburgh from the coasts of the Frozen Sea, the head of an animal of extraordinary size, and in very perfect preservation. This head has been presented to the emperor by the minister for commerce: and his majesty has rewarded the merchant with a gold medal.

In the government of Simbitsk, in the circle of Korssun, four versts from the crown village Kassaur, there is a district where the earth has been burning for three years, No fire is seen; but much smoke, which issues at various places. The ground sinks in sensibly; and on pressing it at the edges, flames burst out. The inhabitants of Kassaur say, that not far from that place, the earth had burned in the same manner twelve years ago, and had become extinguished of itself. Where the ground was dug into, a spring of water was found.


minutes after five in the evening, a rather violent shock of an earthquake was felt throughout Vienna, and its suburbs. In most of the houses, objects that did not stand firm were thrown down, the bells rang, and all the effects usual on such occasions, were observable. At the observatory, Mr. Triesnecker noticed the following particulars of this phenomenon:-The duration of the shock was about a minute. There were two very distinct oscillations in the direction of from south-west to north-east, and reciprocally: the wind was north-northeast. Reaumur's thermometer stood at eleven and a half degrees below zero, and the barometer twenty-eight inches six and a half lines. Of three pendulum clocks, one was stopped; the other two continued going: their isochronism only was deranged.

M. SIMON, of Berlin, has recently made some experiments on the laws of electric repulsión. Coulomb, by means of the torsion of wire in his electrical balance, seems to have ascertained that the electrical repulsion is in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance. To prove this law to his audience by a more simple and firm apparatus, M. Simon constructed a pair of scales, all the parts of which were made of glass, and coated with gum lac. Though inferior in sensibility to Coulomb's apparatus, it appears sufficiently sensible for experiments of this kind, since each degree of deviation of the tongue of the balance from 0, was equal to the weight of 04 of a grain. The result of M. Simon's experiments, the circumstances of which he varied in every possible way, was, that the electric repulsion was in the simple inverse ratio of the distance. In trials with the gold leaf, electrameter, this law was established with still more precision, than in those which he made with the pith balls. It is to be observed, that Volta has always denied the truth of Coulomb's law; and asserted that experiments with the electrophorus, show the electric repulsion and attrac tion to be simply in the inverse ratio of

On the 14th of January, at fifty-three the distance.


Three Sonatas, for the Piano-forte. Composed and dedicated to Lady Armitage, by J. A. Dahmen.


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passages are well disposed for the band of the tyro. To say that they are pleasing would be scarcely doing justice to their merit: some of the ideas are at once original and beautiful; and the whole evinces a taste for this species of composition, much above mediocrity.

A second

A second Grand Bugle-born Piece, or Sixth Troop. Composed and Inscribed to John Smith, Esq. by George Guest, of Wisbech. 35. This troop is published for, clarinets, flutes, horns, trumpet, bugle-horn, bassoons, serpent, side drum, and bass -drum, with an adaptation for the pianoforte. The passages are spirited and connected; and the score is so arranged as to evince an intimate knowledge of, the characters and powers of the various instruments it includes, and of their combined effects, while the adaptation for the piano-forte much increases the value of the publication.

Three Sonatas for the Piano-forte, with an Accompaniment (ad libitum) for a Flute or Violin. Composed and Inscribed to the Right Hon. Viscount Hampden, by Wm. Slapp. 75. 6d.

In these sonatas, which are enriched by the introduction of several excellent and genuine Scotch airs, we find many agreeable and well-constructed passages. The prevailing features of the original matter are those of familiarity and simplicity: nevertheless, science and execution are occasionally displayed, and the general effect is both forcible and florid.

Six Sonatas for the Piano-forte, selected from the Works of Giordani, Gluck, Vento, Rauzzini, &c. Arranged and Dedicated to Miss Eyre, by H. C. Corf. 55.

This selection of sonatinas is highly creditable to Mr. Corfe's judgment, and will prove a useful acquisition to young practitioners on the instrument for which it is intended. Some of the pieces are uncommonly attractive; and all will be acceptable to those who possess taste, or are anxious to improve their finger.


The Rose; a Ballad, for two Voices, with an
Accompaniment for the Piano-forte and Harp-
Lute. Written, Composed, and Inscrib.d, to
Miss Gossling, by John Parry. 15.

Mr. Parry (the editor of the Welsh Melodies,), has displayed in this ballad some taste for vocal composition.

It is evidently intended as a trille; and we are justified in pronouncing it a pleasing


A Grand March, for the Piano-forte. Dedicated to Lord Cathcart and Admiral Gambier, by Goulding, Phipps, D'Aimaine, and Co. 2s. This march, which has the recommendations of a violin accompaniment, and the introduction of "Rule Britannia," is bold and energetic in its style, and is not MONTHLY MAG, No. 196.

The alle

uncharacterised by novelty.
gretto movement, by which it is succeed-
ed, is conceived with vivacity; and so
well did it merit to be announced in the
title-page, that we think its omission
there impolitic.

Lord Cathcart; a favorite Dance, arranged as a
Rondo for the Piano-forte, by M. Holst.
1s. 6d.

This is a pleasant little exercise; and calculated to improve the finger, as well as please the ear, of the piano-forte student. For any striking novelty or specimens of science we can never reasonably look for in productions of this nature; but, as far as their general merit extends, the present rondo may fairly put in its claims.

The Warrior; sung by Mr. Bellamy. Composed with an Accompaniment for the Piano-forte. Inscribed to Mrs. Wildman, by Joseph Major.

1s. 6d.

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"Mr. P. O." is a humourous little effort, in which Mr. Parry has done what his subject required. The melody is light, free, obvious, and easy of attainment. The pause, introduced for the accommodation of the words that are spoken, is well managed, and the effect of the whole is good.

"Summer" a Pastoral Divertisement for the

Piano-forte. Composed by M. P. King. 2s. Mr. King has exhibited much taste in this ittle production. It consists of two movements; the first of which is in the compound common time of six quavers,



and the second in common time of two crotchets. The subject of the former is remarkably pretty, and the latter, consisting of "summer heats," is arranged with considerable contrivance and judg


Messrs. Samuel Wesley, and Charles Frederic Horn, are preparing for the press a new edition of the first twelve Preludes and Fugues of Sebastian Rach. They are to be published by subscription; and the ingenions editors promise to

bring them out in a manner superior both in point of perspicuity and exactness, to any of the copies that have been procured from the continent." Among other advantages announced in the proposals, are those of the number of parts in which every fugue is composed, being pointed out to the young student, and the introduction of explanatory marks to show whether the subject is pursued directly, inversely, by diminution, or by augmentation.

STATE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS IN FEBRUARY. Containing official Papers and authentic Documents.

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There is to be a Supreme Administrative Council, to consist of 32 Members, and four presidents. His Majesty the Emperor presides in person, when present at their meetings, and when absent, appoints a Com missioner, who is to be changed every year. The Commissioner for the present year is Count Romanzow. The whole of the Administrative Council, consisting of 36 per sons, is divided into four section, viz.-1st. Of Legislation; 2nd. Of the Administration of Justice, in spiritual and temporal affairs; 3rd. Of Military Affairs, by sea and land; and 4th. Of Internal Economy, comprising the finances, commerce, manufactures, agriculture, medical superintendance, public instruction, &c. Each of these four sections has a distinct President, and there is to be one Imperial Secretary for the whole. The chief Director of the Chancery is to be Imperial Secretary. He is the bearer of all communications between the Monarch, the Supreme Council, the respective sections thereof, and the Colleges of Government. He also receives all petitions addressed to the Emperor. The existing Ministerial offices are to be retained, but to be subordinate to the Supreme Council.


The Presidents of the four sections are, Count Sawadowsky, Prince Lopucnin, Count Araktschejef, and M. Mordwinoff, formerly

Minister of Marine, The Minister for the Home Department has requested permission to resign, and Baron Von Campenhicepa is appointed Imperial Treasurer in the place of M. Golubzoff.


The Treaty of Peace between Sweden and


France, was signed on the 6th of January, by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Duke of Candore, and the Swedish Plenipotentiary, Count Essen, and Baron Lagerbeilke; it was immedia ely sent off by M. Von Krassow. The conditions are as follow:-Pomerania is restored to Sweden; France guarantees the present possession of the Crown of Sweden. Sweden accedes to the Continental system, yet with the exception of salt, which may be imported. The exportation of goods from

Swedish harbours in Swedish bottoms is free: te contributions, imposed in Swesish Pame rania, but not yet paid, are remitted; the grants made by the French Emperor in Swedish Pomerania are to be confirmed, Spain, Holland, Naples, and the Confederacy of the Rhine, are included in this treaty of peace; all Swedish ships taken or sequestrated since the accession of King Charles XIII. to the Swedish throne, shall be restored with their cargoes (colonial produce excepted); the an cient relations of commerce between the two

kingdoms are to be restored, and the merchants shall be treated in both countries as the most favoured nations; the prisoners of war shall be returned in a mass, and the ratifications shall be exchanged within 50 days at latest.


the intelligence from the French Empire Little of importance has occurred in during the last month, which we shall not have rather to state under the names of other countries. The new matrimonial views of Bonaparte appear to be directed to a sister of the Emperor of Russia, and it is said that other important marriages will take place on the occasion. It is expected that Bonaparte will not set out for Spain till after the adjustment and celebration of the union.

The Moniteur, in some long and coarse remarks on the King's Speech, at the opening of the present Session of Parliament, makes the following statement on the result of our late expedition:

"The mischief done by the English in the Island

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Island of Walcheren, is estimated at about 400,000 francs (about 16,700l. sterling); but they have repaired the fortifications of Flushing on the land side, and left them in the best condition. The expense thereby incurred, is estimated by our engineers at 600,000 francs (25,000l.). They have left behind, balls, bombs, and pieces of ordnance, and suffered a great number of their ships to be taken: several of them were laden with clothes; fifteen thousand coats were found in one of them. On calculating the value of these different articles, and taking every thing into account, it will be found that our losses are nearly balanced by our gains; at

least, the former do not exceed the latter by 50,000 francs. The mines made to blow up the sluice of the large basin of Flushing were constructed with such ignorance or precipitancy, that they did not effect their purpose; they have not even damaged the ground. beams, which makes a difference of a million. Had they injured the ground beams, two years' labour, and an expense of two millions, would have been required to render it possible for ships to enter the basin, while now 300,000 francs and six months' time, will be sufficient to put, the sluice into a serviceable condition. On hearing this Speech, should we not be induced to think that the arsenals and dock-yards of Flushing are the arsenals and dock-yards of Brest? The dock-yards, the arsenals, and port of the Scheldt, are at Antwerp, and not in Flushing; but one 64gun ship and a frigate were on the stocks in Flushing. The English have taken these two ships to pieces, but left us the timber. The expedition of the English has produced one favourable result: it has removed all doubt on the possibility of ships of the line, completely armed, sailing at the Scheiat. We have now such an accurate knowledge of that river, that our squadron has arrived at Antwerp armed, and has come there to moorings perfectly safe. The basin of Antwerp will be finished in the course of this year; and thirty sail of the line can be a-float there, perfectly sheltered from the ice. Our ships will, in future, set sail from Antwerp completely armed, and having their provisions, water, and artillery, on board.

Palace of Thuilleries, Jun. 20, 1810.— Napoleon, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Protector of the Rhenish League, and Mediator of the Helvetic Confederation-Desiring to provide for the security of the northern frontiers of our Empire, and to place out of danger our dock-yards and arsenal at Antwerp, 'we have decreed as follows:-

Article 1st.-An army shall be formed, to be called the Army of Brabant

2nd. All the country situated between the Meuse and Scheldt, and the Sea, shall compose the territory of the said army.

3rd. All the French and allied troops,

either naval or military, within this compass, shall form part of the army of Brabant.'

4th. The fortresses situated between the Meuse and the Scheldt shall be placed in a state of siege.

5th. The military commanders, and French authorities in Holland, are required to conform to the present orders.

6th. The Minister of War is charged with the execution of the present Decree. (Signed) NAPOLEON.


The conquest of Spain is now nearly completed. The French armies, by a series of rapid movements, have passed the Sierra Morena, taken Seville, advanced into Andalusia, and threaten Cadiz, the last refuge of the discomfited patriots.

The following Letter from the Duke of Dalmatia, to the Prince of Wagram and Neufchate!, contains some of the details.

I have not yet received an official account of the artillery, ammunition, and magazines, which the enemy left us at Jaen. I have only learnt that there are 44 pieces of cr.non, half battering, and the rest field artillery. There are also 6000 muskets, a great deal of amenition, and considerable magazines. At Cordova we also found 6000 muskets, and a cannon foundery, from which the artillery will, derive great advantage. The enemy evacuated Castille and Bocar, leaving behind four eight-pounders and a howitzer. He also abandoned six more in the mountains; so that, since the passage of the Sierra Morena, the Imperial army has taken eighty pieces of cannon. I shall have the honour of sending an account of all that has been taken, to your serene Highness, so soon as I receive it.

General Sebastiani was to march this day from Jaen on Grenada. I have received no intelligence from him these two days; but his preparatory movement must have been finished yesterday evening.

The division of General Latour Manbourg is this day at Leva; the infantry of the first corps of the army at Rambla and La Carlota. To-morrow, the whole of the first corps will be at the other side of the Leva, on the road to Seville. The fifth corps will unite at Ecija, where his Majesty intends to fix his head quarters to morrow.

ville. Hopes are entertained that the inhabitants will make no resistance, and that we shall reach it before Albuquerque's division, and the troops of the Duke del Parque, which we are informed have been ordered from Es

The king is determined to march on Se

tremadura and the banks of the Tagus. Should we get there before them, it is probable that the fall of Seville will be followed by the surrender of Cadiz, where they cannot be yet in a state of defence, and that we shail thus obttin possession of the Spanish fleet.


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